Pisinkawi {Pie-shin-coo-wey}

"Though undeniable that they often appear to mortals as a shape that invokes discomfort and fear, the reality is that like most any other elemental, the small Pisinkawi means no harm to mortal beings. They are not friendly nor hostile, but can generally, provided one has the means to do so, be engaged in conversation. They are rare sights on the Material Realm, though like many elemental beings they travel semi freely through the Aether and can be seen within the weaves of manna with some frequency. Upon the material realm, if they are seen it is usually due to having been summoned and bargained with by a magister to provide them with aid for some limited time. Alternatively however in areas where enough Entropy Manna pools, on rare occasions this can open an unstable rift or tear within the weaves of the Aether, allowing such entities to accidentally get lost in their travels and end up on the Material Realm. Sadly such tears are usually one way openings, so the only way to send them back home is via dismissing them, banishing them, or through violently besting their physical form in combat, which frees them from the bindings of the Material Realm and releases them back into the Aether."

Written quote from Mistress Shayliss Ulivarn of the Amethyst Order, as recorded in the research papers of Montague Alvira Winston Esq, aka. Mochi.

"Often presenting as a deep purple and shadowy shape not unlike that of a child or small animal's corpse, but radiant with Entropic manna, Pisinkawi are oft confused at first as some sort of undead creature. However this is, on a very technical level, incorrect. Like any Entropy Elemental creature, the Pisinkawi is in fact the very energy of renewal, of that moment of death, given a quasi physical form. How they visibly present not withstanding, they are in fact very much alive, but always dying, always renewing, always sparking that sort of moment in the cycle for energy all around them. They are unique and fascinating creatures, like all those within the larger family of Elemental and within each of the eight classes under that umbrella. In many cases they are also unfairly viewed and heavily misunderstood, often seen as ill omens or signs of horror to come, yet in fact they can often be the exact opposite. Many cultures have had names for them in the past, most derogatory, and many share roots with grave insults and curses. However in truth, they are often helpful even when manifested onto the Material Realm, and are generally driven by nature to repair and reset any breach of the natural cycle and rhythms of life and death. This means the truth of the matter is such an entity is not undead, and if found upon the Material Realm, was likely brought here by a magister, or by some great disruption, such as an apostate foolishly practicing actual necromancy, that caused Lobhadh to pool and collect in large amounts over a small area. In such a circumstance these entities when they stumble forth from the tear in the Aetherweave will generally be drawn to seek out such causes of imbalance and repair them."

Mochi giving a presentation about Elementals and their wide and varied types, as a guest lecturer at the Magisterium Campus in Rydan, Waston.

Basic Information


Elementals do not have a real anatomy as most would know it, and seem to be more or less beings formed of manna, pure manna and energy, given some sort of quasi physical form and constraints. Repiratory systems, cardiovascular systems, nervous systems, none of these are confirmably present. This is not to say they are without any structure, there does seem to be two 'organs' for want of a better word, oft left behind when such an entity is vanquished (violently, mere dismissal doesn't work though banishment does seem to some of the time). These are two differently shaped pieces of amethyst, each only perhaps the size of a full grown man's pinky finger at most. One is shaped not unlike a brain in a sense, wrinkled and all, the other in generally shaped as if a double sided needle, but with a visible chambering within it, as if meant to operate as some sort of filter. It is theorized that the first is what grants these entities their physical forms, it is the focal, the mind if one will, how the energies focus and unify in a way to become an actual full individual entity. The second is theorized to be a sort of purifyer organ, and partially responsible for the unique ways such creatures interact with magick beyond that which is the energy they are formed of. Once the elemental is defeated or banished however, these just become mere low end manna gems with an interesting and unique shape.

Biological Traits

Pisinkawi when visiting the Sea of Entropy, by the accounts of those few Amethyst Magisters whom have been welcomed to visit and allowed to leave, are basically formless entities, merely bulbous shapes with eyes and grippy appendages moving through the sea in groups. They are the young and small of Entropy Elementals and form into large swathes, or flocks, out of a necessity to thrive and survive and grow. They are scavengers, swarming the corpses of energy from beings of the other plains, helping to consume and excrete refreshed and new manna. Such is the nature of the Sea of Entropy amongst the greater Primordial Realm. It is not a true sea or ocean, but a purplish miasma within which all things regularly decay and die and are reborn. The creatures, the elemental entities are the agents of renewal, all scavengers and opportunists and the Pisinkawi are no exception, seeking to eventually grow and join the ranks of more powerful elemental kindred, acquiring a more consistent and solid form in the process.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pisinkawi are the lowest tier of Entropy Elementals, the rank of Vilow, and as such they can grow and become more powerful by a great deal.

Ecology and Habitats

Native to the Sea of Entropy, like all Entropic Elementals, Pisinkawis are generally the socialite of the Entropic plane, travelling in groups of numbers of 8 or more through their home plane of death and life, cycle and renewal, decay and rebirth. The Entropic Sea is a plane like no other, a strange and bizarre realm.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is not well known how such entities subsist on their normal realm, however they seem to need no sustenance of any kind when upon the Material Realm.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In spite of how they look and what one's perception may be, Pisinwaki are actually quite friendly to most any mortal they meet, unless that individual reeks of necromancy or undeath. They are excellent trackers of such stenches as well, making them favorite aides in hunting apostates of the Amethyst Order whenever the rare apprentice goes fully off the reserve as it were, and starts dappling in the dangerous and highly illicit and heretical sides of entropy magick, to mess with the cycle of life and death by raising the dead.

Facial characteristics

Eyes of bright amethyst purple, pulsing a little with power. Often rotten flesh and somewhat blackened teeth, patched fur if they have chosen to seem as an animal, skin with notable sores and bruises if a child, with signs of rot and decay around the eye sockets, nose, ears and mouth.

Average Intelligence

Pisinkawi are intelligent enough to know their general essence will be notably offputting to mortal beings on the Material realms, and thusly they will oft choose to take a solid form upon arrival of something friendly and familiar, like a child or a friendly looking dog. Of course such things still look moderately horrifying to many, as what they will see more closely resembles a walking, talking (or barking) rotting corpse.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Pisinkawi, like any elementals, are quite sensitive to the arcane, able to sense and see naturally in the Aether, and sense the manipulation of manna, especially Lobhadh, from a great distance. They can sense disruptions to the natural cycle, such as creatures of an undead nature, for a great distance as well, and react....aggressively to such things.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

We know very little about this as well, as the names seem less spoken and more visual or implied, weaving the energies of Entropy into shapes visible only briefly on the Aether to communicate with each other, and it would seem this is how they are named. There are no proper spoken word translations in most cases, only the barest attempts at approximations by Pisinkawis when speaking with an Amethyst Magister, or perhaps even a non magister mortal, and we have no way of being sure how accurate the words they offer are actually accurate or appropriate translations of these images that represent their names. The categories of elementals, of which Pisinkawi is but the lowest for Entropy, we are far more sure of however, as that has been confirmed by multiple sources both Pisinkawi themselves and other elemental entities of Entropy and from other parts of the Primordial Realm.

Beauty Ideals

It is noted that there does seem to be an interesting if not unexpected 'beauty' standard in play for Pisinkawi as with all Entropy Elementals, that correlates directly to how far along the process of decay one looks, when on the Material Realm at least. Of course this could just be the Amethyst Order's attempt at making a joke, though they are not known for their sense of humor.
Pisinkawi Base Stat Sheet
Scientific Name
Elementaius Entrophil Decayil
Average Height
Varies wildly
Average Weight
Varies noticeably
Average Length
Varies noticeably
Average Physique
There is a variety to be had here, and amongst Elemental creatures, there aren't really any easy ways to differentiate between male and female. Some well studied arcanists even think that this may be because they are capable of simply willing such a swap as needed based upon available partners. Though we also know very little about reproduction or societal structure of elemental creatures as well. Upon the Material Realm, they always appear to exude, leak, and ooze this dark amethyst essence that flits out of sight, the obvious sign of a buildup of Lobhadh, of Entropy Manna. What seems to be, even visibly, clouds of black flies will buzz all about them and the smell of rot and decay will cling to them heavily, however the flies if touched merely flash into purple light and fade away, never truly there to begin with.

Cover image: Pisinkawi by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)


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