Inner Empowerment

We all have hidden potential, all a Diamond Magister truly does is help others tap into it.


Basic Effects: Tapping into your own psyche, and then weaving this spell form outwards over yourself and your chosen target(s), you tap into hidden potential, bringing it forward in both of you, empowering the mind and soul. All affected targets gain +2 to their Persona attribute and to one other Attribute of your choice for the duration. You may choose a different attribute for each target.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may target one additional creature, and all targets gain Regen (5+your Persona Boost).

Tier III Effects: You may target one additional creature, and the bonus becomes +4


Annabella felt her muscles tighten and bulge, she felt a sudden inner strength rush through her blood, even as in full fury, she rushed forward at the Tauri, her zweihander singing, unconcerned about the beast's size advantage. She heard Hana's concerned calls, but they did not slow her, and she felt her sister's empowering magick coursing through her, as her blade bit deep into the monstrous bull headed beastman's hip, slashing through muscle and biting deep into the ball of its femur, the audible crunching and cracking merely an invitation to keep fighting. Caring little for defense, knowing the danger she was in, she ripped free the blade, ignoring and somehow keeping her feet stubbornly even as the Tauri slammed its battle axe down, utterly destroying her mail coif and likely cracking her skull. She felt the warm flow of blood, but did not care, lashing out again, another mighty blow aimed for the same leg. This time she near severed it, and as the creature tumbled, her blade flashed upwards, opening its throat.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 16, Tier II: 21, Tier III: 26
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
30 feet
Applied Restriction
Targets: Yourself and up to one other creature you choose in range


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