Priest-It is done, whatever it is. It'll do. Holy shit that was a pain to finish!

Obviously this is meant to be an overlay/homebrew for the Cleric more or less. As in all cases it isn't a perfect translation but it should, ideally be able to cross over rather easily, with only minimal to mild effort to cross over in either direction, be it homebrew mess or flat PF 2e rules.

The most holy and sanctified of sorts, priests and preachers of all the Ascended do not merely just practice their skills in the churches of Valerick. Traveling missionaries, holy advisors and confidantes, many are the roles a priest may end up taking. A supportive element of a military unit, providing spiritual guidance and divine guidance. A priest's duties may see them very well take up the road of an Exemplari, should they believe that is the intended purpose that their diety has for them, that is the path they are meant to walk. Each faith's priests are very notably different, but in general they are well learned, strong of spirit, and have a strong caretaking sense, seeing themselves as a sheperd or something very similar. Regardless of which cloth a priest is from there will be truth to all these statements of some kind. They are all generally well schooled in matters of history and spiritualism/religion, as one might expect, and that knowledge can also make them a most worthwhile travel companion.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Priests Key Attribute is Wisdom or Charisma

Hit Point Progression: Priests start with 2+Consitution Modifier added to their Maximum Hit Points at character creation. They add 1d6+Constitution Modifier every level after that.

Initial Proficiencies

Priests start play with the following proficiencies.

Perception: Priests start play Trained in Perception.

Saving Throws: Priests stat play as Expert in Will and Ego Saves, as well as Trained in Fortitude and Logic Saves.

Skills: Priests start play Trained in Religion, Prayer (Chosen Diety) and 2+Intelligence Modifier other skills, plus skills from their chosen Diety.

Attacks: Priests start play Trained in prayer (spell) attacks for their faith, as well as perhaps weapon families based upon their chosen diety.

Defenses: All Priests begin play Trained in Unarmored Defense, and some may get training with some armors based on their chosen Diety

Class DC: Trained in Priest Class DC

Spell DC: Trained in the appropriate Spell DC for their School.

Profession Progression Table

Level Skill Progression Points Profession Abilities Faith Pool Prayers Known
1 - Ancestry and Background, Faith Pool, Calling, Diety 4 1
2 1 Reflexive Reactions, Priest Feat, Skill Feat 4 1
3 - General Feat, Physical Returns 5 2
4 1 Priest Feat, Skill Feat, Heightened Awareness 6 2
5 - Ancestry Feat, Calling Expertise, Attribute Growths 7 3
6 - Priest Feat, Skill Feat, , Empowered Ego 8 3
7 1 General Feat, Unarmored Expertise, Fitness next to Godliness 9 4
8 1 Priest Feat, Skill Feat, Focused Will 10 4
9 - Ancestry Feat, Sharp Mind 11 5
10 1 Attribute Growth, Priest Feat, Skill Feat 12 5
11 1 General Feat, Preacher's Awareness 13 6
12 - Priest Feat, Skill Feat, Master Preacher 14 6
13 1 Ancestry Feat, Divine Ego 15 7
14 1 Priest Feat, Skill Feat 16 7
15 - Attribute Growth, General Feat, Practiced Reflexes 17 8
16 1 Priest Feat, Skill Feat, Divine Awareness 18 8
17 1 Ancestry Feat, Divine Will 19 9
18 - Priest Feat, Skill Feat, High Priest(ess) 20 9
19 1 General Feat, Preacher's Logic 21 10
20 1 Priest Feat, Skill Feat 22 10

Priest Basic Features and Base Abilities

This section will detail those progressions for saves, perception and other proficiencies that all Magisters get by level

Ancestry and Background: As in Pathfinder 2e at base, any first level character applies the necessary changes based upon their Ancestry and Background, gaining any necessary abilities and such right off the hop. They also get their first Ancestry feat, though not listed.

Faith Pool: Priests have a unique resource called Faith. This is a pool of their just raw belief manifesting as pure energy they can wield to activate a variety of unique abilities and other such things offered via feats. This pool grows as they level up, but in addition to the amount listed on the table, they add their Charisma or Wisdom (whichever they picked) Modifier to that number and that is the size of their Faith Pool.

  • Infusion of Faith: Spend 1 Faith, add 2 to the Prayer Roll you are making. You may spend up to 3 points of Faith as part of attempting a Prayer roll.

  • Faithful's Protection: So long as you have 1 point in your Faith Pool, you add the modifier of your primary attribute as a morale bonus to your AC.

  • Healing Blessing: Costs 3 faith, 2 actions. 30 foot burst around you. Yourself and all allies heal HP= your Priest level+(Charisma or Wisdom Modifier, based upon your primary attribute)

Diety: At first level, every priest, just as every Templar, must pick their diety, their faith. This dictates their tenets, the beliefs they must follow to keep their powers, as well as will dictate many of the feats from this homebrew that would be available to them (remember cleric feats are meant to be available as well, even if you need to do a bit of crossover altering one direction of the other) as well as deciding which prayer list you will be picking from, and will even grant you skills, and in some cases limited weapon and armor proficiencies. The dieties/religious are listed below;

The Mooncallers

The clergy of the Divine Hunter, Boran the Bloodhound, they keep records, taxonomy and detailed records of creatures, monsters and even sapient beings. The diety tied to the animal kingdom, to survivalism, to homesteading style living. Popular in more rural areas, as one might expect, those of this cloth are generally moderately trained.

The Huntmaster's Prayers When learning new prayers, a Mooncaller selects from this list. They also automatically gain 1 skill rank in Prayer (Boran the Bloodhound).

Armor: Mooncallers are trained with Light Armors

Weapons: Mooncallers are trained with Ranged (Bows) family and Melee (Basic Hand Weapons) family.

Skills: Mooncallers start play with Survival, Nature and Animal Handling Trained.

Hunting Companion: A Mooncaller starts play with a Korgrav Hunting Hound animal companion, which scales as if their Priest level is a Hunter Level.

Tenets: The Hunter's Code which is the broad tenets which govern the behaviors of all the Huntermaster's Faithful.

Order Librarium

The order Librarium are the priestly order of Cormaq Thunderhand, the god of invention, creation, knowledge and science. They are a learned bunch, and preach ideals of science, research and the quest for innovation, progress, and continual technological improvement.

Rights of Progress: When learning their prayers, an Order Librarium Priest selects from this list. They also gain Trained Proficiency in Prayer (Cormaq Thunderhand) skill.

Armor: Order Librarium Priests are Trained with Light and Medium Armors.

Weapons: Order Librarium Priests are Trained with Ranged (Magnetech), Ranged (Firearms), and Ranged (Engineering) weapons.

Skills: Order Librarium Priests start play with Investigation, Lore (Mechanical), and either Craft (Magnetech) or Craft (Firearms) at Trained.

Rapid Repair: For the cost of 1 Faith, you can make the Healing Blessing Faith Power affect constructs, items and inanimate objects instead of sapients/animals/biological entities.

Tenets: The Engineer's Ethical Codex contains the broad governing tenets of the Seekers of Progress.

The Abjudicators

The clergy of Deat-Kra, the Divine Judge, these individuals follow the concepts of law and order, and hold the laws of the land in the highest regard.

Judicial Rites: When learning their prayers an Abjudicator picks from this list, known as the Judicial Rites. They also gain the Trained rank in Prayer (Deat-Kra)

Armor: Trained with Medium Armors.

Weapons: Trained with Ranged (Slings), and Melee (Polearms) families.

Skills: Become trained with any three; Intimidate, Diplomacy/Persaude, Bribery, Intuition, Lore (Law)

Sniff out the Guilty: Costs 1 Faith and 2 Actions. In a 30 foot radius around you, you become aware of any hidden and buried feelings of guilt anyone might be feeling. You may not know the reasons, but you can feel the strength and depth of the emotion. Lasts 1 minute, you can focus on it for a Free Action to reconfirm the readings/check new people whom have one way or another have come into range.

Tenets: Holy Law, the tenets of this faith, which the Abjudicators are held to.

Cartographer of Fate

The Cartographers of Fate are the clergy of Feyheart, the god of the roads, of travels and of tall tales, history and exploration.

Traveler's Prayers: When learning their prayers, this is the list a Priest of the Cartographers of Fate picks from. They also start play with Trained Proficiency in Prayer (Feyheart) skill.

Armor: Light Armors for it is foolish to travel so extensively without some protective gear.

Weapons: Trained with Melee (Fencing) and Trained with Ranged (Firearms) families.

Skills: Cartographer of Fate Priests start play Trained in Performance (Oratory), Navigation (Terrestrial) and Craft (Cartography)

Terrestrial Traveler: A priest of Feyheart is well travelled and well used to environmental difficulties. They reduce the difficulty of any natural terrain by 1 (This only applies to their ability to move through such terrain, not any threats or dangers, such as trying to walk across magma or something silly).

Tenets: The Traveler's Guidings are the tenets of this religion and are what an Cartographer of Fate Priest is held to.


The Dockmasters are the clergy of Captain Black Jeremiah. They are record keepers, trackers of shipping and masters of knowledge of the waterways and sea shipping lanes.

Writs of the Privateer: When learning their prayers this is the list a Dockmaster picks from. They also become Trained in Prayer (Captain Black Jeremiah) skill.

Armor: None.

Weapons: Trained with Melee (Fencing), Ranged (Firearms), and Ranged (Explosives).

Skills: Dockmasters start play with Society, Bribery, and either Deception or Diplomacy/Persaude Trained. They also choose either Navigation (Naval) or Drive (Sailing) to be Trained.

Tenets: The Corsair's Conscience is the holy creed of the followers of Captain Black Jeremiah, and the standard the Dockmasters are held to.


The Storm-Speakers are the clergy arm of the church of Sir Kartheart, the god of Valor, Battle, Warriors and Courage. They are perhaps the most militant of the orders of the cloth, only really rivaled by those whom follow Vosana Falconhand.

War Chants: When learning their prayers, a Storm-Speaker selects from this list. They also become Trained in Prayer (Sir Kartheart).

Armor: Storm-Speakers are trained with Light, and Medium Armors, as well as Shields.

Weapons: They are trained with Melee (Basic Hand Weapons), Melee (Brawling), and Melee (Two-Handed) weapon families.

Skills: Storm-Speakers start with Athletics, Ride (Swine), and Craft (Blacksmith) Trained.

Storm's Blessing: A Storm-Caller, so long as they have 1 Faith in their Faith Pool, has Resist (X) to Thunder, Cold and Lightning damage, where X=1/2 their Priest level, minimum 1.

Tenets: The Laknoth is the holy code, the tenets that govern Sir Kartheart's faithful and as such govern any Storm-Speaker.


The priesthood of Talia, lady of the leaves, the goddess of nature, manna, magick, survival and the wylde.

Magicks of Faith: When learning their Prayers a priest of Talia selects from this list. They start play with the skill Prayer (Talia) Trained.

Armor: None

Weapons: Trained with Melee (Brawling), and Ranged (Sling) families.

Skills: They begin play with Nature, Arcana, Occult, Stealth and Survival trained.

Magick's Touch: Priests and Priestess of Talia start play with additional prayers in the form of Spell-forms. They select three spell-forms of Tier I from the Druidism list that have a Casting DC of less than 20. They add these to their prayers list, and roll their Prayer skill to cast them.

Tenets: The Balance is the holy code, the tenets of the faith of the Lady of the Leaves, and thus is the standard all Leaf-Callers are held to.

The Cardsharks

The divine order of the cloth of Varis Tomain, the god of luck, coin, and trade. These individuals are of a book-keeping type, and many of their powers and prayers center around exchange, currency, luck and trade.

Gambler's Prayers: When learning their Prayers, a Cardshark Priest picks from this list. They also become Trained in Prayer (Varis Tomain).

Armor: None

Weapons: They start Trained in Melee (Fencing), and one of Ranged (Explosives) or Ranged (Firearms) families.

Skills: These priests start trained in Society, Intuition, Bribery and Persuade or Intimidate.

Highly Skilled: Cardsharks start with no feat like power, however they gain 2 skill progression points to spend at first level.

Tenets: Diceman's Demands are the holy tenets and code that broadly governs the lives of the faithful of Varis Tomain and is the code to which a Cardshark is held.


The last of the divine orders of the cloth, the Sun-Callers, the followers of Vosana Falconhand, the goddess of war, tactics, and the sun.

Hymns Tactica: When learning their Prayers, a Sun-Caller Priest picks from this list. They also become Trained in Prayer (Vosana Falconhand).

Armor: Sun-Callers are trained with light and medium armors.

Weapons: They start play Trained with Melee (Polearms) and Ranged (Bows) weapon families.

Skills: These priests start trained in Lore (History), Lore (Military), Lore (Tactics), and Lore (Nobility).

Highly Skilled: Sun-Callers start with no feat like power, however they gain 2 skill progression points to spend at first level.

Tenets: War-Leader's Guide are the holy tenets and code that broadly governs the lives of the faithful of Vosana Falconhand and is the code to which a Sun-Caller is held.

These are the nine Clergies that a priest chooses from, and from here we will cover the rest of their abilities and such per level, before getting to their feats.

Calling: At First level, a priest gains the Divine trait, and this is their 'spell-casting' so all spell-casting stuff for the Priest is tied to the Divine tradition. They are also subject to the rules of Divine Burnout (X) however a priest may always spend Faith as a single action, reducing their Divine Burnout (X) total equal to the faith spent.

Reflexive Reactions: 2nd level become Trained in Reflex Saves.

Priest Feats: At 2nd level and every even level thereafter you select a Priest feat of appropriate level. Alternatively you can always select a feat from lower level options if you wish.

Skill Feats: At 2nd level and every even level thereafter you select a skill Feat.

General Feats: At 3rd level and every four levels after you gain a General Feat either from the additional ones provided within Adventures in Valerick or the plethora available in the base Pathfinder 2e. Priests are unique besides Templars, in that they can select Feats with the Holy Text Trait (basically meta-magick feats for prayers) that they would otherwise meet the qualifications for as well with these feat slots, including any from their Profession list (so for base Pathfinder 2e this includes Cleric and Paladin).

Physical Returns: At 3rd level a Priest becomes Trained in Power Saves.

Heightened Awareness: At 4th level a Priest becomes an Expert in Perception

Attribute Growths: At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter you gain 4 attribute points to spend on any of your attributes you wish. Your Wisdom or Charisma (whichever you picked as your primary) Attribute also naturally increases by 1 on top of this and this growth ignores the tax rules on going above 18 in an attribute. These attribute points can send your scores above 18, though every point you wish to increase an attribute above 18 costs 2 attribute points, not 1.

Calling Expertise: At 5th level a Magister becomes Expert in their Class DC, Spell DCs and Spell Attacks. They also now Call at Tier II as their base.

Empowered Ego: At 6th level a Priest becomes Master in Ego Saves.

Unarmored Expertise: At 7th level a Priest becomes Expert in Unarmored Defense

Fitness is next to Godliness: At 7th level a Priest becomes Trained in Power Saves.

Focused Will: At 8th level a Priest becomes Master Proficiency in Will Saves.

Sharp Mind: At 9th level a Priest becomes Expert Proficiency with Logic Saves.

Preacher's Awareness: At 11th level a Magister becomes Master Proficiency with Perception.

Master Preacher: At 12th level a Priest becomes Master Proficiency with their Class DC, Spell DC and Spell Attack rolls. They also now Call at Tier III as their base.

Divine Ego: At 13th level a Magister becomes Legendary with Ego Saves.

Practiced Reflexes: At 15th level a Priest becomes Expert in Reflex Saves.

Divine Awareness: At 16th level a Priest becomes Legendary in Perception.

Divine Will: At 17th level a Priest becomes Legendary in Will Saves.

High Priest(ess): At 18th level a Priest becomes Legendary in Class DC, Spell DC, and Spell Attacks.

Preacher's Logic: At 19th level a Priest becomes Master in Logic Saves.

Priest Feats

This is far from a proper comprehensive list, even more so than for many other profession/class overlays and that is due in large part to the idea that this is meant to be an overlay type system. That is not to say that there are no homebrew options here of course, naturally their are, so let us review them;

Divine Guidance

Feat 2

Traits: Priest, Divine, Faith, Auditory
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest
Cost: 1 Faith and Reaction

As a Reaction a Priest with this feat can aid an ally within 30 feet of them with a quick call out of a Blessing, tapping into their Faith to gift some of it to their companion. On a Saving Throw or Skill check, you may declare you are using this reaction. Your ally gains a bonus to the roll equal to your Wisdom or Charisma Modifier (whichever is your primary attribute).

Meditative Scriptures

Feat 2

Traits: Priest, Divine, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest

A Priest with feat, during a Regroup, may take this activity. If they do so, they spend up to half their hit dice (minimum 1), rolling them and adding their Charisma or Wisdom Modifier as appropriate. They recover that many Faith Points. This cannot make them go over their maximum cap. This does limit them to only being able to take one recuperate activities during a Regroup of course meaning they may only spend half their hit dice to recover HP.

Share Senses

Feat 2

Traits: Priest, Animal, Moon-Caller, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Moon-Caller

A Moon-Caller who takes this feat may enter a meditative state and simply ride along with their hound companion, experiencing the world through them and their senses for up to an hour at one time. They may spend 2 points of Faith to increase this duration to 2 hours.

Improvised Safety

Feat 2

Traits: Order Librarium Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order Librarium Priest
Cost: Free Action, 1 Faith

Muttering a quick stanza and and manipulating some part of the weapon in question in some odd way, you manage to temporarily ignore the Dangerous quality on a weapon. For the rest of the round, the weapon in question, no longer has the Dangerous quality.

Deny the Witch

Feat 2

Traits: Abjudicator Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Abjudicator Priest

So long as you have 1 Faith in your Faith Pool, you add +4 to any Saving throw against any spell or magick effect from an Arcane, Occult or Primal source.

Terrestrial Traveler

Feat 2

Traits: Cartographer of Fate Priest, Faith, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cartographer of Fate Priest

A priest with this feat reduces all detrimental effects from natural terrain by one step so long as they have 1 Faith in their Faith Pool.

Sea Legs

Feat 2

Traits: Dockmaster Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dockmaster Priest

A Priest of the High Captain is quite accustomed to the pitch and roll of a ship or boat. They suffer no movement penalties, need to make no saving throws, and require no adjustment time. They are immune to being Sickened or otherwise effected by the motion of a deck beneath their feet.

Touch of the Storm

Feat 2

Traits: Unarmed, Storm-Speaker Priest, Faith, Divine, Attack
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Speaker Priest
Cost: 2 Faith, 1 Action

Making a Touch attack with your Call (spell) attack roll, you reach out and touch a target. If you hit, that target takes 1d4/2 Priest Levels+your casting Modifier damage of one element from the three listed below. You must choose the element before you attack;

Element Critical Hit Effect
Lightning Stupify (1)
Radiant Blinded (1)
Thunder Stunned (1)
Cold Slow (1)

Faithful Healing

Feat 2

Traits: Leaf-Caller Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Leaf-Caller Priest
Cost: 3 Faith Points, 1 Action

Laying your hands on yourself or an ally, tapping deep into your faith, you heal the target for 1d6/2 Priest levels + your Charisma or Wisdom Modifier hitpoints and remove up to Wounded (1)

Up the Ante

Feat 2

Traits: Cardshark Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cardshark Priest
Cost: 2 Faith, Reaction, must be on a failed Saving Throw

By spending the appropriate amount of Faith, when yourself or any creature within 30 feet of you fails a Saving Throw, acting as Tomain's voice and hand, you offer them an out. Double or Nothing. They may reattempt the Saving Throw, however it is merely a pass or fail roll, except it is Critical Success or Critical Failure. A creature may choose to not accept these stakes, but if so they do not get to re-roll.


Feat 2

Traits: Divine, Sun-Caller Priest, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sun-Caller Priest

So long as a Sun-Caller Priest has 1 Faith in their Faith Pool, they have Resist (X), where X is 1/2 their Priest level (minimum 1) to both Fire and Radiant damage.


Feat 4

Traits: Faith, Priest, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest
Cost: 2 Faith, Reaction

A Priest with this feat gains a unique reaction they can use against others whom pray, whom engage in the art of Calling. This includes Void Shamans, whom count as both casting and Calling by nature of the strangeness of their magicks. You simply spend the appropriate Faith and roll a Prayer roll. If you beat their Prayer roll by 10 or more you suppress their prayer and inflict them with Silence (1). If you merely beat them but by less than ten you simply surpress their Prayer. If they beat you by less than 10, their calling is weakened, reduced by 1 Tier from what they were trying to Call upon. Only if they beat you by 10 or more, so critically, do they get their calling as they were attempting it.

Blessed Jaws

Feat 4

Traits: Moon-Caller Priest, Divine, Animal, Companion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Moon-Caller Priest

A priest with this feat, their hound companion, their jaws now count as Holy weapons, treating their damage as if blessed with Holy Oil all the time.

Crafter's Blessing of Armor

Feat 4

Traits: Order Librarium Priest, Divine, Faith, Ritual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order Librarium Priest
Cost: 2 Faith + 1/extra set of armor or shield you wish effect

During daily preparations you may spend the appropriate Faith imbuing armor and shields of yours and your companions with great gifts. The affected equipment must be non magickal equipment. These items become +1 lesser enchanted objects (increasing the Dex Cap if any by 1 and increasing the AC bonus by 1 as well, and reducing any check/skill penalties by 1). On top of this, you imbue a Tier I enchantment into the objects. It is the same enchantment for them all, unless you are willing to commit another point of Faith for each object you wish to put a different enchantment upon.

Read the Guilt

Feat 4

Traits: Abjudicator Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Abjudicator Priest
Cost: 1 Faith, 1 Action

An Abjudicator with this Feat can choose as an Action to focus in on one target from their Sniff out the Guilty reading and focus on them. Though it is not a prayer (spell) this does act as a Maintained effect, thereby taking up the Concetration slot. Over the next thirty seconds (three rounds) the Abjudicator examines the individual, noting their speech, noting their behaviors, noting how they carry themselves. Be it direct questioning or not there is a lot that can be inferred, if done well. At the end of the thirty seconds (three rounds) an Investigate or Intuition (Priest's choice) check should be rolled in secret against the target's profession (class) DC. If critically failed, then the information/assumptions the priest is making should be well off the mark, out to lunch, but within the realm of the context clues of course. Should the secret check merely fail, the Abjudicator isn't seeing, hearing or observing enough to make any strong notes off the individual, the ability is a wash. Should the secret check succeed, the priest should know for certain whether or not the target is in fact guilty of anything actually requiring a law enforcement type interaction, they should be able to read a rough severity of the situation from behavior, speech, body language, etc. Should they critically succeed, the Abjudicator should at least have it narrowed down to two closely related crime umbrellas (Murder or Assault, that sort of deal.) This could be because of blood on the clothes, signs of a fight, or various body language behaviors, or general demeanor behaviors. So long as this ability was a Success or Critical Success, for the next hour the Abjudicator has the benefit of the Fortune Trait on any social skill check they roll against the target (that is roll twice and take the best).

Mental Map

Feat 4

Traits:Cartographer of Fate Priest, Faith, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cartographer of Fate Priest
Cost: 3 Faith, 10 minutes during Daily Preparations

Cartographers of Fate are well known for their sharp mind and memory for geography, seeming to be obsessed with maps and with keeping track of their surroundings. During Daily preparations a Cartographer of Fate may spend the necessary faith and time to set themselves up for this ability, utilizing this feat. They center their minds, hone their focus, tap into that well of divinity within them, that great gift from Feyheart. For the duration of their day, they have a flawless mental map. This doesn't provide them aid in finding where to go when exploring, they are unaware of their surroundings. What it does do however is ensure they are incapable of getting lost and turned around and going in circles. They will always notice immediately if they return somewhere they've already been and will immediately be able to orient themselves in such a location. It also means they can always backtrack very easily if necessary.

Of the Sea and Sail

Feat 4

Traits: Dockmaster Priest, Movement
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dockmaster Priest

A Dockmaster Priest with this feat treats their movement speed as a Swim Speed as well.

Storm's Protection

Feat 4

Traits: Storm-Speaker Priest, Reaction, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Speaker Priest

A Storm-Speaker can seem as if protected by the very elements of Tempest itself, guarded by Sir Kartheart. They gain a special reaction they can utilize when attacked or threatened by any sort of damaging effect. The source of that damage becomes the target of a spell attack roll so long as they are within 60 feet of the priest this can be activated. Spending the necessary faith, the priest rolls the spell attack. If it hits, this attack deals 1d10 Lightning damage and 1d10 Thunder damage as a literal bolt of lightning just manifests violently, hammering into the assailant's body.

Biorhythmic Touch

Feat 4

Traits: Leaf-Caller Priest, Divine, Faith, Medical
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Leaf-Caller Priest
Cost: 2 Faith, 1 Action

With this feat a Leaf-Caller can touch a target (themself included) and imbue them with a bit of their own life essence, a Biorhythmic pulse if you will. This provides the target creature the benefit of Fast Healing (X) where X= Priest Level+Charisma or Wisdom Modifier for 1 minute (6 rounds). If you attempt to grant another target this ability, the first instance of it ends abruptly.

Dumb Luck is Good Luck

Feat 4

Traits: Cardshark Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cardshark Priest

So long as a Cardshark has at least 1 Faith in their Faith Pool when it happens, the first natural 1 they roll in a day, if they have this feat, counts as a 10 instead.

Burning Radiance

Feat 4

Traits: Sun, Fire, Radiant, Sun-Caller Priest
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sun-Caller Priest
Cost: 2 faith, Reaction (responding to taking damage or being attacked from a source you can see within 60 feet)

A Sun-Caller may spend the required faith and allow this reaction to trigger. They make a Calling (Spell) attack roll against the offending target/creature, though they must choose which it shall be, the Burning, or the Radiance. If the attack hits, it deals 2d8+(Charisma or Wisdom Attribute Modifier) of the appropriate elemental damage. Fire for Burning, Radiant for Radiance. If it scores a critical hit, the creature is afflicted with Ablaze (X) where X is equal to your Priest level for Burning. For Radiance, the creature suffers Blind (1) if its a critical hit. In both case they also take double damage obviously. If the attack misses, nothing really happens. If its a critical miss, the priest rolls Ire of the Gods, subtracting 75 from the d100 roll. If its less than 001, then nothing happens, it would seem Vosana did not take notice of the tactical blunder.

Studied Scriptures I

Feat 6

Traits: Priest, Divine, Calling
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest

A Priest whom takes this feat selects a Prayer from their options that make up their Prayer list at Tier I with a Calling DC equal to or less than 20. They may call upon this Prayer 1/day without rolling a Prayer skill roll, though naturally this also means you cannot critically succeed, but nor can you suffer a failure or critical failure.

Group Meditation

Feat 6

Traits: Priest, Faith, Medicine, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest
Cost: 2 Faith

Tapping into your natural pool of Divinity as an activity during a Regroup you allow the group to recover from a variety of aliments more rapidly than they should by exerting this well of power you hold. They may recover from/reduce their Wounded, Exhausted or Doomed conditions by (1). At 12th level you may spend 4 Faith on this to allow that reduction to be up to (2) and at 18th level you may spend 6 and allow the reduction to be up to (3).

Pack Tactics

Feat 6

Traits:Moon-Caller Priest, Animal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Moon-Caller Priest

A Moon-Caller who takes this feat, they and their hound companion count each other as 2 creatures for the point of triggering outnumbering effects and bonuses, as well as for the threshold for enemies to be able to outnumber them.

Crafter's Blessing of Arms

Feat 6

Traits: Order Librarium Priest, Faith, Weapon, Divine, Ritual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order of Librarium Priest
Cost: 2 Faith +1/extra weapon you wish to affect.

As part of your daily preparations, taking 10 minutes of ritual and prayer, tinkering with and working with the weapon(s) you grant and gift them the benefit of enchantment. For the rest of the day the weapon(s) in question are lesser magick weapons, becoming +1 weapons (increasing their damage and attack rolls by 1) as well as imbuing them with a Tier I enchantment of your choice. If affecting more than 1 weapon, you enchant them all with the same singular enchantment, however you may spend 1 extra faith per weapon to allow you to vary the enchantment upon them instead of them all being the same Tier I enchantment. This can only affect weapons that are non-magickal to begin with.

Weight of Conscience

Feat 6

Traits: Abjudicator Priest, Faith, Divine, Attack, Auditory, Compulsion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Abjudicator Priest
Cost: 3 Faith, 2 Actions

Utilizing the knowledge from Sniff out the Guilty, instead of trying to Read the Guilt, perhaps you simply try to let the individual's conscience betray them. This is an attack, however you attack using Intimidate, Persuade/Bribery or Deception, depending if you want to attempt to scare them, make a deal with them, or trick them. Whatever it is you say isn't irrelevant, however it doesn't need to be detailed, because what is more important is the weight of faith behind your words. Should your skill roll overcome their DC (like Class DC, except ignoring their favored stat and replacing it with Charisma) then the attack is successful. If you critically succeed, they take double damage and based on what it is your after (a confession, turning over an associate, etc) they begin giving you everything, unable to bear the weight of guilt, spilling their guts. Should you merely normal succeed, they take 3d6+Charisma Modifier Psychic damage and will in a limited capacity begin to co-operate, though it will still require more negotiation and further dialogue. If the creature was hostile and is sapient, at this point in either case they stop resisting. If you fail, they still take half damage and though they will stop resisting they won't disarm themselves. They will consent to the correctness of the idea they are carrying guilt/information/or are guilty of some wrongdoing, but will be very cagey with details, unwilling to so easily give up everything without a lot more negotiation. Should you critically fail, they take no damage and seem unaffected as if they have no conscience to speak of.

Well Traveled Welcome

Feat 6

Traits: Cartographer of Fate Priest, Social, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cartographer of Fate Priest
Cost: 2 Faith

A Cartographer of Fate is very well traveled and oft due to the religion they follow they have connections upon connections. There is not a settlement in the land that doesn't have some small inn or bunkhouse tucked away somewhere with direct religious ties to Feyheart's faithful, its just a question of remembering them. Thankfully Feyheart provides. For the appropriate amount of Faith listed whenever a Cartographer of Fate enters a settlement they can take a minute, thinking, tapping into that divine well, and be shown directions and the name of the establishment that would provide for that need within the settlement in question. Furthermore, so long as they arrive within 28 hours (1 day) of entering the settlement, they can insure that both themselves and their traveling companions (up to 4 others) are provided for without need of a tithe or offering.

Mind of Charts

Feat 6

Traits: Dockmaster Priest, Directions, Water, Faith, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dockmaster Priest

So long as a Dockmaster has 1 Faith in their Faith Pool, their memory for ocean currents and their complex interactions and directional behaviors is like a steel trap. It is flawless and they are pretty much incapable of getting truly lost at sea. They may not always know exact location because of lack of landmarks, but at any given time they merely need to spend a minute of focus, falling into the well of faith, feeling the winds, the water below the ship/boat's deck, letting the knowledge of the High Captain flood their mind like a tsunami. After which they will know what sea lane, that is major current they are within and this will help inform them of a rough geographical location. Based on the directionality of the current, and the time of year from that information they will be able to provide a rough direction and distance estimate (accurate to within 30 miles) to the nearest land.

Valorous War Cry

Feat 6

Traits: Storm-Speaker Priest, Auditory, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Singer Priest
Cost: 2 Faith and 2 actions

Letting out a war cry for yourself and your allies, something to stir the blood, raise the spirits, inspire the courage and bravery, you shout with supernatural force. Yourself and any ally within 30 feet of you in any direction reduce any instances of Frightened you may have by (1), as well as this will break any Tier I complusionary effect such as charm, command, or any other such mental effect upon an ally. At 12th level you reduce Frightened by (2) and this will break Tier II compulsion like effects and at 18th level you reduce Frightened by (3) and any and all compulsion like effects.

Gift of Manna I

Feat 6

Traits: Leaf-Caller Priest, Divine, (Appropriate Element)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Leaf-Caller Priest

A Leaf-Caller with this feat adds another Spell-Form from their chosen school or one from the Universal list, any spell, to their prayer list. They may Call upon this 'prayer-spell' at Tier I freely 1/day, no roll required.

Stack the Deck

Feat 6

Traits: Cardshark Priest, Fortune, Faith, Divine, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cardshark Priest with Up the Ante Feat.
Cost: 5 Faith +2/Extra target beyond yourself and the first other person, 1 Activity

A Cardshark with this feat, during daily preparations, or during a Regroup as one of their activities, may choose to indulge this ability. Spending 15 minutes, you imbue the Faith, that divine pool you tap into, amongst yourself and your chosen companion(s). You insure some sort of shared metaphysical or meta-mental connection between each other that so long as you remain close enough to each other you will all benefit from. So long as you are all within 30 feet of each other you garner the benefits. If someone ends up 30 feet away from you, the epicenter of this effect, that merely means they do not benefit and you all cannot benefit from them. Stacking the deck refers to the benefit. When using this ability choose physical or mental. Whenever those under this effect must roll a saving throw that falls into the appropriate category (Power, Reflex, Fortitude for Physical. Logic, Will, and Ego for Mental), they roll using the highest modifier among all those so connected instead of their own.

Tactical Reposition

Feat 6

Traits: Sun-Caller Priest, Faith, Movement, Displacement
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sun-Caller Priest
Cost: 3 Faith, 1 Action

This ability can target anyone within 30 feet of you, friend or foe. They can resist this with an Ego Save, or they may let it happen. If they choose to resist and critically fail, along with being repositioned they suffer 2d6 Radiant damage and are Confused (1). If they fail, they are merely Confused (1). If they succeed they are still displaced but suffer no ill consequences. If they critically succeed, you take 2d6 force damage and they are not repositioned. This ability teleports the target in a flash of sunfire like radiance, they seem to dissolve into raw luminesence and reappear somewhere within 30 feet of where they were. You cannot displace them into an obvious lethal environmental hazard (like over an opening of a volcano, or past the edge of a cliff overlooking a few hundred foot drop.), nor can you place them partway into the ground or otherwise inbetween objects in that sense (like half in and half out of a wall or tree, etc etc). However you can simply displace them 30 feet up if you so wished, or displace them beside a creature or entity hostile to them, or right beside an environmental hazard such as a building on fire, the edge of a cliff, that sort of thing.

War Priest

Feat 8

Traits: Priest, Uncommon, Advanced Scripture (Spell-Shape/Metamagick)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest who cannot have Boisterous Sermon Feat

A priest with this feat, they no longer provoke any reactionary attacks or strikes (counter-spell/counter-prayer still are provoked) for Calling in melee range. This includes any Faith abilities that have the Divine trait as well, as these would normally also provoke from anyone not the target.

Boisterous Sermon

Feat 8

Traits: Priest, Uncommon, Advanced Scripture (Spell-shape/metamagick)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest who cannot have the War Priest Feat.

A priest with this feat is very used to speaking to large congregations, and is skilled at maintaining their voice and speaking with a boisterous volume that fills any space. They increase the range of all Faith abilities with the Divine trait, as well as all Prayers, by 1/2 their range. This means touch effects may be utilized at 15 feet.

Arms and Armor Expertise

Feat 10

Traits: Priest, Weapon, Armor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest

A Priest whom takes this Feat gains Expert Proficiency in the weapon and armor groups provided by their Diety at 1st level.

Demoralizing Howl

Feat 10

Traits: Animal, Moon-Caller Priest, Divine, Faith, Attack, Auditory
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Moon-Caller Priest
Cost: 3 Faith, 2 Actions

A Moon-Caller with this feat is actually not garnering a direct benefit from this feat, however it does allow their hound companion the use of their Faith Pool for a special ability the hound gets access too. Letting out a keening howl not unlike a wolf, the hound's deep howl sends shivers down the spine of any and all whom hear it. Those you deem hostile within 60 feet of the hound need to make a Will Save against your Profession (Class) DC. Should they critically fail they become Stunned (1), and Frightened (2) of both the hound AND you, as well as taking double damage. Should they normal fail they take 2d8+Hound's Strength Modifier Psychic damage and are Frightened (2) of both the hound AND you. Should they succeed they take half damage and are still Frightened (1) of both the hound AND you. If they critically succeed they take no damage but are Frightened (1) of the hound.

Armorer's Boon

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Order Librarium Priest, Faith, Divine, Ritual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order Librarium Priest with Crafter's Blessing of Armor
Cost: 3 Faith +1/extra armor set or shield you wish to affect.

This is an evolution of Crafter's Blessing of Armor. You now turn them into +2 objects with a Tier II (or two Tier I) Enchantment(s) of your choice. Similarly they will all recieve the same enchantment(s) unless you are willing to spend 1 extra Faith per item after the first one to give them different enchantment(s). The armors and shields you affect must be non-magickal.

Under Oath

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Adjudicator Priest, Faith, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Adjudicator Priest with Read the Guilt Feat
Cost: 3 Faith, Free Action

Tapping into your divine pool, you manifest your will upon the conversation you are having, as you formally both swear to tell the truth, nothing but the whole truth, by the Divine Judge's will, and you engage the target, the person you are conversing with, to do the same. They cannot resist this, they simply will be unable to continue to converse, suffering the Silence condition for the next hour, if they refuse to swear the oath. This does not prevent either of you from lying but what it does do is make it very difficult to hide, as every time you lie, you will take 1d10 Force damage from a sudden stabbing sensation deep in the center of your skull. Whenever either party tries to lie, they need to make a Fortitude Save against your Profession DC. If they critically fail, they don't even fully finish the lie coherently, taking double damage and screaming uncontrollably from the sudden pain. If they fail, they grit their teeth and finish the lie, but no intuition check is required to know they are lying, they cannot even roll Deception, its too obvious. If they succeed they take full damage still but can roll Deception to sell it, as they manage not to show the pain much at all, but they are under Misfortune (roll twice take the worse one). Only on a critical success can they lie so smoothly, whilst still taking half damage, that they do not show anything and may roll a Deception check as they normally would.

Overland Explorer

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Cartographer of Fate Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cartographer of Fate Priest

A priest with this feat now counts their movement speed as a climb speed as well so long as they have 1 Faith Point left in their Faith Pool.

Targeted Writ

Feat 10

Traits: Dockmaster Priest, Faith, Activity, Ritual, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dockmaster Priest
Cost: 5 Faith

Tapping into their Divinity as a special daily preparation activity, a priest with this feat can issue a targeted Writ of Privateering, basically a bounty, gifted out by the High Captain. This will come with a time limit, and lock the priest out of this ability until the writ is completed by the captain it was authorized to or until the Writ expires or is officially abandoned (the severance offering of five thousand gold made properly to have this done). The writ will come with a cargo manifest, with at least two items explicited marked to be offerings to the High Captain, not meant to be loot. (This could even include the ship itself, increasing the difficulty of the task, as one might expect), however it could be as many as 5 items (an amount of gold would be one item). These demands will never exceed more than 30% of the potential loot to be taken from the vessel in question (not counting the ship if its listed, that's a unique hedge case, its not common, only 1 in a 100 writs make such a demand). The writ will also come with a detailed armament report of the vessel, its last known crew compliment, noting any official magisters or priests or others of that ilk (but not Shamans or the like, generally, as such people hide what they are as best they can). Lastly it will come with a special compass like object, but the needle always points towards the vessel that is the target of the Writ. The timeframe for the Writ will vary, but is always fair. Aggressive, but reasonable, always accounting for distance of last known location, offering a few days extra to chase and attempt to find favorable conditions to engage. However the price for failing to complete a writ is steep indeed for a captain, for then they owe the church, and therefore the God of the Sea, a great debt. Captain Black Jeremiah does not take well to debtors.

Thundering War Cry

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Storm-Singer Priest, Faith, Divine, Auditory
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Singer Priest with Valorous War Cry Feat
Cost: 3 Faith 2 Actions

Letting out a thunderous war cry, all creatures you view as hostile within 60 feet of you must make a Will Save against your Profession DC. Critical failure means Stunned (2), Frightened (3), double damage. Failure means 3d10+Casting Attribute Thunder damage, Stunned (1), Frightened (2). Success means half damage and Frightened (1), Deafened (1). Critical Success means no damage, Deafened (1).

Rhythm of the Wylde

Feat 10

Traits: Leaf-Caller Priest, Divine, Activity, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Leaf-Caller Priest

A Leaf-Caller Priest with this feat, so long as they are doing so outside amongst natural terrain of some kind, during a Regroup they may spend one of their activities to spend up to 1/2 their hit dice to recover Faith Points.

If you aren't Cheating, you aren't trying!

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Faith, Divine, Cardshark Priest
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cardshark Priest with Stack the Deck Feat
Cost: 5 Faith

This feat allows the Cardshark to utilize a special activity as part of their daily preparations. They spend 5 faith, and they roll 1d20. That roll should be recorded. At any given point until they Rest again (so a Regroup doesn't get rid of this) as a response to any D20 roll they make, they can simply say "I'm going to cheat" and replace it with the recorded roll. They may spend 3 extra faith to record two dice, and another 3 to record 3 dice, and so on, to a maximum number equal to 1/2 their Priest level.

Sunfire Cleanse

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Sun-Caller Priest, Faith, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sun-Caller Priest
Cost: 4 Faith, 2 Actions

This feat allows you to purge a target of all conditions affecting them. They take 1d4 fire damage per condition (and instance of condition so if they were Frightened (3) they take 3d4 fire damage) from this however. Persistent damage, regardless of how much it is, counts as 1 instance of a condition, unless someone has two different kinds going. The only condition this cannot cleanse is Ablaze (persistent fire damage)

Studied Scriptures II

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Priest, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest with Studied Scriptures I Feat.

A priest whom takes this feat selects a second Prayer from their list, this one can be any Tier I prayer, and they may call upon it with no roll required 1/day. The prayer they selected at level six with Studied Scriptures I they now call upon at Tier II when they call upon it for the free 1/day usage.

Of the Night

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Moon-Caller Priest
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Moon-Caller Priest

The Priest has been blessed by the Lord of Hunts. They have Darkvision 120 feet.

Boon of Arms

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Faith, Divine, Order Librarium Priest
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order Librarium Priest with Crafter's Blessing of Arms Feat
Cost: 3 Faith+1/additional weapon you wish to affect.

This is an evolution to Blessing of Arms. Now you imbue the weapons as +2 Enchanted weapons, and may grant them a Tier II enchantment, or two Tier I enchantments if you prefer. Similarly you must pay 1 extra faith for each weapon if you wish to diversify the Enchantment(s) elsewise they all simply have the same one(s). The weapons affected by this cannot be magickal weapons of any kind.

Judgement Commune

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Faith, Divine, Abjudicator Priest, Ritual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Abjudicator Priest
Cost: 5 Faith, 1 Hour

This feat allows a priest of the Divine Judge to take evidence, testimony and legal arguements to the highest of all courts, the Halls of Justice. They enter a trance like state for 1 hour, during which they will be speaking directly to a Divine Justicar (though not likely Deat-Kra himself) and presenting the facts of the case, the accused, the arguements, the evidence. When they return, they will find a divine writ upon their laps, a judgement, a ruling, passed down to be enforced. The Abjudicator has a bonus to 1/2 their priest level to all rolls to interact with, fight against and defend themselves from any abilities of the accused should that be necessary, so long as they are in charge of passing out the judgement. The judgement will have a timeframe it is good for, ranging from 1-7 days depending on severity of the offenses, difficulty of carrying them out, and the severity of the offenses. The Divine Writ will continue to provide its bonuses past the deadline if you have them in custody and are transporting them to a noted location, if the writ was not for execution.

Sea Monkey

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Faith, Divine, Dockmaster Priest
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dockmaster Priest

A Dockmaster Priest with this feat, so long as they have 1 Faith in their Faith Pool, counts their movement speed as a Climb Speed as well.

Touched by Tempest

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Faith, Divine, Storm-Singer Priest
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Singer Priest with Touch of the Storm Feat

Upon selecting this feat, a Priest chooses Lightning, Thunder or Cold damage. This choice is permanent. They are immune to that type of elemental damage so long as they have 1 Faith in their Faith Pool, and have resistance equal to their Priest level to it even if their Faith Pool is empty.

The House always wins

Feat 12

Traits: Cardshark Priest, Uncommon, Divine, Reaction
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cardshark Priest with the If you ain't Cheating, you ain't Trying feat.
Cost: Reaction

As the saying goes the house always wins. You gain access to a special reaction option tied to your stored dice from If you ain't Cheating, you ain't Trying. You may, as a reaction, target a creature within 20 feet of you whom just rolled a d20, and burn one of those stored numbers to swap it in, replacing their roll.

Sunfire's Embrace

Feat 12

Traits: Sun-Caller Priest, Uncommon, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sun-Caller Priest

Blessed by the Goddess of the Sun, a priest with this feat has Resist (X) where X is their priest level, to Radiant and Fire Damage.

Breath of Life

Feat 14

Traits: Priest, Uncommon, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest
Cost: 'X' Faith Points and 3 Actions

This must be used on someone who is unconscious and at least Dying (1). For each Faith Point you spend, you heal them 2d8 and remove 1 instance of every condition, including Wounded and yes Dying, as well as Doomed or other such conditions like Exhaustion. This requires you to touch the person.

Of Powerful Faith

Feat 14

Traits: Priest, Rare, Faith, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest

A priest with this feat is truly blessed, and lowers the cost of all Faith abilities by 1 (but to a minimum of 1 Faith Point). This also means for X abilities though they must pay into the X part, as soon as they put 1 point in it counts as 2. So 2 equals 3 and thusly onward.

Studied Scriptures III

Feat 16

Traits: Priest, Rare, Divine, Calling
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest with Studied Scriptures II.

Pick a third Prayer. You may call upon this one 1/day at Tier I with no roll. The prayer you picked for Studied Scriptures II can now be called upon at Tier II 1/day no roll required and the Prayer you selected at Studied Scriptures I can now be called upon at Tier III 1/day no roll required.

Holy Beast

Feat 16

Traits: Animal, Moon-Caller Priest, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Moon-Caller Priest who's animal companion yet lives.

Your loyal animal companion, your most trusted friend, has been welcomed home. They die of old age during the night, yet you feel no sorrow, for why would you. They live on beside you, blessed to leave the Hunter's Highlands every day, returning only when you need to rest, and in peak physical form. They gain the Outsider (Celestial) template, and increase all physical attributes by 4.

Master Armorer's Gift

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Order Librarium Priest, Faith, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order Librarium Priest with Armorer's Boon Feat.
Cost: 4 Faith+1/extra set of armor or shield you wish to affect.

You now make them +3 pieces of gear and can utilize a single Tier III enchantment, or alternatively mix and match lower Tiers to fill three points worth (so a single Tier II and Tier I, or three Tier I). Same other rules from previous feats apply.

Legal Memory

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Abjudicator Priest, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Abjudicator Priest with at least Master Rank in Lore (Law).

An Abjudicator with this feat cannot critically fail Lore (Law) rolls ever.

Predictive Mind Map

Feat 16

Traits: Faith, Rare, Divine, Cartographer of Fate
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: A Cartographer of Fate with Mental Map Feat and at least Master rank in Craft (Cartography).
Cost: 2 Faith/ 5 miles (10 kms), 10 minutes

During Daily Prepartions, a Cartographer of Fate may roll a Craft (Cartography) check whilst spending the appropriate Faith, against their own Profession DC. Should they critically succeed, they manage through some deep forgotten memory, or divine inspiration, to sketch out what will turn out to be a shockingly accurate map, down to the distances of the scale, of the surrounding area in all directions based upon how much Faith they spent. If they succeed, it will still be really quite accurate, a couple major landmarks or biome transitions may be off by a mile or two, but nothing so major that the map is unusable by any means. Should they fail, the map is not really up to snuff but they know that and can behave accordingly or even simply choose not to use it. Should they critically fail they believe it is dead on accurate but it is woefully incorrect and wrong, but believably wrong, just everything is in the wrong place. Because of this obviously the check should be rolled as a secret check.

Recall Records

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Divine, Faith, Dockmaster Priest, Ritual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dockmaster Priest
Cost: 4 Faith/day, 10 ritual time/day of records your trying to manifest

As a Dockmaster of sufficient power and prestige, they can merely recall records they never wrote, the High Captain will happily manifest copies. Whenever they are in a port city or town for their daily preparations, they may spend the amount of Faith they wish and spend the necessary ritual time in deep prayer and meditation. At the end of which copies of the dock records for as many days back as you committed to will simply manifest for you in hard copy. Full shipping manifests, arrival and leaving times of vessels that have been in and out of port, the works.

Eye of the Storm

Feat 16

Traits: Storm-Speaker Priest, Rare, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Singer Priest with Touched by Tempest Feat.

A priest with this feat selects a second element they didn't pick when they took Touched by Tempest and gets the Touched by Tempest benefits for that Element now. The first one they picked they are no just permanently immune to forever.

Gift of Manna II

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Leaf-Caller Priest, Divine, (Appropriate Element)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Leaf-Caller Priest with Gift of Manna I.

They may now call upon that selected spell at Tier II 1/day freely, no roll required.

Skill Makes Luck

Feat 16

Traits: Cardshark Priest, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cardshark Priest.

A Cardshark Priest whom takes this feat gains 4 skill progressions to spend.


Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Sun-Caller Priest
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sun-Caller Priest with Sunfire's Embrace Feat.

Choose Fire or Radiant damage. You are forever immune to the chosen damage type.

Mastery of Arms

Feat 18

Traits: Rare, Priest
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest with Arms and Armor Expertise.

A Priest with this feat is now Master proficiency in the appropriate armors and armament families for their Diety choice.

Master of Scriptures

Feat 18

Traits: Priest, Rare, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Priest with Studied Scriptures III feat.

You never need to roll to Call upon a Prayer at Tier I or Tier II and may choose to down cast to avoid making a Prayer roll whenever you are taking the Calling action.

Huntmaster's Knowledge

Feat 20

Traits: Cardshark Priest, Uncommon, Divine, Reaction
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Moon-Caller Priest with Master Rank in at least Occult or Nature

You are incapable of ever critically failing recall knowledge checks in regards to any creature, as you tap into the Huntmaster's own knowledge.

Master Weaponsmith's Gift

Feat 20

Traits: Order Librarium Priest, Weapon, Faith, Divine, Ritual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order Librarium Priest with Boon of Arms Feat.
Cost: 4 Faith +1/extra weapon you wish to affect

They become +3 weapons and gain a Tier III enchantment. Alternatively it can be a single Tier II Enchantment and a single Tier I Enchantment or even three Tier I enchantments. All other rules still apply.

Judge, Jury and Executioner

Feat 20

Traits: Abjudicator Priest, Rare, Attack, Faith, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Abjudicator Priest
Cost: 3 Faith, 3 actions

You make a singular attack against a target you've affected with Sniff out the Guilty that you believe needs to die. If you hit the target must make a Fortitude Save against your Profession DC. If they critically fail, they immediately die and their soul is drawn forth into the Halls of Justice for final judgement, they cannot be brought back by any means. If they fail, they die but can be brought back so long as it is done inside 28 hours. If they succeed, you merely score a critical hit and apply maximum damage. If they critically succeed it is merely a normal hit at max damage.

Multiversal Mental Map

Feat 20

Traits: Cartographer of Fate Priest, Rare, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cartographer of Fate Priest with Predictive Mental Map Feat.

A priest with this feat have a mental map of the very multiverse committed to memory, including key areas where different planes of existence are so close together that one may find a natural portal, a passage between planes that can be activated and utilized by proper means.

Born of the Sea

Feat 20

Traits: Dockmaster Priest, Rare, Divine, Faith
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dockmaster Priest with Of Sea and Sail Feat.

So long as the priest with this feat has 1 Faith point they can breathe and talk unhindered underwater.

Born of Tempest

Feat 20

Traits: Storm-Singer Priest, Rare, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Singer Priest with Eye of the Storm Feat.

A Priest with this feat is permanetly immune to Cold, Thunder and Lightning damage.

Manna Boon

Feat 20

Traits: Leaf-Caller Priest, Rare, Divine, (Appropriate Element)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Leaf-Caller Priest with Gift of Manna II.

A Priest with this feat adds all spell-forms from the chosen school to their prayer list forever.

The Greatest Con

Feat 20

Traits: Cardshark Priest, Rare, Death, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cardshark Priest with the If you ain't Cheating, you ain't Trying feat.

The first time a priest whom takes this feat dies, they merely wake up 28 hours later unharmed and fully recovered, even if the body is destroyed, they return to their home temple, waking up in their bunk. This effect only works 1/year.

Blessed of the Phoenix

Feat 20

Traits: Sun-Caller Priest, Rare, Divine, Sun, Fire, Radiant, Death
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sun-Caller Priest

When a Sun-Caller Priest who has this feat dies, their body and gear, even magical, ignite and burn to ash. They are reborn the very next turn as a celestial entity, a Valkiran, a warrior angel celestial, keeping all abilities they had in life during this visit, and being able to stick around nad fight or interact with and visit mortals for hours equal to their Charisma or Wisdom (whichever you picked at 1st level) Modifier, before they are called forth to the Skyfire Hold, the Realm Celestia of Vosana, to serve and live for eternity as a most hallowed and respected paragon of the faithful.

Cover image: Bela Naimeth by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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