Ice Storm

So very cold, a bone-numbing, mind-numbing chill that tears and rips at you. Aye when a Sapphire Magister decides they've had enough, they can be more devastating than one might ever imagine.


Basic Effects: Weaving and swirling the flows of Uisce into a glittering Sapphire maelstorm of sorts in the Aether, you create such turbulence and manifest it forth into the Material Realm with the devastating force of a small and concentrated ice storm. Visibility within the area of effect becomes zero. Ranged attacks into or from within become impossible due to the visibility and the wild winds. The snow and ice comes down in sheets, turning the area the storm is over into a natural hazard, the ground flash freezing into basically an ice sheet. Movement requires an Agility Defensive Test. If a target fails, they fall prone. Even on a success, they treat it as difficult terrain. Any creature that starts their turn within the storm must also attempt to get their bearings with a Sagacity Defensive Test. Should they fail, they have no idea which direction will get them out fastest. Creatures whom end their turn within the storm must make a Toughness Defensive Test. Should they fail, they take 8d6 cold damage and are afflicted with the Slow (1) condition. A successful test takes half damage and does not become afflicted by the Slow condition.

On your turns, at the cost of 1 action, you may move the storm at a speed of 50 feet in any direction. The difficult and icy terrain it creates lasts for the duration of the spell-form even as the storm moves.

Ice-Blooded: Creatures of a Reptilian or Amphibious typing, or any vulnerable to cold damage, such as fire elementals, they measure the damage as 8d10 instead.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase Damage by 2d6 or 2d10 as appropriate, inflicts Slow (2) Condition

Tier III Effects: Increase damage by 2d6 or 2d10 as appropriate, inflicts Immoblized Condition.


Elize focused, knowing the Yuan-ti were closing in on them. She could hear them, moving through the undergrowth, she knew that one thing would stop them dead. She could pinpoint a direction now, knowing where they were coming from. Weaving the magick, she took a grip on the maelstorm of Sapphire Manna, and guided it into the Material Realm. The shock of the evil snake folk was complete when suddenly, in the midst of their warm and comfortable jungle home, an ice storm roared to life. Plants froze solid, the ground became as if ice, their bodies rapidly began to freeze, and even that brief an exposure to such cold, as the foul beasts retreated as swiftly as they could, left no less than five of them dead from exposure within the storm.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 27, Tier II: 32, Tier III: 37
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
1000 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A point you can see in range, the effect has a radius of 50 feet out from that point.


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