Read Emotions

A very simple spell-form, one that most of the Diamond Order can use almost without thinking about it, yet one they do get a great deal of use out of, providing them a notable edge when preparing to engage in social activities.


Basic Effects: Weaving Meanma through your own mind and essence, you heighten your own natural empathy, empowering it greatly, widening its sensitivity, but narrowing its focus to those close to you, allowing you a visual representation in the Aether of those around you and their emotional states in real time for the maintained duration. You only garner the most basic information, which is the strongest single emotion dominating their current thoughts off the following list;

  • Happiness

  • Sadness

  • Anger

  • Fear

  • Befuddlement

  • Desire

  • Mischief

  • Grief

For those less roleplay inclined, this should grant the Diamond Magister a +2 Bonus on any Social checks they need to attempt for the duration.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You garner the two most powerful emotions those within range are feeling, which could maybe help you further understand the social nuances of the situation as you interact with those around you. For those not roleplay inclined, increase the bonus to +4

Tier III Effects: Increase the radius to 30 feet, and all social checks a Diamond Magister must attempt within the radius for the duration are rolled with the Momentum.


Evelyn read the headmaster of the orphanage like a book. He was confused, but not angry, more sad at the sight of the little girl as she entered his office. The man genuinely had no ill will, and seemed to genuinely care, and so she immediately adjusted her tact, offering her hand to him, insuring her facial expression was one of compassion and concern, not anger and irritation. "Headmaster Anton, thank you for seeing me without an appointment or warning, I do apologize for this sudden and unexplained intrusion but time was a factor. I am Evelyn, a Magister of the Diamond Order," she spoke kindly, as she shook his hand and then from her robes produced her appropriate paperwork. "I would hereby wish to inform you that this child Amelie is formally being recognized by my authority as a Diamond Magister as being born with 'The Touch'. She is hereby being taken from here under my authority and care to be escorted to the nearest Magisterium Collegiate where an appropriate teacher can take her on as an apprentice." She dropped her act then, going from official but kind to concerned and friendly. "However I can see in your eyes and by how you are looking at Amelie you are concerned about her well being, given her obvious injuries. I would happily wait here whilst you confer with her about the situation, and she could tell you what has occured. I will also understand if you wish to send for a templar or two to insure my papers are indeed legitimate and to check her themselves, if you wish. I am more than willing to co-operate, given the sudden nature of this event, and given that you are indeed the Headmaster of this orphanage and I do not wish for you to think I would overstep your authority and duty to insure the safety of these children."
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 10, Tier II: 15, Tier III: 20
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
1 action
Self, 15 foot radius
Applied Restriction
Special: Every Diamond Magister has this manifest in a unique way, as such a player whom intends to play a Magister of the Diamond Order and utilize this spell-form needs to come up with how this manifests for them. Some see colored aura's that only glow from the face of individuals, others see little balls of light orbiting individuals in the Aether for example. Some do not see, but smell, certain scents associated with base emotions. These base emotions are;

Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Desire, Mischief, Grief, Fear, or Befuddlement.


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