Magister-Homebrew/Pathfinder 2e hybrid thing

The Magister is meant of course to respresent wizards by comparison for Pathfinder 2e. However the idea of this being compatible homebrew/overlay gets a lot harder for this, as well as the Shaman, Priest and even the Templar because Adventures in Valerick does not use spell slots. Because of this the methods by which the spell-casting works in Valerick is uniquely different, which will be explained of course. Casters have no real hard limit, they simply have a limit of risk. They have what is known as a Manna Pool, which scales with their level, and then Spell-Weaving, a skill who's family is tied to their selection. Magisters all wield magick, none wield Divine power, however they choose at first level if their magicks are Arcane or Primal. Occult is also off the table. This choice is merely a little mechanical, but mostly roleplay as it indicates if they were better academically or more teachable via practical and hands on means during their apprenticeship. Spells cast by burning through their manna pool are simply cast as they are, at the tier as they would be based on their level, with no casting roll, and are stable. However Magisters can attempt to risk spell-weaving, or can continue trying to cast via Spell-Weaving after their Manna Pool is empty, but then are subject to the risks and consequences of a Spell-Weaving roll and the DC for the Tier they are attempting to cast. As such, it would be far harder to really overlay this and the wizard from PF2e, and would need a lot of alteration. However perhaps there could be some crossover of feats or some such. Either way, magick is meant to work differently on Valerick and as such, here is the first real taste of that. Magisters are also unique in that they have 8 specialization paths, known as Orders due to their necessary connection to the Magisterium. All Magisters also must take the background of Magisterium Graduate. Now without further asides, introducing the Magister.

Those whom wield the arcane come in only two true forms in the world of Valerick. Licensed and unlicensed. Those whom are licensed are known as Magisters. They are absolute masters of their craft, focusing on wielding but one flow of manna, and wield it with impressive skill and technique. Beholden to the Magisterium, the organization which enables them to exist, each Order is quite unique in their methods and approaches to training, as well as their actual manifestations, the spell-forms that they can weave. Though all magisters share a few basic spell-weaves that they all share, depending on their Order, they manifest a bit differently. However every order has their own unique spell-weaves that make up the majority of their magick arsenal. Magisters are among some of the rarer sorts as well, with only perhaps 1 in a 50 born with the potential, and of those, perhaps 1 in 50 again able to succeed in the challenges and rigors of the harshness of the Magisterium to achieve their licensing.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Magisters key Attribute is Intelligence

Hit Point Progression: Magisters start play just adding their 4+Constitution Boost their racial wounds to determine their maximum wound total. At 2nd level and every level after that they increase their maximum wounds by 1d6+Constitution Bonus.

Initial Proficiencies

Magisters start play with the following proficiencies.

Perception: Magisters start play Trained in Perception.

Saving Throws: Magisters start play with Expert Proficiency in Logic and Will Saves, as well as Trained in Reflex and Ego Saves.

Skills: Magisters start play Trained in Arcana, as well as Spell-Weaving (Name of their chosen School), and 2+Intelligence Modifier other skills.

Attacks: Magisters start trained in spell attacks for their school, as well as with appropriate weapon families gifted by their School.

Defenses: All Magisters begin play Trained in Unarmored Defense, and some may get training with some armors based on their chosen School

Class DC: Trained in Magister Class DC

Spell DC: Trained in the appropriate Spell DC for their School.

Profession Progression Table

Level Skill Progression Points Profession Abilities Manna Pool Universal Spell-Forms Known Order Spell-Forms Known
1 1 Ancestry and Background, Manna Pool, Spell-Casting, Order of Magick, Magister's License, Magisterium Bonded Token 3 1 2
2 1 Arcane Toughening, Magister Feat, Skill Feat 4 1 2
3 - General Feat, Physical Returns 5 1 3
4 1 Magister Feat, Skill Feat, Heightened Awareness 6 1 4
5 1 Ancestry Feat, Magickal Expertise, Attribute Growths 7 2 5
6 - Magister Feat, Skill Feat, , Empowered Ego 8 2 6
7 1 General Feat, Unarmored Expertise 9 2 7
8 1 Magister Feat, Skill Feat, Focused Will 10 2 8
9 - Ancestry Feat, Powerful Mind 11 3 9
10 1 Attribute Growth, Magister Feat, Skill Feat 12 3 10
11 1 General Feat, Magician's Awareness 13 3 11
12 - Magister Feat, Skill Feat, Master Magician 14 3 12
13 1 Ancestry Feat, Magister's Pride 15 4 13
14 1 Magister Feat, Skill Feat 16 4 14
15 - Attribute Growth, General Feat, Practiced Reflexes 17 4 15
16 1 Magister Feat, Skill Feat, Manna Hardened Body 18 4 16
17 1 Ancestry Feat, Archmage's Brilliance 19 5 17
18 - Magister Feat, Skill Feat, Archmage 20 5 18
19 1 General Feat, Spell-Weaver's Stubborness 21 5 19
20 1 Magister Feat, Skill Feat 22 5 20

Magister Basic Features and Base Abilities

This section will detail those progressions for saves, perception and other proficiencies that all Magisters get by level

Ancestry and Background: As in Pathfinder 2e at base, any first level character applies the necessary changes based upon their Ancestry and Background, gaining any necessary abilities and such right off the hop. They also get their first Ancestry feat, though not listed.

Magisterium Bonded Token: Every Magister whom graduates and earns the title of Magister gets a specialized pendant with a carved gemstone of the appropriate type for their Order. This pendant is unique to them, uniquely carved and etched as a mark of station. When they make their daily preparations, recovering their manna pool, they also imbue this necklace with a single Tier 1 spell of Casting DC equal to or less than their Caster DC, and they may cast it for free (spending the actions needed to accomplish it) with no roll. This spell, once used is gone until your next daily preparations.

Magisterium License: Every Magister when they graduate, is given their Magisterium License. This license grants you access to any Magisterium Collegiate grounds or facilities, and the private facilities therein tied to your Order. Furthermore these provide legal proof of your training and right to exist.

Manna Pool: Magisters have a resource pool called a Manna Pool. This pool both allows them to weave spells without needing to roll a Spell-Weaving check, spending manna equal to the Tier you are casting. This pool also is used to pay for their spellcraft style feats, which are feats to augment spells in a variety of ways whilst they are casting magick.

Order of Magick: At first level, every Magister must pick which Order of the Magisterium they graduated from. This effects their spell-list, specifically affecting their options for 'Order Spell-Forms', which will make up most of the spells they ever know. This decision will also give you access to unique feats, as any Specializaton decision does for any Profession. The Orders are listed below, with their base starting information for their selection;

The Ruby Order

Within the Ruby Order, there is a heavily militarized culture and styling, and this is not just limited to the Sunfire Knights nor the Flame-Seekers, but even to the Magisters themselves. The training and methodology from the moment potential acolytes are turned over to the Order for testing and training, every moment and every aspect of those acolytes life is brutally and heavily controlled. They are physically and mentally pushed, tested to their extreme limits and beyond, and kept in a regimented and grouped sleeping quarters. They are trained with all manner of weapons and fighting methodologies, along with tactics and all manner of military knowledge. From basic survival to the basics of medicine and fieldcraft, with all things in between. All the while you are drilled, beaten, allowed to sleep very little, and constantly pushed to and beyond what anyone would expect of emotional and physical control for normal average people. Of course those being subjected to all this testing and training are not average or normal. They are well beyond average and anything but normal.

Ruby Magick: When learning their spells, a Magister of the Ruby Order picks their order specific spells from those of Pyromancy, also know as Ruby Magick, as they are committed to the wielding of the manna of Doitean, the manna of flame. They also automatically gain 1 skill rank in Spell-Weaving (Pyromancy).

Training: Magisters of the Ruby Order are Trained with Medium Armor, as well as Ranged (Firearms), Ranged (Explosives), Ranged (Engineering), Melee (Fencing) and Melee (Polearms).

Amethyst Order

The Amethyst Order are, as with all Magisters, well trained in some variety of marital prowess and skill as part and parcel of their education. Polearms and Crossbows being a favorite, both of which come with a level of complexity in their styling and education. They are also taught the complexities of biology, a patient and difficult subject of study, having a surgeon's mastery of the various humaniods biological systems. All this is to aid in building the patience and respect for knowledge, study and practice that is required to handle the heavy and syrup like Lobhadh safely with any level of regularity.

However the above mentioned education is only a small part of the sort of education training and techniques that the Amethyst Order uses, the practical skill sets they teach that traditionally are believed to help develop the sort of traits needed to master the art of Entropomancy. Meditation, complex philosophy, the mysteries of life and death, all these and more are core to the growth and slow development of a student towards eventually becoming an actual apprentice. Students will be put through rigorous tests of their patience and calmness. Isolated meditation, for days on end, silent uninterrupted periods of time where one lives but with themselves, and must come to introspectively reach a level of calmness, acceptance and rigid self belief. Entropomancers are not allowed to fear the concept of death, they need to be at total peace with the acknowledgement of their own mortality.

Amethyst Magick: When learning their spells, a Magister of the Amethyst Order picks their order specific spells from the Amethyst Order spell-form options, as they are committed to the wielding of the manna of Lobhadh, the manna of entropy. They also automatically gain 1 skill rank in Spell-Weaving (Entropomancy)

Training: Magisters of the Amethyst are trained with Heavy Armor, as well as Ranged (Crossbows), Ranged (Bows), Melee (Great Weapons), Melee (Flexible) and Melee (Polearms)

Opal Order

The Magisters of the Opal Order are extremely well read, well studied, swift and sharp of mind and body. The manna of Aeir needs a quick mind and swift responses to the chaotic ebbs and flows of the manna of Air. They hear the song of the wind, hear the stories of the world around them on the breeze, and so are well versed in the processes of swift information processing. Their minds are some of the sharpest amongst all magisters and the quickness of the mind is only matched by the swiftness of their body's. They move fast, and think fast, because they must. Their training is rife with tests and education to push this fact, to prepare them for the bond. Focused on history, general knowledge, trivia, along with athletics, swiftness and maintaining a constant state of momentum and motion, just like the wind.

Opal Magick: When learning their spells, a Magister of the Opal Order picks their order specific spells from the Opal Order spell-form options, as they are committed to the wielding of the manna of Aeir, the manna of Air. Also they automatically gain 1 rank in Spell-Weaving (Aeromancy) skill

Training: Ranged (Bows), Ranged (Crossbows), Ranged (Slings), Melee (Brawling), Melee (Fencing), Melee (Flexible), Melee (Polearm)

Onyx Order

Those of the Onyx Order are different in many ways from their brothers and sisters in other orders of the Magisterium. The order of the Onyx, those whom wield Scath, the manna of Shadow, are a secretive bunch, whom oft refer to the primordial forces that they wield as if they were a person or being. They oft refer to their methods of spell-weaving as a 'negotiation'. The reality is those of the Onyx order are well spoken, sharp witted individuals, but very careful, calculating, and well spoken. They play the game of politics very well, as is their nature, and often dance the silver tongued dance. Their methods of training and the different techniques and disciplinary tactics used are not well known, as part of the Order of Onyx is to keep things close to the vest.

Onyx Magick: When learning their spells, a Magister of the Onyx Order picks their order specific spells from the Onyx Order spell-form options, as they are committed to the wielding of the manna of Scath, the manna of shadows. Also they start with 1 rank in the skill Spell-Weaving (Shadowmancy).

Training: Onyx Magisters are Trained with Light Armor.

Sapphire Order

Sharp of mind, powerful of body, every flowing, ever thinking, ever powerful like the mighty river or the currents of the greatest oceans Magisters of the Sapphire Order embrace all that Uisce is in their rigorous training, containing the power of the mightest oceans within themselves, choosing to master their bodies currents like a sailor would master the sea lanes. They obsess over balance, their minds guiding their body, their body strong and stable enough to follow their mind. This fits with how those of the Sapphire Order describe the feelings of handling Uisce, the manna of water. You need to think fast, but have raw muscular power, for it will push you both mind and body.

Sapphire Magick: When learning their spells, a Magister of the Sapphire Order picks their order specific spells from the Sapphire Order spell-form options, as they are committed to the wielding of the manna of Uisce, the manna of water. Also they start with 1 rank in Spell-Weaving (Aquamancy) skill.

Training: Sapphire Magisters are Trained with Light and Medium Armors, as well as Shields. They are also trained with Melee (Fencing, Melee (Flexible), Ranged (Bow), Ranged (Crossbows) and Ranged (Chymech) weapon families.

Emerald Order

The Emerald Order, those magisters of Dulra, are a strange sort, specifically in their approaches to education and how they handle their own. Unlike the other Orders of the Magisterium, those of the Emerald Order do not really subscribe to the idea of learning in a facility like a collegiate or the like. Though they maintain such facilities, those of the Emerald Order learn in the wilderness, learn to connect to the natural world around them. They learn in the wilderness, they learn from nature and in nature and like nature. Emerald Magisters in many ways push themselves nearly as hard as Ruby Magisters, however it is more a question of stamina and staying focused and committed, and strong of will, like the most successful flora and fauna in nature. The sorts of training they go through is very unique outside the actual magick as well, mastering tracking, hunting, foraging and many other such skills.

Emerald Magick: When learning their spells, a Magister of the Emerald Order picks their order specific spells from the Emerald Order spell-form options, as they are committed to the wielding of the manna of Dulra, the manna of nature. Also they start with 1 rank in Spell-Weaving (Druidism) skill.

Training: Emerald Magisters are trained with Melee (Brawling), Melee (Polearms), Ranged (Bows) and Ranged (Slings) families of weapons. They become Expert immediately in Unarmored Defense (which means when Magisters normally gain this, they become Master).

Topaz Order

Those of the Topaz Order are trained like the stone and earth they wield. The way they train and study is focused on process, careful step by step understanding, science and strength. They are the most technical of magisters, oft studying a complex craft like alchemy, blacksmithing, masonry, or some other such craft, as well as engineering. They also train with a great deal of weapons and armor, learning to be as immoveable as mountains. The manna of Domhan demands strength and hardiness of body, along with a logical, process oriented mind. Oft the spell-weaving of this manna is described by those that do it as a complex step by step process not unlike the crafting of a fine set of armor or a masterfully crafted weapon.

Topaz Magick: When learning their spells, a Magister of the Topaz Order picks their order specific spells from the Topaz Order spell-form options, as they are committed to the wielding of the manna of Domhan, the manna of earth. They also start with 1 rank in Spell-Weaving (Geomancy) skill.

Training: Topaz Magisters are Trained with all armors, Light, Medium and Heavy, as well as Shields. They are also trained with any 2 families of Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons of their choice.

Diamond Order

The Diamond Order, whom manipulate and wield the manna of Meanma, the flow of Spirit. Much like their opposites in the Onyx Order, force of personality is a key part of their training by necessity, as they too oft describe the effort of casting and weaving the primordial force of Meanma as a negotiation with other beings. Whereas those of Aeir can hear stories of the past upon the winds of the manna they wield, those of Meanma can see and hear visions of the future, and as such, they need to be intellectually consistent whilst handling such visions, lest they be lost in the branches. Beyond that they are caretakers, the single least militantly or martially trained amongst all magisters, but with some of the most powerful spell-forms, able to heal injuries, regrow limbs, and even cheat the inevitability of death, though such spells are the most dangerous sorts of negotiation and their most powerful and potent magicks, and such spells generally will only work on a target exactly once.

Diamond Magick: When learning their spells, a Magister of the Diamond Order picks their order specific spells from the Diamond Order spell-form options, as they are committed to the wielding of the manna of Meanma, the manna of spirit. They also start with 1 rank in Spell-Weaving (Spiritualism) skill.

Training: Diamond Magisters start as Experts in Ego Saves, and this means when they would normally gain Expert, they become Master and when they normally would be Master, they become Legendary. They also start with 2 extra Manna in their Manna Pool at level one.

These are the Eight orders of Magi, the Magister's Specializations. Now here are the rest of their base features and abilities.

Spell-Casting: At First Level a Magister must choose Arcane or Primal. This narratively represents whether you were more of a practical (Primal) or theory (Arcane) based student, and otherwise effects which tradition trait your magick will have. It does not really alter your spell-list in any way, or at least does not heavily limit your choices. Also, they are subject to the normal casting rules in regards to the Manna Fatigue (X) condition, though a Magister can always choose to spend a single action and any amount of manna to remove instances of this condition equal to the manna spent.

Arcane Toughening: 2nd level become Trained in Fortitude Saves.

Magister Feats: At 2nd level and every even level thereafter you select a Magister feat of appropriate level. Alternatively you can always select a feat from lower level options if you wish.

Skill Feats: At 2nd level and every even level thereafter you select a skill Feat.

General Feats: At 3rd level and every four levels after you gain a General Feat either from the additional ones provided within Adventures in Valerick or the plethora available in the base Pathfinder 2e. Magisters are unique however as they may also select any Metamagic (so feat with Spell-Shape Trait) they would otherwise meet the qualifications for as well with these feat slots, including any from their Profession list (so for base Pathfinder 2e this includes Wizard).

Physical Returns: At 3rd level a Magister becomes Trained in Power Saves.

Heightened Awareness: At 4th level a Magister becomes an Expert in Perception

Attribute Growths: At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter you gain 4 attribute points to spend on any of your attributes you wish. Your Intelligence Attribute also naturally increases by 1 on top of this and this growth ignores the tax rules on going above 18 in an attribute. These attribute points can send your scores above 18, though every point you wish to increase an attribute above 18 costs 2 attribute points, not 1.

Magickal Expertise: At 5th level a Magister becomes Expert in their Class DC, Spell DCs and Spell Attacks. They also now cast at Tier II as their base.

Empowered Ego: At 6th level a Magister becomes Expert in Ego Saves.

Unarmored Expertise: At 7th level a Magister becomes Expert in Unarmored Defense

Focused Will: At 8th level a Magister becomes Master Proficiency in Will Saves.

Powerful Mind: At 9th level a Magister becomes Master Proficiency with Logic Saves.

Magician's Awareness: At 11th level a Magister becomes Master Proficiency with Perception.

Master Magician: At 12th level a Magister becomes Master Proficiency with their Class DC, Spell DC and Spell Attack rolls. They also now cast at Tier III as their base.

Magister's Pride: At 13th level a Magister becomes Master with Ego Saves.

Practiced Reflexes: At 15th level a Magister becomes Expert in Reflex Saves.

Manna Hardened Body: At 16th level a Magister becomes Expert in Fortitude Saves.

Archmage's Brilliance: At 17th level a Magister becomes Legendary in Logic Saves.

Archmage: At 18th level a Magister becomes Legendary in Class DC, Spell DC, and Spell Attacks.

Spell-Weaver's Stubborness: At 19th level a Magister becomes Legendary with Will Saves.

Magister Feats

This is far from a proper comprehensive list, even more so than for many other profession/class overlays and that is due in large part to the idea that this is meant to be an overlay type system, and in particular the Spell-Shape trait on a variety of the wizard feats from base Pathfinder 2e should be taken as also applying to this profession. That is not to say that there are no homebrew options here of course, naturally their are, so let us review them;

Manna Attunement

Feat 2

Traits: Magister (Wizard), Arcane, Primal, (Appropriate Elemental Type)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

A Magister has achieved a level of attunement from their focus and training. Within certain environments, when surrounded by the type of manna they manipulate and work with, they gain +1 to all Spell-Weaving rolls of the appropiate school for their Order. This becomes +2 at Level 10 and +3 at Level 20. They also gain this bonus on Saving Throws against magick effects not of their same school. Reference the below table for the environments vs Order;

Order Environment
Ruby Deserts, Volcanic Regions
Amethyst Graveyards, Swamps
Opal Grasslands, Mountains
Onyx Underground, Swamps
Sapphire Aquatic Environments, Jungles
Emerald Forests, Jungles
Topaz Mountains, Underground
Diamond Urban Areas

Elemental Resistance

Feat 2

Traits: Magister, Arcane, Primal, (Appropriate Element)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

A Magister with this feat is quite attuned to the elemental force of the manna they are tied too. They gain Resistance equal to their Intelligence Modifier+1/2 their Magister level (Minimum can be 0) to that type of Elemental Damage. The damage types based on order are presented in a small table below;

Order Elemental Damage Type
Ruby Fire
Amethyst Necrotic
Opal Lightning
Onyx Psychic
Sapphire Cold
Emerald Poison
Topaz Thunder
Diamond Radiant

Passion is Key

Feat 4

Traits: Fire, Pyromancy, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Ruby Order

A Ruby Magister is the balanced control of emotional overload. They live life in a furious passionate rollercoaster, keeping the tightest grip imaginable upon their emotional responses, but having to express them within that, never letting their magick bleed freely, but always being high energy, with their hearts on their sleeves. If they are not afflicted with the Surprised condition upon rolling for initiative, they may roll a Spell-Weaving (Pyromancy) roll for initiative so long as their first action on their turn is to either spend manna to cast a spell, or apply that same roll to cast a spell. If for some reason they become unable to cast a spell before their turn and on their turn, or choose to not do so, they immediately trigger 2 minor miscast rolls and lose 1 manna. If they are to be caught Surprised, immediately they spend 1 manna and are not surprised, but cannot activate this ability either.

Steady and Calm

Feat 4

Traits: Entropomancy, Necrotic, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Amethyst Order
Cost: Reaction, 1 Manna

As a reaction, immediately upon being afflicted with any amount of the Frightened condition, an Amethyst Magister can simply spend 1 manna and shed that entire feeling, finding their calmness, their patience and their cold and logical acceptance of the cycle of life and death.

Swift like Lightning

Feat 4

Traits: Aeromancy, Lighnting, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Opal Order
Trigger: Being forced into Combat/Rolling Initiative

Your movement speed increases by 10 feet for 1 minute.

Deceptively Convincing

Feat 4

Traits: Shadowmancy, Psychic, Magister, Skill
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Onyx Order
Cost: 1 Manna

A Magister of the Onyx Order can spend 1 manna whenever they have to roll initiative with Deception instead of Perception so long as they are not Surprised.

Flow like the River

Feat 4

Traits: Aquamancy, Water, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Sapphire Order
Trigger: The beginning of combat/rolling initiative.

So long as you were not surprised, on your first turn you have the benefits of being Hastened (1). This fades after your first turn.

Touch of the Beast

Feat 4

Traits: Unarmed, Druidism, Nature, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Emerald Order

A Magister of the Emerald Order with this Feat gains the Brawling Damage Boost Dice feature of the Brawler, scaling with their Magister level. This only applies to unarmed strikes however. They gain Expert Proficiency with Unarmed strikes as well.

Of Stone and Earth

Feat 4

Traits: Geomancy, Earth, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Topaz Order

A Magister of the Topaz Order ignores any and all negatives and check penalties of armor up to Medium, as well as shields.

Whispering Spirits

Feat 4

Traits: Spiritualism, Spirit, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Diamond Order

A Magister of the Diamond Order is one connected to the very flow of souls, and that massive diversity can be tapped into for more than just magick. As part of their daily preparations they may select additional languages equal to their Charisma Modifier to be able to fluently speak, read and understand for the day.

Signature Spell-Form I

Feat 6

Traits: Magister, (Appropriate Element), Arcane, Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

A Magister who takes this feat has a unique mastery of their magick. They pick any Tier I spell-form of their elemental Order with a casting DC of 20 or less. This choice is permanent. From here on out they never need to spend manna to cast that spell without rolling a Spell-Weaving skill check, so long as they wish to cast it at Tier I.

Aethyric Backlash

Feat 6

Traits: Manna, Magister, Appropriate Element, Arcane, Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

A Magister with this feat is dangerous even when not actively wielding their magick. So long as they have 1 manna in their manna pool, whenever they are attacked in melee, their assailant takes 1d6+1/level of the appropriate elemental damage. This is not a reaction, it is merely a permanently sustained magick effect.

Elemental Immunity

Feat 8

Traits: Magister, Arcane, Primal, (Appropriate Element)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister with the Elemental Resistance Feat

A Magister with this feat becomes immune to the appropriate element tied to their Order.

Fuel the Fire

Feat 8

Traits: Fire, Pyromancy, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Ruby Order

Pyromancers are fueled by their emotions and their disciplined control of them. As such, any effects, magickal, supernatural or otherwise with the Emotion trait that effect them seem to simply fuel their fire. Whenever they become affected in any way by such a thing (even if critically succeeding a saving throw and thus suffering no outcomes, merely being targeted is enough), they gain a +2 to their next Spell-Weaving skill roll or 2 manna (they choose). This is a Triggered effect that does not consume the Pyromancer's reaction, but it can only trigger 1/round.

Entropic Surge

Feat 8

Traits: Magister, Entropy, Entropomancy, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Amethyst Order

A Entropomancer with this feat is tapped into the ebbs and flows of Entropy. Whenever a creature dies within 5 ft/Magister level of the Entropomancer, they seem to draw in and be empowered by that sudden spike of Lobhadh. They gain +2 to their next Spell-Weaving skill roll, or 2 manna (they choose). This is a triggered effect that does not consume their reaction but may only trigger 1/round.

Storm Surge

Feat 8

Traits: Lightning, Magister, Aeromancy, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Opal Order

An Aeromancer with this Feat seems able to pull energy from the very air around them with ease beyond compare of any other Magister, unsurprisingly so given their elemental connection to Aeir. Whenever they move at least their full base speed as an action they get +2 on their next Spell-Weaving skill roll, or they gain 2 manna (they choose). This is a triggered effect that does not consume their reaction. This may only trigger 1/round.

Shadow's Embrace

Feat 8

Traits: Psychic, Shadowmancy, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: A Magister of the Onyx Order

A Shadowmancer with this feat is well connected with their inner darkness, they and it are old friends. Whenever they become affected by a spell or ability with the Mental Trait, even should they suffer no consequences due to a critical success saving throw, they gain +2 to their next Spell-weaving skill roll or 2 manna (their choice). This is a triggered effect that does not consume their reaction. This may only trigger 1/round.

Open the Floodgates

Feat 8

Traits: Cold, Aquamancy, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: A Magister of the Sapphire Order

An Aquamancer with this feat is like that of a surge through a dam's floodgates, bursting with energy whenever they first unleash themselves. So long as casting a spell is the first action(s) they are taking on their turn (or as a reaction if they didn't trigger this on their turn, so long as they haven't moved) they gain +2 to their Spell-Weaving skill roll. They never gain manna via this ability, unique amongst their fellows of other orders. This is a triggered ability that does not consume their reaction, and may only trigger 1/round.

Biorhythmic Intuition

Feat 8

Traits: Druidism, Nature, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Emerald Order

An Emerald Magister with this feat gets to select a Favored Environment as if per the Hunter Profession Feat. However in addition to the normal applications and bonuses they also gain those bonuses to any Spell-weaving (Druidism) skill rolls they make. At 12th level and then 16th level they select another Favored Environment and increase the bonuses of previous ones accordingly.

Stone Body, Iron Mind

Feat 8

Traits: Geomancy, Earth, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Topaz Order

A Magister of the Topaz Order with this feat has embraced the idea of close combat even as a mage. Whenever they are attacked in melee, so long as the attack does not critically strike them, it can trigger this ability. They gain a +2 to their next casting roll or 2 manna (they choose). This ability may only trigger 1/round and does not consume their reaction.

Healing Spirits

Feat 8

Traits: Spiritualism, Healing, Soul, Magister, Arcane/Primal, Spell-Shape
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Diamond Order
Spellshape Cost: 1 manna or +2 to DC of spell-weaving roll.

This is a Spellshape ability (otherwise known as metamagick to some) unique to those of the Diamond Order. By spending the manna or declaring they wish to apply the added difficulty to their roll, the spell they are casting has an additional effect. Whilst weaving the soul magick, they draw in the presence of protective and healing spirits. All allies (including the Magister themselves) within 20 feet of the magister heal for Hit Points equal to 1/2 the Magister's level, and should any of this healing exceed their maximum hit point totals, they gain the rest as temporary hit points instead.

Arms Expertise

Feat 10

Traits: Weapon Family, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

As would be appropriate for their Order, a Magister who selects this Feat selects up to three weapon families they are trained with and becomes Expert Proficency with them.

Signature Spell-Form II

Feat 10

Traits: Magister, (Appropriate Element), Arcane, Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister with Signature Spell-Form I Feat.

A Magister with this feat has reached another level of discipline and mastery of their art. They now select a second Tier I spell-form of their elemental Order. This time it may have a Casting DC of 25 or less. This choice is permanent. From here on out they never need to spend manna to cast that spell without rolling a Spell-Weaving skill check, so long as they wish to cast it at Tier I.

Aethyric Loop

Feat 10

Traits:Magister, Arcane/Primal, Concentrate, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

A Magister with this feat has a wide level of conscious focus and ability. They can cast a second spell with the concentrate trait even whilst keeping one active. Their focus shifts to the new spell, however the previous effect remains active for rounds equal to their Intelligence Modifier. They cannot stack this beyond 2 such effects, if they try, the 1st effect (so the one they had active the earliest) simply ends.

Manna Refresh

Feat 12

Traits: Manna, Magister, Appropraite Element
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

A Magister with this Feat has stepped into the territory of true affinity for their element. Whenever they are engaging in a Regroup Activity, they can use the Manna Refresh ability as one of their two tasks during this time frame. This utilizes one of their Hit Dice, which they roll and add their Intelligence Modifier to the result. They recover that many Manna Points. They may only utilize this ability 1/Regroup.

Fiery Spirit

Feat 12

Traits: Fire, Pyromancy, Manna, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Ruby Order
Cost: 2 Manna, and 1 action

A Magister of the Ruby Order with this Feat can simply overclock their body, basically igniting their bloodstream, firing their adrenaline, raising their body temperature beyond normal levels without suffering any negative consequences. Activating this removes any Persistent Bleed, Cold, or Poison damage as well as immediately ending any instances of the Poisoned, Slow, or Frostbite conditions or any non-magickal disease.

Nothing to Fear

Feat 12

Traits: Entropomancy, Entropy, Manna, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Amethyst Order

A Magister of the Amethyst Order with this feat, whenever they successfully cast a spell from the school of Entropomancy, an aura extends from them out to 20 feet in all directions. All allied creatures within it are immediately cleansed of any instances of Frightened condition and are immune to the condition for the next round.


Feat 12

Traits: Aeromancy, Manna, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Opal Order
Cost: 1 Manna/Round, 1 Manna and 1 Action to activate.

An Aeromancer has learned the art of Cloudstep, able to temporarily grant themselves a flight speed. Upon activating this ability, your movement speed is also a fly speed. However if at the beginning of your turn every subsequent round you do not pay the upkeep cost of 1 manna, well gravity re-exerts itself upon you with prejudice, and you plummet at terminal velocity, taking all appropriate fall damage.

Chasing Shadows

Feat 12

Traits: Shadowmancy, Mental, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magiter of the Onyx Order
Cost: 2 manna and Reaction

A Magister of the Onyx Order with this feat has learned to manipulate their own internal energy without needing to tap into the Aether and risk spell-weaving in a defensive manner. They can spend the necessary manna and use their reaction to simply disappear in response to the threat of taking damage from any source, leaving behind naught but a shadowy image of themselves. They appear within 30 feet of their last location.

Comfortable with the Current

Feat 12

Traits: Aquamancy, Water, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Sapphire Order
Cost: 1 Manna and 1 Action to activate, 1 manna/round to upkeep

A Magister of the Sapphire Order can utilize this ability to grant themselves a Swim speed equal to that of their movment speed. However at the beginning of every round before taking any action they must pay the upkeep if not they lose the swim speed.

Versatile Evolution

Feat 12

Traits: Druidism, Manna, Magister, Nature, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: A Magister of the Emerald Order
Cost: 2 manna and 1 action to activate, 1 manna/round to upkeep

A Magister of the Emerald Order embraces their wild side with this feat. Though it is only half as effective as some, they gain the ability to activate this for 3 manna. After doing so they gain; A Fly, Swim, Climb and Burrow speed equal to 1/2 their movement speed. This stays the case until they fail to pay the upkeep at the beginning of their turn in which case they lose all those speeds.

Stalwart Iron

Feat 12

Traits: Geomancy, Earth, Magister, Arcane/Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: A Magister of the Topaz Order with Of Stone and Earth Feat

Of Stone and Earth benefits also apply to Heavy Armors.

Soul Sacrifice

Feat 12

Traits: Spiritualism, Arcane/Primal, Magister, Spell-Shape
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister of the Diamond Order
Cost: 2d10 damage taken (Force) and 2 Manna, or increase difficulty of cast DC by 4

When using a spell-form with the Healing Trait on a target other than themselves, a Magister of the Diamond Order may spend the appropriate Manna, or increase casting DC by appropriate amount to trigger Soul Sacrifice. This ability insures that they heal for the maximum amount instead of rolling any dice. For spells that heal multiple targets they must double the cost of this ability (taking 4d10 and paying 4 manna or increasing the DC of the cast by 8)

War Mage

Feat 14

Traits: Fortune, Magister, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister who cannot have Spell-Sniper Feat

A Magister with this feat actually is adept and amazingly comfortable casting in combat situations, especially melee combat oddly enough. They roll any Spell-Weaving Roll when in melee range of a creature that is threatening to them twice and use the better result.


Feat 14

Traits: Magister, Arcane/Primal, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister who cannot have Warmage Feat.

A Magister with this feat is very skilled at employing their magicks at distance. They increase the range of any spell-form they are casting by 1/2 its normal range. In the case of spells requiring touch, they can now be cast at a range of 15 feet.

Signature Spell-Form III

Feat 16

Traits: Magister, (Appropriate Element), Arcane, Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister with Signature Spell-Form II Feat.

A Magister with this feat has reached another level of discipline and mastery of their art. They now select a Tier II spell-form of their elemental Order. This time it may have a Casting DC of 30 or less. This choice is permanent. From here on out they never need to spend manna to cast that spell without rolling a Spell-Weaving skill check, so long as they wish to cast it at Tier II.

Miscast Redirection

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Magister, Manna
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister
Cost: 5 manna and Reaction

As a Reaction to a Miscast (critically failing a Casting Roll) a Magister can spend 5 manna and redirect that Miscast to any creature within 100 feet.

Mastery of Arms

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Weapon Families as Appropriate, Magister
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister with Arms Expertise Feat

Of the potentially up to three weapon families chosen, one becomes Master Proficency.

Elemental Absorption

Feat 18

Traits: Appropriate Element, Magister, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister with Elemental Immunity Feat

A Magister with this feat is so attuned to the elemental force they work with for their magick that they are no longer just immune to the associated type of damage. Should any such damage be attempted to be inflicted upon them, they instead heal for half the amount whilst also taking no damage.

Signature Spell-Form IV

Feat 18

Traits: Magister, (Appropriate Element), Arcane, Primal, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: A Magister with Signature Spell-Form III

A Magister with this feat has reached another level of discipline and mastery of their art. They now select a Tier III spell-form of their elemental Order. This time it may have any Casting DC. This choice is permanent. From here on out they never need to spend manna to cast that spell without rolling a Spell-Weaving skill check, so long as they wish to cast it at Tier III.

Arcane/Primal Mastery

Feat 18

Traits: Arcane/Primal, Magister, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

A Magister with this Feat is incapable of rolling a Major Miscast, and if they do roll the results on the Miscast table where they would need to roll on the Major Miscast table, they simply do not trigger a Miscast at all.

Elemental Mastery

Feat 20

Traits: Arcane/Primal, Appropriate Element, Magister, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

This Feat requires something unique. At 20th level a Magister with this feat discovers and innovates a new spell-form within their school or field. Player and GM will need to collaborate upon this effort and come up with its structure, casting DCs and all the rest. The character becomes an important figure within the history of their Order within the Magisterium because of this.

Magickal Maestro

Feat 20

Traits: Magick, Arcane/Primal, Magister, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Magister

This Feat requires something unique. At 20th level a Magister with this feat discovers and innovates a new spell-form of a more...universal application. Player and GM will need to collaborate upon this effort and come up with a whole new spell for the Universal spell list that all magisters can access. The character becomes a very important figure in the history of the Magisterium because of this.

Cover image: Magister Friya Ostamore by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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