
The simplest version of the explosive booby trap, one designed to be just a volatile compound that if touched, it will detonate.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Craft DC: 17, Tier II; 22, Tier III; 27

Range: Adjacent

Duration: Instant

Basic Effects: This device is planted, partially buried, or even fully buried, but no more than four inches below the surface of the ground. It is a pressure activated device that stays armed permanently. It has a 10 foot blast radius, Dangerous (1). Once a target steps on it, it detonates with tremendous force, dealing 2d10 piercing and bludgeoning damage and throwing the creature that stepped on it prone if that creature is medium sized or smaller. Any other creature inside the blast radius must make a Power Save. If failed they take full damage and are also thrown prone, if successful they stay standing and take only half damage. This is a rare flat save, meaning critical failure just doubles damage, critical success just takes no damage, no other effects. If stepped on by a Creature of Large size or larger, they instead break the device, their weight to heavy for it.

Rank II Effects: Learning to construct a more durable yet just as sensitve pressure based trigger, it now will not break unless the creature is Huge size or larger. Also now deals 4d10 damage. Blast Radius is 15 feet

Rank III Effects: Damage is now 6d10 and Blast Radius is 20 feet. Also there is no creature big enough to merely break the device, it will always trigger.
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Raw materials & Components


  • 4 ounces of smokepowder

  • 1 large turtle shell

  • 3 pieces of iron bar


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