Iraith, the Tireless Hate

The skies redden before you as the strange shimmering surface, the crack glass look of what you know to be a tear in reality suddenly and violently shatters with enough force to rip trees from the root, to topple nearby ruins and structures and to certainly throw you all prone. The Void rift is not the swirling mess of colors and chaos you expect however. No it is made of screams, blood, bone, and thunderous cheering. Striding forth from this brutal gash upon reality, the blood soaked and scarred leg of bone, flayed flesh, and barbed and hooked metal steps forth. Another step, the entity straining the stability of the rift to the breaking point, as the Rift in reality gives way with an audible tearing sound, like flesh being torn asunder by some brutal torture instrument. As handfuls of horrors and terrors, simple beasts of wrath, blood and violence stride and fly forth shrieking with glee, the form of the titan becomes visible as it escapes, stepping forth into reality.

Tower height, easily some fifteen feet tall, with four muscular, brutalized and blood soaked arms, all wrapped in viciously serrated and barbed steel-like wire. A face of sinew, torn and rended flesh, proud scars, with eyes of pure hate, wrath, violence and bloodlust. Its legs and feet seeming as if towers, its steps cracking stone. Blood soaked wings of woven hides, the skin and tissue of his arena victims, screaming and moaning in eternal agony and with endless rage unfurl from its shoulders. In one mighty hand a vicious sawtoothed blade near seven feet in length, in the other a brutal but simple hammer, massive the head easily weighing near as much as an adult dwarf. In the other two hands two lengths of blood and marrow soaked spiked and hooked chains and manacles, seemingly crafted of some sort of black iron and humanoid vertebrae. His maw a smile revealing shark like teeth nearly the size of hunting knives. His fury and bloodlust seems to emanate forth, a pressure pushing and exerting upon your own egos, trying to drive you into an unthinking and frenzied rage, a thing that would undoubtedly result in certain death.

"Ahh, but it feels good to be back. The Material Realm has bled far to little in recent millenia. How I have longed for and missed the sounds of bones snapping, flesh rending, and mortals dying their last, rage ridden and screaming defiantly, hopelessly. Now let my hate and rage consume. Let them bleed, let them break, let them burn, and let them die." the beast speaks with a voice that can only be described as cold, feral, and like iron. "Let them tremble and be consumed by their anger, and let them come forth to death in blood and battle. For Iraith, the Tireless Hate, once again strides the Material Realm, and I will see this realm burn and drown in blood and bone!"

Iraith, the Tireless Hate is one of the eight Avatars of the Void, one of the eight first born Nightmares, the child of Iracundia, of the realm and Void God of Wrath, Violence, Bloodshed, Rage and Slaughter. This entity is rarely spoken of, and even more rarely spoken of in a factual manner, as with most quasi-religious folklore, however it is all to real. Like all the Avatars, its missions are twofold. To keep the hierarchy and the entities of the Raging Maelstrom, Iracundia's domain, and the Hateful Pit, the great arena where those dragged to this realm of the Void fight to the death over and over with each other endlessly to eventually establish some sort of hierarchy, their souls eventually corrupting enough to twist into horrors, terrors or even Nightmares. Also to seek any way and opportunity to breach into reality, and unleash the endless Rage and Violence of Iracundia upon the world it finds.


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