Sapphire Item

Cold damage, the ability to control your foe's movements, or the ability to swim as if an aquatic creature, and discard the need for air in such explorations. A diverse and useful option.

Mechanics & Inner Workings


Basic Effects: The weapon deals an additional 1d6 Cold damage on successful hits, and the target must make a Toughness Defensive Test against the Runesmith's Caster TN, which if failed, they gain the Slow (1) Condition.

Tier II Effects: Becomes 2d6 Cold damage and Slow (2).

Tier III Effects: Becomes 3d6 Cold damage and Slow (3).

Armor and Shields

Basic Effects: Resistance to cold Damage.

Tier II Effects: Grants you the Momentum when rolling Toughness Defensive Tests against Slow Conditions or Cold Damage Effects.

Tier III Effects: Reduce all instances of the Slow condition you suffer by (1).
Item type
Consumable, Magical


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