Magi-cutter Rounds

One or two of these down range will put any magister, apostate or gods forsaken nightmare in its place, I'll tell you that much. Really quite the innovation, and living as close as we do to the Forgotten Moors, worth the investment for anyone thinking to travel south along the Kele. Incidents may not be common, but they do happen. And its better to have the tools to protect yourself and your own. So I've a batch fresh out the forge, say eight suns for ten rounds, a fair price for favored customer.

A sleazy smithy claiming to be selling true mage-cutter rounds, however as the customer would later find out to their detriment and ultimate demise, some deals are to good to be true.

A technological development in self defense and in military applications first developed by the Magisterium themselves, specifically the Topaz Order, Magi-Cutter rounds are unique because unlike other weapons, even other projectile weapons, it would seem the velocity and force exerted on bullets from a firearm is enough that the ratio of steel to obsidian can be kept low enough as to not interfere with any enchantments or runecrafting done upon the weapon delivery system (the firearm). No other weapon or ammunition has ever been developed where the ratio could be within acceptable levels to both allow magick enchantments and runecrafts to go unaffected and unsurpressed, whilst still providing the desired punch and effect.

The idea of a Magi-Cutter round is simply that the Obsidian present will help punch through any magickal wards, defenses and other effects upon a creature attempting to protect it. They work wonders, and even better than intended perhaps, even able to punch through armors with mild protective enhancements upon them like butter. They are also meant as a delivery system for obsidian into the blood and physical form of a magick wielding creature or individual, and they do this job marvelously well, swiftly inflicting complications and difficulties in wielding any manna at all, as the obsidian and iron round comes apart and the obsidian begins to corrode in the blood/manna stream of the creature. The more rounds one puts in such a creature or individual, the more strained their connection to their ability to wield magick can become. This even works on Voidlings, and with enough rounds and firepower, you could just forcibly sever the magickal tie that keeps them semi-stable on this reality, forcibly dismissing them to the Void.

The problem of course is that Vulcanglas, also known as Obsidian, is rare, precious and expensive. With the birth of the Magicore Engine, and the boom in aviation due to the increasing number of Magnetech Sky-Ships the demands on the Obsidian market are heavy and the material is scarce. This drives prices ever higher, makes the material ever harder and more expensive to acquire as the aeronautic and other tech industries buy it all up, and as such these rounds, when they are real are extremely expensive. Normally they can run as much as five gold suns for a single bullet, or more at the wrong times of year when obsidian supplies are very low. As such, perhaps unsurprisingly fakes are common. The rounds seem as normal steel shot, but with a slight green tinge, and thus with some powdered jade stone they are easily fakeable to the untrained eye. A good test is to bring them near some sort of magick implement and see if it starts acting a little haywire or even just being surpressed. If not they are probably fakes.


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