Ire of the Gods

Though it may be safer for those around them, I am not wholly convinced that this Divine Power stuff is safer for Priests and their ilk than the Arcane Arts are for the magisters. Not after some of what I've seen happen. The Ascended protect, this is true, but they are also a demanding sort, all of 'em and take nae to kindly to mistakes or breaches of conduct.

Arwol Vin'sarvi, religious scholar


Much like Magisters, if a Priest or Templar or their ilk mess up when calling upon Divine Power, there can be a price. When trying to call upon Prayers, one is at a risk of insulting or otherwise upsetting the god in question, and as such, much like Spell-Weaving, Praying has bracketed outcomes as well. If you roll a natural 20 of course, you access one tier higher of the power that you were going to be granted anyway, and should you already have been accessing that tier, you double any one numeric value (targets, damage/healing, duration, range, area of effect) of that power. If you succeed the roll without a natural 20, or roll dead even on the TN, you call upon the power successfully. Should you roll less than the TN of the Prayer you were trying to calll upon, you roll on the Ire of the Gods table below, reducing the roll by your level and Persona Boost (though the lowest you can bring the roll to is in fact 1, you cannot get the roll to a zero) and the noted event occurs, however you still call upon the Prayer successfully. Should you roll a natural 1, you do not manifest the Divine Power, and you roll on the Ire of the Gods, though this time you do not reduce the result of the roll by anything and the noted event occurs.

Ire of the Gods Table

d100 roll Ire Event: Brief Effect Description
01-09 Immediate Penance: For 1 round you lose your ability to use a Reaction, having to make immediate verbal penance to your diety.
10-14 A Harrowing Reminder: You are rebuffed with a brief peer into the Void, reminding you why your faith must be iron. You become Frightened (1)
15-19 Befuddled Visions: Your attempts to call upon aid only garner glimpses of seemingly random unconnected events and faces you do not know. You are Confused (1).
20-29 Searing Rebuttal: Your call for aid is meant with a rush of irritation given form as a searing wave of pain and heat. Take 1d10 fire damage.
30-39 Cold Shoulder: For 1 round, your diety just seems unable to hear you, though you sense they can, they are merely ignoring you.
40-49 Forceful Penance: Forcing you into a panicked response, you immediately and fervantly begin begging forgiveness. You are Slow (1) for for 2 rounds, spending the action lost praying for forgiveness.
50-59 A Terrifying Rebuke: You see visions of your diety's displeasure with you, and immediately become Frightened (2).
60-69 Addled Mind: The response of your diety is so utterly beyond your comprehension it leaves you in a disoriented and deteriorated mental state. You take 1d10 psychic damage and are Confused (2).
70-79 A Furious God: The response you recieve is one of anger and destructive echoes within your mind. You take 1d10 Thunder damage and are Stunned (2).
80-74 Blocked Connection: You not only recieve no response you are acutely aware your diety did not hear you. You lose access to Blessings and Prayers for 1 day (28 hours).
85-89 Corrupting Influence: Your diety did not hear you and did not respond, but something else did. You need to make a Toughness Defensive Test or a Sagacity Defensive Test (GM chooses) against your own casting TN to avoid suffering a mutation.
90-96 Repent, Sinner!: Somehow some way you have pissed off your diety enough that you need to seek true penance. Until such a time as you spent 3 days in meditative prayer and recieve a vision quest, a holy directive from on high, you are cut off from accessing your Divine Powers.
98-99 Temptation: Your prayer is answered, but not by divinity. It is answered by a Nightmare, whom was able to utilize your desperate pleas and the calls of your spirit, latching on to you to attempt to possess you. You must make a Sagacity Defensive Test, and if you fail, you are possessed.
100 Called to Account: A Priest, Templar, or any other holy individual whom rolls this the first time will be brought directly to see their diety, or at least a recognizable saint, in their divine realm. They will be given a quest with a strict deadline, an ardous task they must attempt and complete within the strict (but accomplishable) deadlines. Should they fail their powers are lost forever. If this is their second time in this situation there is no redemption, they just lose their powers.


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