Revitalizing Currents

A unique spell-form, working in combination with an ally, for it is not meant for the magister themselves, and does not really help them much. Empowerment and energy, a sudden surge.


Basic Effects: Weaving the flows of Uisce, guiding them, you lay your hand upon a target, allowing yourself to be the conduit as the energy of Sapphire flows through you into them. They gain 5 temporary wounds that refresh at the beginning of their turn every round for the duration. In addition on their first turn after having this spell take effect, their movement speed is doubled and they may take an extra action.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: They gain 10 temporary wounds that refresh at the beginning of their turn every round for duration.

Tier III Effects: They gain 15 temporary wounds that refresh at the beginning of their turn every round for duration.


Nils felt the cool sensation, felt his focus tighten, felt his energy level increase as his love Isabella laid her hand upon him, magick flowing through her finger tips. He winked at her, both blades coming to hand, as she moved from him, turning her focus to their flank even as the first two gnolls lunged forwards to assault Nils. They didn't stand a chance, as his blades danced rapidly, rapier and main gauche flowing and dancing as smooth as a river with all the ferocity of the spring melt.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 14, Tier II: 19, Tier III 24
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Instant/1 minute
Effect Casting Time
1 action
Applied Restriction
Target: 1 Friendly and willing creature


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