
Saurusilia, a family as old as the Sundering, likely older, creatures from when the corruption of the Void, the Sundering, the impacts of the breaking of reality and the planar collapses of such a time. Once they dominated Valerick, and their decline and the decline of megafauna in general likely has a direct tie to the decline of larger Draconids and played directly into the loss of the Tanes as well, in some small part. However in the Angolia Expanse, the massive jungle that dominates the northern and eastern highlands of the Wastonian continent, such creatures still survive and dominate. The flora here is much larger than in most places, as is the fauna. As such many unique species call this biome home, and the Scrimclaw is no exception. They are not of a truly monstrous size, but are bigger than one might expect of such a prolific pack hunter in most other biomes. However the Angolia Expanse is not most other biomes. These raptors hunt in groups as small as three or four, and as large as nine or ten, though it is believed they generally stick to smaller packs of five to seven adult animals. They are named for their unique toe claws, one on each foot, sickle shaped and hooked, easily some eight or nine inches if it were to be straightened out. The inside edge of this claw is rough, serrated, to allow for better grip once it is punched into flesh. The claw is articulated, the toe it grows from having an extra joint compared to the creature's others. They are perhaps most comparable to wolves, and are equally as adept of team and pack hunters, showing great cohesion and a surprisingly high threshold for learning and adapting hunting techniques as well as a sophisticated social structure not unlike that of wolves, passing down these techniques and tactics from one generation to the next. They are a fascinating species, for in spite of their obvious social structures, they do exhibit more normal reptilian traits, seeming more disconnected from each other as a species. If a Scrimclaw loses its pack or is chased out, another pack will not take it in, in fact they'd be far more likely to run such a loner down and eat them.

Scrimclaws, an Introduction, the first paragraph from Mochi's notes on these fascinating creatures, which was included in its entirety in the Scrimclaw entry within the appropriate tome of The Wilds and Whims of the Natural World, titled Saurusilia, the Scaled Remnants of Ages Past

Basic Information


Like all Saurus, though reptilian, these creatures have hollow skeletal structures, much more similar to birds than most reptiles we would think of. However with their thick scaled hides, Scrimclaws cannot help but be compared to lizards and crocodilians. Their lizard like eyes, lacking eyelids, with a very crocodilian color palette to them does not aide in avoiding this comparison. Their dappled scales of pale yellow and leaf green are excellent camoflogue for the jungle environment they call home, and their nostrils, flared and noticeable, are well developed sensory organs by comparison to any true member of the Reptilia family. They are large and bipedal pack hunters, and many would compare them to modern day wolves, a comparison not unfounded. They similarly seem to communicate through a wide variety of audible calls, including snarls, high pitched chirp like sounds, grinding growls, hisses and louder shrieking like cries that are best compared to perhaps an eagle or hawk, but much louder and notably deeper. It is their complex nasal structure and airway structure that allows some of this. They have notably long tails, easily some four or five feet in length, but semi rigid, kept horizontal, seemingly to aid in counter balance. Their powerful legs seem well suited to traversing the terrain of the jungles, and they can leap impressive heights, and run comfortably at a notable and fast pace.

The claw that gives these marvelous predators their name is used notably in that it is an intimidating sight, yet is not the primary weapon. Instead, it seems these are commonly used to allow stability and grip, sunk into the flesh as anchors of a kind for the Scrimclaw when it jumps on larger prey items, so that its forearms can be kept available to scratch, claw and hook at the flesh of the creature, and it can bite and rip at the creature with impunity and full force, having more stability to utilize all its muscle groups in the actions of lunging its head forward, or ripping and tearing flesh from a creature. They are also used similarly for for feeding, pinning a hunk of a kill under the full body weight of the creature whilst allowing the Scrimclaw to really put its neck and upper body into tearing hunks off.

Genetics and Reproduction

In another point where it is clear that the family of Saurusilia are reptiles in nature, like most terrestrial members of this family, Scrimclaws lay eggs. A female whom has mated will, after a period of about three months, lay a clutch of eggs numbering anywhere from two to five. These eggs will need careful care and constant attention, and packs will find somewhere deep in the jungles that isn't heavily traveled, and the pack will divvy up the responsibilities, one or two adults will always be present, watching over the nests. A pack of Scrimclaws will be made up of an patriarch and matriarch as well as perhaps one other male and two or three other females. The patriarch will breed with every female in most cases, though sometimes if there is a second male in the pack, they may perhaps allowed to mate with one of the pack's females. The genetics of these creatures are fascinating because of this, since it does seem to indicate a lack of genetic mixing, and as such you would expect to see complications from the generational inbreeding, yet none exists.

Now it is theorized that perhaps packs in neighboring hunting grounds, if they happen to meet each other during the mating season, maybe they actually allow a sort of exchange, the males coupling with the opposite pack's females, or something to that effect. However such behavior has never been fully documented repeatably in the wild, and thus we cannot say for certain.

Growth Rate & Stages

The eggs take almost six months to hatch, some of the longest by time frame in the Saurusilia kingdom. The babies hatch blind, and with pale almost transluscent scales, however within three days their eyes will be open, their legs working fully. By two months they can run, by three months, jump. Their scale colors will slowly come to life over the first six or seven months of their lives. Hatchlings have the ability to eat meat right away, though their jaw muscles and their scrim claws are not fully developed right away. Their parents and pack will bring them the choicest bits, squishy organs, intestines, fatty tissue and the like. Within eight weeks the young will travel regularly with the pack, and though not participating in the hunt directly, there will be no more nursery, no more bringing bits of kills back. By the time the hatchlings are a year old, they can eat just like adults, and though they won't yet be fully grown, their scrim claws will be developed enough, and they will be big enough that they will begin participating in hunts and learning proper stalking and hunting technique. By the end of their second year, no more are they hatchlings, Scrimclaws will be fully mature adults, reaching an adult size and weight.

Ecology and Habitats

The Angolia Expanse is a humid sub-tropical climate dominated mostly by rainforest/jungle, but with a few hillier regions and small savannah lowland along its northern coastline. Scrimclaws are a masterfully successful pack predator, finding success across all these environments, however their natural coloration sees them being the most successful in the rainforest/jungle that dominates most of the Expanse, and they are one of the most dominant predators in the region.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Scrimclaws are technically omnivores, and will indulge in eating various fruits and root vegetation, however they are primarily carnivores, and the packs will generally hunt larger prey such as Igirodanicus or Platiconis, as well as midsized herbivores as well.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Scrimclaws have an absolutely top notch sense of smell, and their eyesight, though not their strongest sense, is excellent. They cannot see in the dark very well, however their sense of smell and their amazing hearing helps them stay safe at night. However in an oddity for many predators, Scrimclaws hunt in broad daylight, though they seem extremely well adapted for it. Their eye sight is as sharp as a hawk or eagle, and they miss nothing between these three senses. They possess no extrasensory ability, yet they don't really need it.
Scientific Name
Saurusilia Raptorvia Clanis
20 years
Average Height
2.13-2.74 meters (7'-9') with females generally being a little taller.
Average Weight
310-450 kgs (683-992 lbs) with females generally weighing a little more.
Average Length
5-7 meters (16'5" to 23') in length counting their rigid tail.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Scrimclaws have an interesting kind of dappled scale pattern that is dominated by soft yellows and deep leafy greens. They are rather sleek of build, with no real frills or ridges like many other members of the Saurusilia family have.
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Scrimclaw

Cover image: Teeth of the Jungle by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)


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