Realm of Water

As an Aquamancer becomes more in tune and in sync with the Primordial Force of the Sapphire Currents, that of Water, this ancient force seems to develop a kinship, a mutual respect for the flexibility and adaptability that the magister time and again proves to have. This change is heralded much like those of the Ruby Order, as reaching its apex when a magister is so blessed as to come to understand how to visit the very heart of this primordial energy, the Realm of Water.


Basic Effects: Weaving the flow of Uisce in a unique and almost effortless way, you structure a massive spell-form in a fashion most would not think capable so easily. But that is the hallmark of an Aquamancer, after all. This spell-form, in its swift but complex nature, is to allow planar travel. This spell form is limited, it may only target the Realm of Water, and a destination within it. The most common destination of course is the City of Coral, but if you have another in mind, a place you are aware of, you may target that place instead. You and your allies are not subject to any of the negatives most mortals would be on the Plane, as you are welcomed by Uisce, so the environment is not hostile towards you. This does not mean the monsters and creatures and their abilities can not effect you, just that environmental factors do not harm you.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may bring an additional two willing creatures with you.

Tier III Effects: You may bring an additional two willing creatures with you.


Arriving upon a wild and winding current, the smells, sights and many breezes winding through the clouds ever plentiful in the hustle and business of the City of Clouds. Emilia sighed, pleased at her arrival, enjoying the sensation of the energized winds upon her skin and hair, the soft embrace of the clouds all about her, the strange but pleasant feeling upon her feet as she strode along the roads, such as they were, here. A city of learned beings and folk, a place of quick minds and bodies, with some of the most complete and in depth libraries in all the realms. She moved swiftly with purpose through the city, nodding to passing beings of all sorts as she went.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 21, Tier II: 26, Tier III 31
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
Applied Restriction
Targets: You and up to 4 other willing creatures whom have all linked hands to form a circle of sorts


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