Obla'nost {Ah-b-la-ne-o-st}

Appearing most commonly to those on the Material Realms when they visit as what can only be described as small birds of cloud and lightning, these little elemental creatures can be quite zealous and over-excitable in their friendliness towards mortals. They mean no harm, yet oft can, in the excitement of meeting new friends, forget about their electrified nature and accidentally discharge their Energizing Aura in their excitement shocking everyone around them without meaning to. Like all elemental entities they are a rare sight on the Material Realms, though among their fellow Vilows, Obla'nosts are likely the second or third most common. Their easygoing and energetic nature makes them excellent summoned companions, and given their infectious nature in regards to their energizing aura, they make excellent companions to young warmages or wanna be Exemplari. Alternatively, though rare to see storms of such power, instead of being summoned, a truly magnificent storm, with winds capable of lifting entire monuments and structures and throwing them like rag dolls for example, can on rare occassions see the clashing of Aeir in the Aether be so ferocious that it creates a one way tear. These tears are unstable and do not really last all that long. Sadly as with the Pisinkawi, such tears are usually one way affairs, meaning the only way to release Obla'nosts whom were unfortunate enough to be pulled here through such things is often through vanquishing or banishing them.

A note from one of Mochi's many research journals and papers from his extensive time visiting various Magisterium campuses across Valerick to learn of the Primordial Realms and how the various fauna, the various elemental creatures that cross over interact with the Material Realm.

Basic Information


Much like the Pisinkawi, or any other Vilow, the physical form, such as a Obla'nost presents, is merely a shape of fleeting energy given a more solid form, and once such a creature is vanquished, banished or dismissed from the Material Realm, naught will be left behind but two very small and uniquely shaped shards of Opal. Similarly to other elementals these are theorized to act as sort of binding cores to allow a level of stability, granting focal points for the creature to anchor and form a proper and semi-stable physical form upon the Material Realms.

Biological Traits

Obla'nosts on the Endless Skies, their home region/plane upon the Primordial Realm, seem to have a natural shape of a small winged cloud, fluffy and pale, with small but powerful fuzzy wings, three sets of them. Such are the reports of those few magisters so lucky to have been welcomed to the elemental plane and allowed to return. They have no visible mouth, one friendly eye of silver and glittering opal, and it seems unclear how they subsist themselves even on their native plane. Some theorize they find sustenance through their cloudlike body, picking up bits of dust, smaller organisms and pollen or other plant matter caught on wind from the Emerald Tangles, and sustain off that in some unique way, though this is merely a theory.

Ecology and Habitats

As with all Vilows, upon their home plane, the Endless Skies, Obla'nosts are the most socialable and socialite of all Aeir elementals, traveling in groups called flights, that can number north of a dozen.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In limited observation of flights upon the Endless Skies, they seem to have a unique and odd social structure in that their does not seem to be any visible hierarchy, nor any enforced one. This may of course simply be a case of the observation data is to limited, however it would seem that they form these social groups without any need for a hierarchy.

Average Intelligence

Obla'nosts, though oft seeming excitable and filled with exuberant and almost child-like energy, are actually notable intelligent, and those whom are able to direct conversation with elemental creatures often find that even these, the least powerful and evolved amongst Aeir Elementals oft have an impressive intelligence and sharpness of mind to them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As with any elemental creature, even Vilows, Obla'nosts have a noted sensativity to the arcane, and in particular to manipulations of Aeir, able to sense such things from great distance.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

There does seem to be a correlation to general cloud like 'fluffiness' for want of a more proper scientific term, and social acceptance both upon the Endless Skies, and even when upon the Material Realm.
Obla'nost Base Stat Sheet
Scientific Name
Elementaius Aerom Clouvi
Average Height
Varies noticeably
Average Weight
Varies noticeably, but exceedingly light
Average Length
Varies noticeably
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ranging from fluffy white to storm grey, their cloud like bodies always seeming to flicker and crackle with lightning and opal energy.

Cover image: Obla'nost by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)


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May 13, 2024 15:36 by Mochi

gasp, that researcher in the opening quote sounds really cool, and knows what they're talking about >:)

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
May 13, 2024 16:43

These are so cute :D Cloud chicks!