Quoth the Scriptures

It is amazing what one can convince people of if they merely pay attention and learn to act like they can do things that they actually cannot.


Perform TN: 17, Tier II; 22, Tier III; 27

Performance Time: 2 Actions

Duration: Instant

Range: 30 feet

Target: Any otherworldly/extraplanar entity in range that can hear you.

Base Effects: Acting the part of a priest or templar, going through the motions, gesturing with an object that looks at least similar to some sort of holy symbol, you quote from memory different versions of dismissal prayers and litanies you've heard spoken or read, making sure to act completely over the top, selling the 'holy person in the midst of a holy sermon/fit' aethestic of a it all. Your target must make a Persona Defense Test. If they fail, they take 3d10 radiant damage and gain the Frightened Condition. Furthermore they must attempt a Sagacity Defense Test at the end of their next turn to avoid being dismissed back to their appropriate realm of existence. Should they succeed, they take half damage and are not frightened, and also realize you are a fraud, so any future attempts to use this performance on that target in the same day, the target automatically succeeds the Defense Test.

Tier II Effects: You may target up to 2 creatures in range

Tier III Effects: You may target up to 3 creatures in range.


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