Mark of Prey

I have seen our quarry, and I beseech you now Boran, to mark them for us, so that I may find them, so that we may bring them down. For though we have seen our quarry, the place and moment are wrong. We wish to insure we bring this hunt to its proper conclusion. I beseech thee now, Master of Hunts, mark for me now my quarry, and I shall insure they are brought down.


Basic Effects: The target gets a Sagacity Defensive Test, though this does not stop the mark, merely informs them that someone has done something of a magick or supernatural nature to them. They feel dread, that prickling on the back of the neck, as if being watched all the time for the duration. If they fail this test, they know nothing. Once the target is marked, for the duration you and any other targets you named as part of your hunting party deal an extra 1d8 damage of the appropriate type for the cause, with any spell, prayer or attack. Furthermore, you can sense your prey's direction from you, and tell with but an action of focus how far away they are, even if they are beyond your sight, so long as they are on the same Plane of Existence as you.

Oathbound: This power calls upon a unique trait to Boran the Bloodhound. That trait is Oathbound. Should you and your companions fail to slay or apprehend the target, or should they fail to die in general, so long as they are on the same Plane of Existence as you, by the end of this prayer's duration, you immediately must roll once on the Ire of the Gods table, subtracting your Persona Score and level from the roll. If you choose to end this duration willingly, you still invoke this punishment. If an outside force (such as the target shifting to a new plane of existence) causes the prayer to end, you do not invoke this punishment. Though this is a maintained prayer, you cannot lose focus of it due to damage.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase the extra damage to 2d8 extra damage. Maximum duration becomes 14 hours.

Tier III Effects: Increase the extra damage to 3d8 extra damage. Maximum duration becomes 21 hours.


Divine Power crackles through you, however your target seems to have no knowledge of what is happening. Their essence, a slight aura, becomes visible to you, upon which you see a deep crimson mark, the shape of a talon or blade, marking them as Prey.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 14, Tier II: 19, Tier III: 24
Related Discipline
Prayer (Boran the Bloodhound)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 7 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 action
1000 feet for the Calling, after that, Planar
Applied Restriction
Target: A creature you can see within range for the mark, and you name your hunting party within the prayer, to the tune of yourself and a maximum of four other creatures or beings.


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