Nor'Westor's Embrace

We are of the Tempest, we are of the Storm. We fear nary blizzard, thunderstorm, nor even Nor'westors. We welcome them with love and respect as anyone of the Storm should. We embrace them as kindred, and in return they stand alongside us.

Prayer of the Storm


Basic Effects: You are enshrouded by, in its most basic sense, an active Nor'Westor. Ranged attacks against you have a 25% chance to miss, anyone whom attempts to strike you in melee takes an immediate 2d6 of lightning, cold or thunder damage (your choice). Every turn whilst you are under this effect, your first attack that hits each round deals 1d6 cold, 1d6 lightning and 1d6 thunder damage in addition to its normal damage. Furthermore the prayer launches a lightning bolt each round, as noted under the restrictions section of this page. This bolt requires the target to make an Agility Defensive Test, which if failed, the target takes 4d6 lightning damage. If they succeed they still take half.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Ranged Attacks now have a 50% miss chance, and anyone whom attempts to strike you in melee takes 3d6.

Tier III Effects: Ranged Attacks now have a 75% miss chance, and the lightning bolts now deal 6d6.


As you finish the prayer, you are enveloped, gray clouds wisping about your form, mighty gales of wind howling, lightning crackling and thunder booming. Sleet and snow whips all about you, like some sort of compressed furious storm, which no more accurate a description could exist.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 30, Tier II: 35, Tier III: 40
Related Discipline
Prayer (Sir Kartheart)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
Self (10 foot radius)
Applied Restriction
Special: Every round, before you take your first action on your turn, the prayer responds to your divine connection with rapid aggression, launching a bolt of lightning at the furthest creature you deem hostile to you within 150 feet.

Cover image: Priestess calling upon Nor'Westor's Embrace by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.


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