
A practiced performer can improvise any role, at any time, and enact it with skill, convincing commitment, and full passion.


Perform TN: 18, Tier II; 23, Tier III; 28

Performance Time: 1 minute

Duration: Maintained up to 4 hours

Range: Self

Target: Self

Base Effects: Via a quick but brilliant costume change, seeming almost as magick, and a well studied actor's knowledge, you swiftly seem to almost become as someone else. You change your appearance and begin to behave with the appropriate mannerisms. The person you become with this ego enhanced disguise must be someone known to you, someone you have spent at least twelve hours around in the past. This grants you +10 to all rolls attached to maintaining this facade as well as letting you start any social interaction with those you are interacting with believing you are the person you are portraying as a baseline.

Tier II Effects: Can be maintained up to 8 hours

Tier III Effects: Can be maintained up to 12 hours.


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