Magnum Opus

As I labor and toil upon this craft, three days hence and three days past. I seek now guidance for my hand, and knowledge for my mind. I seek permission of the Divine Workshop to enter its walls within. If I am to be deemed worthy, allow me this whim. Let me bring forth this strange object within my mind, guide me and allow me my reputation into this masterpiece to bind. Should it ever pass out of my hands, atonement shall I offer to the Thunderhand. This deed will be my focus, this craft my final trial. So bless this Magnum Opus, to deny me this would be most vile.

The chant of focus when undertaking one's attempts at Magnum Opus


Basic Effects: Calling forth this prayer and working through three days with next to no sleep and very little food and water, you arrive at the end successful! Though Exhausted (2), or Exhausted (1) if you successfully make a Toughness Defensive Test, you have reached the glorious apex of your accomplishments, at least....for now. The object you create should be on par with a Lesser Artifact, so much stronger than a mere potion or magick item. Something with substance, something near unique or very unique. This object is your masterpiece, it is tied to you and is a badge of station within your faith. Should you ever lose it, you will suffer an Ire of the Gods roll randomly 1/week until you recover it. Should you ever allow it to be destroyed, you will find yourself subject to three Ire of the Gods rolls at once, and will be barred from calling upon this prayer again until you accept and accomplish an Atonement Quest.

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GM NOTES: This prayer is meant to be fun for player and GM. Come up with something fun and funky, that does strange and quirky and interesting things. Don't be afraid to develop new interactions or rules or anything for this item. Whatever is needed, do not feel limited with the mechanics already in place, feel free to expand, adjust or even outright create as needed. A second note, as a Lesser Artifact equivalent object, this object should by no means be easy to destroy, but it should not be an absolutely specific event, like needing a named Tane to breath upon it in the Elemental Plane on xyz date. But 'It must be tossed into an active volcano admist a rainstorm at midnight" is acceptable.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You realized some inherent improvements you could add, alter, change, or even to your first attempt. No matter, it shall provide the main material, and with but a few esoteric added supplies, and further aide from the Divine Workshop....success! Once again you risk Exhaustion (3), or Exhausted (1) if you successfully make a Toughness Defensive Test. However you have outdone yourself, and the object is now effectively an Artifact, meaning its ability to be destroyed becomes even less likely, with added clauses
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(for example the rainstorm at midnight may now read on a full moon)
as well as new and more potent abilities and uses that you and your GM should take some time to build together. Losing it or allowing it to be destroyed have much the same effects as Tier I.

Tier III Effects: Now you have reached the top of the mountain. The ultimate piece of craftsmenship. One final time, you dive deep into the rituals and prayers of Magnum Opus, one final time you seek to etch your name on the walls of the Divine Workshop, to cement your place in its hallowed halls. After three grueling days, you find success, as you once again improve upon what you thought was perfection. Roll a Toughness Defensive Test. If you fail, you are at Dying (1) as the exhaustion of the task overwhelms you. If you succeed, you are merely at Exhausted (2). You have managed to create a Legendary Artifact, an object so unique and powerful it can no longer be called an object, it must have a proper name for the annuls of history to come, as it shall no doubt be within them. This object can now only be destroyed in one specific fashion, at one very specific place, with one very specific and convoluted method
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(you and your GM should once again have fun workshopping this together)
and it has reached an apex of what it is capable of, which once again you and your GM will need to work together on to establish the parameters, capabilities, magickal/supernatural or otherwise qualities of this object. Upon completing this tier of this Prayer, Tiers 2 and 3 are forever locked from you, however Tier 1 can be attempted 1/year to create an object of indescribable value, a masterpiece to put up for auction perhaps, or some other useful and interesting invention to add to your collection. Never again shall you ascend to quite this height of craftsmenship, however you feel no sorrow. For upon successful completion of this tier, your place in the Divine Workshop is assured, unquestionably.


You feel the power, you see the tools before you, you feel his blessed hand upon your shoulder. You hear the whispers guiding you, even as you move through the hours, the days, never stopping to eat, sleep, drink or relieve yourself. Somehow, despite it all, you never need to. You do not drop of dehydration, you do not collapse from hunger. Singular mind, singular purpose, guided by a divine force. By his divine teachings. It is harmony. It is peace. It is inspiration. It is perfection given form, contentment like you've never felt.
Material Components
Requires two magick items of some formality you wish to attempt to combine. Or you and your GM can workshop an interesting entirely unique conceptualization and establish what sort of parts you need for it.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 32, Tier II: 37, Tier III: 42
Related Discipline
Prayer (Cormaq Thunderhand)
Effect Duration
Permanent, Special
Effect Casting Time
3 days
Self, Special
Applied Restriction
Special Duration Rules: Though it is permanent, there are special rules about calling upon the different levels of this Prayer. It is not enough to have the ability, they must be done in steps. You must successfully achieve the gift of Magnum Opus Tier I to even be allowed to attempt Magnum Opus Tier II and the same rule for Tier III.

Cover image: The beginnings of a Magnum Opus by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.


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