Phoenix Queen's Kiss

A mistake was made, an error most fatal. The fault is mine, and as such I can only feel sorrow. I ask you now, Mother of War, grant but a pardon, this one time of my failure. Bless them with your kiss, and let their soul return from the mist.

The Phoenix Queen's Kiss


Basic Effects: The individual awakens, coughing up a bit of ash and smoke. They are alive, conscious, at 1 wound and with no injuries, and gain the Burned Soul trait, meaning they can never be brought back to life again via this prayer.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The individual in question may have been dead for up to 1 day

Tier III Effects: The individual in question may have been dead for up to 1 week.


From blackness you feel heat, warming you at first, but then burning, like the hottest fires of the sun. You feel passion, sorrow, and anger. Self anger, anger at one's own poor judgement. You feel softness, tenderness, like the kiss of a lover or the embrace of a friend. You taste....smoke and ash, as the burning fades. You feel all the pain, groaning, as your eyes open, and you cough violently, spewing grey ashy dust from your air way, drawing in a deep, choked breath. Alive, you are alive.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 30, Tier II: 35, Tier III: 40
Related Discipline
Prayer (Vosana Falconhand)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Special: You must be the vehicle of delivery, so you must kiss the fallen individual.

Target: A corpse, head must be attached to the body, of someone who has not been dead longer than 1 hour.

Cover image: Phoenix's Kiss by Keon Croucher was the input operator, using discord account drizzt1034, in Midjourney. I merely gave it prompting, it compiled the visual result.


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