Rite of Becalment

This most sacred rite, I invoke now Divine Judge. In the name of those whom would never seek to do harm, whom wish to bring no hurt upon others or the fabric of reality itself. With the consent of this individual, I ask you now to gift them release. Peace. I ask to be a holy instrument, let my touch channel the power of Becalming through them, let salvation be the gift of silence in their own minds, of a calmness without the whispering voices. They seek deliverance, I humbly ask to be allowed to provide.

Ritual of Becalment, the final stanza.


Basic Effects: Over the course of the minute, every round (so 6 times) you must make a Persona Defense Test against the target's caster TN. Should you fail, you take 1d12/point of Intellect Boost the target has of the appropriate Elemental (or untyped if a Shaman, apostate or otherwise) damage. You cannot stop this calling once it starts and you cannot be healed by any means during the minute this takes to call upon. If you successfully complete the casting, the individual is permenantly cut off from the Aether and the Void, they can never wield Arcane Magick again, as they have been Becalmed. This is an almost irreversible process, which is why the individual must consent before it begins and Deat-Kra demands oathsworn witnesses to the proceedings. The only known potential way to undo a Becalming is through Primordial Awakening, the highest of scriptures gifted through only the most devout followers of Talia, and this a rare gift indeed.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You only take 1d8/point of Intellect Boost of the target on failed Persona Defense Tests.

Tier III Effects: You only take 1d4/point of Intellect Boost of the target on failed Persona Defense Tests.


Laying your hands on this individual kneeling before you, as you begin to pray, you feel the thrashing of the Arcane forces keenly through you. Your body and soul will be abused in these coming moments. Though this is a great gift, it is also a test, the hardest of your faith. Every moment a battle, every successful becalment a war. As pain begins to ripple through you, becoming more and more vicious, you hold your focus, you do not falter, even as you bite nearly through your own lip between stanzas to stop from screaming, from interrupting the divine scriptures.
Material Components
At least two witnesses willing to swear under Divine Oath that the target is a consenting and willing participant.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 30, Tier II: 35, Tier III: 40
Related Discipline
Prayer (Deat-Kra)
Effect Duration
Instant, Permanent
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Target, Special: The target must be a consenting individual whom has the Touch of Arcanis (can wield Arcane Magick)

Cover image: Rite of Becalment by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.


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