Momentum versus Modifiers

Momentum and Modifiers

Tales of Valerick utilizes both numeric changes known as modifiers and the concept of Momentum, the idea that sometimes you are pushing your pace and are in control of a situation, sometimes your foes are and most times, no one is. Many may compare Momentum, and not incorrectly, to the idea of Advantage/Disadvantage. There is a comparability there. These tools interact with each other, and sometimes GMs may struggle as to when to utilize each option.

Momentum should be used to represent exactly what it sounds like. The flow of the battle space, the abstract situation and conditions within the battle space or do to with the social or otherwise situation at hand. It should not be used for something that has more concrete growth or structure, but should be used as a narrative device, and used carefully. Think of Momentum as a way to represent the tides of luck and fate, which can change at a moment's notice, with no real structure. The best boxer in the world can slip on a bit of sweat in the ring at the wrong time and get one punch KO'd by an absolute amateur. That would be a moment where Momentum would be a good choice.

Modifiers on the other hand are meant to represent more structured scaling and that should be where you go when things are beyond moment to moment flow changes. Ultimately you as the GM should be using these concepts no more than you feel necessary. Both in their own ways are narrative pieces. The basics of outnumbering for example, starts with Momentum, because you can leave it at that, if you wish. But if you feel your party should further be rewarded for isolating and surrounding the chimera, giving it no way out, no avenue of escape, and keeping it engaged on all sides, then feel free to give them +4 on top of letting them attack/cast with the Momentum.


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