SEAMEC {Steam Engine Aquatic Motion Enhancement Core}

This relatively complex apparatus with its connected manna jet turbine systems and sealed Volcanglas cockpit bubble allows the Magni-mech to go aquatic with nearly full operational capabilities and fully safe and sealed airtight chamber for the pilot.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Basic Effects (Tier I): Taking 2 actions, the pilot can transition the Magni-mech into Aquatic mode. This grants the mech a swim speed equal to its movement speed. It is only operationally stable to do this for 1 hour at a time, then the pilot is at risk of suffocating as there is no way to feed fresh air into the cockpit.

Tier II Effects: Swim speed increases to 1.5 times the mech's natural movement speed.

Tier III Effects: With design improvements, the cockpit is now safe with 1.5 hours of fresh air before the pilot begins being at risk of suffocating.
Item type


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