
A mighty rainstorm, called forth to aid or harm, but able to be guided by the will of the magister whom wove the spell-form.


Utilizing your understanding of the flows and currents of Uisce, you bring together a massive volume of the manna in the skies all about the area you seek to unleash the rains over. The rains begin, a heavy monsoon which will drop about three inches of rain over the course of the spell-form. Anyone in the area of the rainfall counts the drenched ground as difficult terrain, everyone within the downpour counts as having partial cover and will be against the Momentum to any roll requiring sight (including attack rolls) because of poor visibility. Every round that the monsoon lasts, on your turn you decide for each creature within it if these are healing or harming waters. If healing, the targets heal for 3d8 wounds. If harmful, the targets take 3d6 cold damage, or half that damage with a successful Toughness Defensive Test. At the cost of 1 action on your turn each round, you may have the monsoon move. It moves at a speed of 75 feet.

Ice-Blooded: If a reptilian or amphibious creature are to be harmed by this spell form, or a creature with any sort of vulnerability to cold (such as a fire elemental) the cold damage becomes 3d10 cold damage

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase Radius by 50 feet

Tier III Effects: Increase Radius by 50 feet.


Surrounded and with many wounded, Isabella thought to herself. "Damn it all, it'll be a sight for sure, but surely I cannot recall any reading that says I can't do this underground?" the Sapphire Magister muttered to herself, beginning to weave her magick, even as the orcs and goblins began closing in again on her weary and injured band. Suddenly the first drop, then another, another still and suddenly, it was as if above them the stone ceiling was made of water, a torrential downpour, a literal monsoon starting. Isabella sighed with great relief as her friends and herself felt the healing energies flow over them as the water drenched them, even as the first goblins to dive into the downpour, their teeth began to chatter uncontrollably.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 21, Tier II: 26, Tier III: 31
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Maintained, Up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
3 actions
1500 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: area centered on a location within range, 100 foot radius.


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