
Palm trees dot the beaches around this jewel on Gavis-Lune's western coast. Amidst the nation of sand and savannah, where the Tigris River exits to the sea of sails, built all among the delta, the city or Rynessia sits. It is not a large settlement, but with its white sandy beaches, its many pleasure halls, and its resorts and busy harbor and sky-port it is a place of trade, of sun, sand and relaxation. Its location, with three Susmain military garrisons and two naval bases all within three days travel or less, and the coast heavily patrolled, means it is extremely safe from outside threats. The city has never had any sort of raid or monster attack, has never even been threatened. Though not the Susmain capital, Rynessia is perhaps the most influential settlement within the Kingdom of Kingdoms outside the seat of Tiate. She is beautiful as you arrive, and you cannot help but notice the many resting halls, special inns with facilities a plenty, each having their own private oasis, and most if not all boasting and offering the services of companionship, gambling and the finest of food and drink.

Rynessia is oft known as the Jewel of Susma, and this is because of her welcoming nature and her plentiful facilities for hospitality, as well as her location. Unlike so many parts of the scrublands and desert nation, which are sun-blasted and baked to a point well past bearable, and that see next to no rain even during the wet season, Rynessia benefits from temperature control via the steady air currents off the Sea of Sails, as well as more regular rains, close enough to the Jungles of Kang-Chorath to benefit from their more regular rainy and monsoon cycles, without seeing large volumes of precipitation. The city has played well off this location and its wonderful climate benefits, making it a prime destination for the rich and wealthy all about Valerick, both for tourism and for business. Rynessia has a carefully cultivated image as an escape from the rest of the world, and entering the city is no easy task. Within its many resorts, one will find all manner of relief and escape from the stresses of life, from Leshe smoking to games of chance to companionship to simply sunbathing and swimming. The city houses a few dozen private villas that make up its northern quarter as well, villas owned by many of the wealthiest and most well known merchants and noble families in Susma, with a few owned by other such individuals from the other nations of Gavis-Lune as well. If one can find their way into Rynessia, one will find a veritable paradise, a haven from much of the stress of the outside world.


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