Mirrored Selves

Perhaps one of the most efficent and effective defensive spell-forms in a pinch, a way to really increase your odds of survival or escape.


Basic Effects: Weaving the currents of Scath around you swiftly, you raise a most potent defense and misdirection, as all about you, there seems to be well, more of you. Four more to be exact, as you create four more images, exact replicas of yourself, which move about with you, crossing over you as if a shell game, to prevent anyone from knowing which one is real. Any attack, spell or ability that directly targets you, should it successfully strike you, has an 80% chance of striking one of the images instead. To decide if this is the case, you simply roll a precentile die, also known as a 1d100. If you roll 80 or less it strikes one of the copies. Once struck the images are destroyed. So with each one you lose, your odds drop. When you have three left, a 74 or less means it strikes an image. When there are but two left it becomes 66 or less. When there is only 1 left, it is 50 or less.

You may also choose to end this spell early, at no action cost, on your turn, to utilize its misdirecting scatter ability. You and the false yous will all run off in different directions, utilizing a 2 actions, one movement and one dash to move a second time, to create distance, and you may roll a Subterfuge skill test with the Momentum for free as well. For this brief time the fakes no longer just copy your movements, as that could give you away, you instead severe that connection, and very briefly the manna utilized to create them acts under but general guidance, helping to sell the manuevor. Anyone watching this happen must make a Sagacity Defensive Test to identify which is the real you. Should they fail, they'll end up chasing one of the fakes. 1 round after you choose to do this, all the fakes fade.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The fakes will last 3 rounds after you choose to activate the scatter ability

Tier III Effects: The fakes will last 5 rounds after you choose to activate the scatter ability.


"She went down this alley, Antony, come she's getting away!" yelled one of the dwarf templar's men.

"Nae ya damned fool, she scampered up that bloody fire escape she's on the roof o' the tavern, c'mon!" came another of the men he'd hired to help, a dwarf mercenary, a former soldier. Antony rubbed his temples, cursing in his mind as he called out a response.

"She's trying to dupe us, I just watched her leap onto the back rail of a wagon, likely ditching up the road to run off into a different alley. Follow them all, split up!" He roared, as he moved quickly to try and give chase. "But do not engage alone if you are following the real one. Just follow her until she stops and settles in somewhere then meet back at the inn. We need a better plan!!"
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 14, Tier II: 19, Tier III: 24
Related Discipline
Onyx Order
Related School
Related Element
Scath (Shadow)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 hour
Effect Casting Time
1 action
Applied Restriction
Special: Though the images move with you and like you, and will mirror your movements and even seem to be doing everything you do, including casting spells or attacking someone, they cannot physically interact in such a manner. They just cant be told apart from you because you all do these things simultaneously.


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