Realm Stride

The similarities are uncanny, are you absolutely sure that was not arcane magick, priest?

"Not at all, friend dwarf, after all it may not have worked on you if it was. Nothing but the divine will of Feyheart and his kindness in lending me a bit of his power, I assure you. Now come, we should stop standing amongst this market square like we don't belong. Let us find this Stone-Born smithy you wish to do business with before my desire to explore this place bids me to leave you behind.

Those with great faith and trust of Feyheart do have access to a unique boon, and also have unique knowledge. The truth of Feyheart, is that though of Mogol heritage, that was only half his heritage. He was also half Fey. The Fey folk, now exceedingly rare, were once great allies of all, one of those whom could protect during the Sundering, though at great personal cost. Alas now many fae on Valerick are of the Fell variety, their very essence corrupted beyond redemption by the Void. The Fey were known, however, for their ability to Stride, an ability and magick that Feyheart is said to have inherited. By most definitions this would make him a heretic and his faith heretical. However this is a carefully guarded secret, and played off and heavily censored by the church of the Traveler. The truth of the matter is with that touch of Fey, Feyheart can and does grant his most trusted followers a powerful touch of the arcane. For this prayer is merely Realm Stride the Emerald Order Spell, simply one step removed, gifted by divine power from a god who in the modern day would be branded heretic and apostate.
Related Discipline
Prayer (Feyheart)


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