Reversing Flows

Like any magister, counter-weaving is easy enough, but like many order, those of the Sapphire have their own alternative, and arguably more powerful options.


Basic Effects: Reacting to the disturbance in the Aether as someone attempts to weave their own spell-forms, you rapidly direct and swirl the currents of Uisce all about this effort, using the might of a river of manna to forcibly almost take over the spell-form as it is manifesting into the Material Realm. This has one of two set effects;

  • If the spell-form they were weaving was a single target spell-form, you choose the target and the spell-form still operates as normal. This includes any spell-form that has you select multiple targets, that is still in fact a single target spell.

  • If the spell-form they were attempting to weave is an area of effect spell, then instead you simply throw the energy back into them. They take 2d6 cold damage/Tier of the spell-form they were attempting to weave, and must make a Toughness Defensive Test, which if they fail, they gain the Slow (1) Condition.

If the spell you are reacting to has a lower or equal TN to the TN of your weaving of this spell-form, you automatically succeed. If their TN was higher, you must roll a spell attack against their Caster TN (the target number you would roll Defensive Tests against) Should you fail to beat that number with your roll, your attempt simply fails, the waves of Sapphire Manna simply crashing against and breaking against the spell-form they are weaving like waves against a cliff.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: By virtue of raising this spell forms TN you make it stronger, that's the trade off.

Tier III Effects: By virtue of raising this spell forms TN you make it stronger, that's the trade off.


Elize moved rapidly, seeing the dark scaled yuan-ti working the Aether, bringing together many types of manna. Though she had no idea what this creature was doing, she had every understanding that no matter what it was, it was going to be bad, and so she swiftly reacted, sending forth a flood of Uisce to slam into the spell-form, feeling its energy through the currents. Feeling that it was meant to target her specifically, she threw it right back at the shaman, and watched with abject horror as the yuan-ti's body twitched, shook and spasmed, as its own scaly skin began to flip and fold along its body, turning inside out, the creature shrieking and hissing in excruciating pain.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 19, Tier II: 24, Tier III: 29
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 Reaction, to any creature attempting to cast any sort of arcane magick.
60 feet
Applied Restriction
Special: This spell-form has two distinct effects, depending on the nature of how the spell-form you are reacting to functions.


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