Lingering Memories

Whilst a Diamond Magister can pierce the veil of the future, they can also, in the right circumstances, see matters of the past. This unique spell-form lets them bear witness as if living the memory themselves, though for it to work there needs to be a lingering strong emotional tie. Pooling of Meanma in the Aether can be a strong indicator of this.


Basic Effects: Weaving the energies of Spirit in a complex shape, targeting your own conscousiness and the energy of Meanma all about you in the area, your essence latches onto and walks among the memory with the strongest emotional tie in the area from the last 28 hours (1 day) and you see it play out before your very eyes, the details clearest that the person who's lingering memory you are piggybacking off of would remember well, the things, people, places they directly interacted with. You do have a level of freedom to inspect and take in details beyond that scope however, able to wander this version of the past and see surrounding information that your tethered memory you are riding did not see. You simply need to stay within 50 feet of the individual who's memory you are living the moment through. This memory could be short or quite long, it depends on the emotional state that caused it to linger, and how strong and long lasting it was.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may now wander up to 100 feet from the primary source of the lingering memory without breaking the spell-form.

Tier III Effects: You may now wander up to 200 feet from the primary source of the lingering memory without breaking the spell-form.


Annabella stood watch over her sister, as Hana sat cross-legged, tears in her eyes, amongst the ruined village. So many dead, so much suffering. Annabella got down on one knee and hugged Hana briefly, not offering any words, just sisterly comfort. Hana brushed her away after a moment, composing herself, and began the spell-weave. Soon enough, she slipped into a trance and the scenery around her changed. Fire and blood, panick welled within her, a little boy's features crystal clear. Fear and terror were thick with him but they were with everyone. With this young man, perhaps 11 or 12, there was a stubborn defiance and determination as well, and she realized why, for in a bundle he was carrying a babe. His baby brother, she could tell in an instant, as his memory filled in the gaps. Snorting and stinking, feral creatures everywhere, screams and death. She caught glimpses of the invaders, fur covered, hooved feet, horns much in attendance. Beastmen, specifically Gorti, the feral goatmen and their ilk. Dozens if not a hundred or more, this tiny frontier village had no chance. She heard the a thunderous snorting and screeching, and she turned, seeing briefly the warband's leader, a massive nine foot tall Tauri, a bull-headed beastman. The memory began to fade, for the boy had either died or escaped into the forest beyond and she did not have the heart to find out which.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 20, Tier II: 25, Tier III: 30
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
10 minutes
Applied Restriction
Special: The duration will last as long as the memory you end up stumbling upon and playing out. During this time your body is vulnerable, as your essence basically leaves your body to wander the Aether, to wander this past memory, tied to the individual you are remembering through. Should you attempt to get to far from them in the memory, so further than 50 feet from them, the spell abruptly ends.


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