Shaman- PF2e/Homebrew Hybrid thing.

The Shaman is meant to be overlaid most commonly with likely the Witch in Pathfinder 2e, although arguments could be made for Sorcerer as well, just as Magister could cover Wizard and Magus as well as some Druids. Other druids would perhaps fall more into the Shaman side of things. Ultimately Adventures in Valerick have less casting options if you use this as the base, and you would need to figure out how things like Sorcerers, Magus, Druids, Kineticists and other such classes/professions would fit into the version of the setting you wish to narrate. They could broadly in the right circumstance count as either option, or in fact eventually be recognized as their own classification as the Touch of Arcanis came to be better understood. For now however the Shaman will be presented in the fashion that it was intended, as an overlay/homebrew options for a Witch

Shamans, the term has a dirty connotation, and arguably rightfully so. They are illicit users of the Arts of Arcanis, people whom were not discovered in time, and made some sort of foolish deal with powers beyond their comprehension for the powers that they now wield. Most only know how to cast rudimentary spells-forms, at least of the structured sort, but beyond that, their powers get far less predictable, and far more unstable, as they tap into sources long forgotten Generally they may not know many ways to wield this power and it is very dangerous. The instability of there magick use manifests itself within them, lashing out often as minor events, relatively speaking, and as major events rarely, but to devastating effect. Shamans are generally, when they are found in societies around Valerick, hiding in plain sight, pretending to be herbalists or doctors, and generally live in rural areas lest they attract to much attention and wake to find templars at their door.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Wisdom. Wielding arcane magick untrained, untempered and unfiltered is a test of one's mental stability more than anything.

Hit Points: Shamans start play with 2+Constitution Modifier HP along with their racial total. For every level after 1st they gain an additional 1d8+Constitution Modifier wounds to their maximum.

Initial Proficiencies

Perception: Shamans start play with Perception Trained

Saving Throws: Shamans have to be tough, physically and mentally, to resist, control or simply overcome and negate the potential mutative effects of wielding magick the way they do. They start play Expert in Fortitude and Will Saves. They also are pretty sharp and quick-witted, starting with Logic and Ego saves Trained.

Skills: All Shamans start play Trained in Occult, as well as 1 other skill determined by their Idol, that is the source of their power, their subclass Besides this they pick an additional 3+Intelligence Modifier skills.

Attacks: Shamans are not the most combative individuals, however neither are they generally defenseless, having to learn by necessity. They start play Trained with one weapon family trained of their choice from the following; Melee (Brawling), Melee (Basic Hand Weapons), Melee (Fencing), Melee (Polearms), Ranged (Bows), Ranged (Slings), Ranged (Firearms), or Ranged (Crossbows).

Defenses: Untrained in all Armor, Trained in Unarmored Defense

Profession (Class) DC: Trained in Shaman DC

Spell-Casting: Shaman's automatically start play Trained in Occult spells, and in Spell attack as well as Spell DC, and in the wisdom based skill unique to their profession, Spell-Stitching, which is the skill they use to cast.

Profession Progression Table

Level Skill Progression Points Features and Abilities Universal Spell-Forms Known Unstable Magick Dice
1 1 Occult Magick, Idol Selection, Unstable Magick, Ancestry and Background, Familiar 1 1d4
2 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Physical Fitness 1 1d4
3 1 General Feat, Paranoia Serves you Well 2 1d4
4 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Shamanistic Expertise 2 1d4
5 1 Attribute Growth, Ancestry Feat, Practiced Spell-Stitcher 3 1d6
6 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Unarmored Expertise 3 1d6
7 1 General Feat, Savage Will 4 1d6
8 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Corruption Hardened Body 4 1d6
9 1 Ancestry Feat, Studied Mind 5 1d8
10 1 Attribute Growth, Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Force of Personality 5 1d8
11 1 General Feat, Shamanic Mastery 6 1d8
12 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Spell-Stitching Mastery 6 1d8
13 1 Ancestry Feat, Hawk-Eyes 7 1d10
14 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Ancient Will 7 1d10
15 1 Attribute Growth, General Feat, Unnatural Hardiness 8 1d10
16 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Masterful Mind 8 1d10
17 1 Ancestry Feat, Masterful Ego 9 1d12
18 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Lightning Reflexes 9 1d12
19 1 Attribute Growth, General Feat, Idol's Favored 10 1d12
20 1 Shaman Feat, Skill Feat, Legendary Spell-Stitcher 10 1d12

Shaman Basic Features and Base Abilities

Occult Magick: Shamans start play trained with the Occult tradition of Magick, and as noted in Spell-Casting, they start play trained with the Spell-Stitch Skill. Unlike Magisters they cannot access elemental magicks, and in fact only have access to the Universal spell-forms, and any of the Shaman talents (of which many will be) that are thusly declared to be spells and structured like one in their description. Furthermore whenever they weave a spelll, they roll their Unstable Magick dice, which is a numerical score must be tracked, since it doesn't go away.

Idol Selection: This is the Shaman's subclass/focus path/specialization if you will. There are four presented here as is generally normal within Adventures in Valerick. However these subclasses are generally a bit broad. Each of these Idol types come with their own quirks, their own 'teachings' if you will, as well as initial benefits. The Idol is where you get your power and ability to wield magick from, and generally there is a hidden or noted agenda in that exchange. Every Idol should likely come with rules or some driving purpose. They should not provide power freely, but seek to use the connection to influence the Shaman, guide their behavior and choices in a hands off way to have them aid in furthering the Idol's goals, whatever those might be and in whatever small way the Shaman may be capable of helping. So below we will briefly touch on each of these four options;

Idols (Focus Path Options)


Apostates are the general name for any practitioner of the Arts of Arcanis whom does not have proper sanction and license through the Magisterium. They are generally frowned upon, and the practice of Apostate magick generally has a hefty punishments attached to it.

Skills: An Apostate starts play with one of the three following skills as Trained proficiency; Arcana, Nature, or Lore (Planes).

Aethyr Sight: An Apostate starts play not just with Sixth Sense, like most Shamans, but with Aethyr Sight.

Spell Ward Pact Bond: Apostates reduce any damage from any magick effect by an amount equal to their current Instability score.


The most heinous and hated kind of Shaman by far, Cultists of Ruin are those fools whom worship at the altar of the Ruined Gods of the Void. They wield their arcane powers to control beasts of the Void, cut deals with them, and simply wield the Void's energies as a weapon, regardless of the risk to themselves.

Skills: A cultist starts play trained in one of the three following skills; Religion, Lore (Daemonology), and Stealth

Maddening Aura Pact Bond: So long as you have an Instability Score of at least 1, you have a 10 foot maddening aura, where any creature that ends its turn within the radius of the aura must make a Will Save against your Spell DC. If critically failed, they take Xd4 (where 'X' is 1/2 your Shaman level, minimum of 1) psychic damage and become Confused (1). If they merely fail, they take 1/2 damage and still suffer Confused (1). If they succeed, they take 1/2 damage but suffer no condition, and if they critically succeed they suffer no ill effect of any kind.


The tricksters of Shamans, touched by the Fey, these sorts have all kinds of strange abilities they can just invoke at a whim, though when they do, strange and chaotic things happen all around them.

Skills: A Shaman whom is Fey-Touched chooses 1 of the following skills to start play Trained in; Bribery, Deception, Diplomacy/Persuade, Intimidate.

Fey Step Pact Bond (Reaction): By Discharging their Instability, triggering an automatic Minor Miscast as a result, when about to take damage in some way (from an attack or spell or effect), a Fey-Touched Shaman can step into the Aether briefly, insuring they come to no harm and repositioning where they reappear by a distance of up to their movement speed.


Another side to the darkest magicks, these individuals offend everyone, and are amongst the most hated and hunted besides Cultists themselves. There is meant to be a safety and sanctity in death, especially those whom are sent along by the proper religious rites and prayers, however those whom have made such a pact with the corrupted forces of the Grave Realms, they do not acknowledge such ideals of sanctity in death.

Skills: A Necromancer picks one of the following three skills to start play Trained with; Religion, Medicine, or Arcana

Necrotic Pact Boon: So long as you have at least 1 Instability, you are Immune to Necrotic Damage. In all other circumstances you have Resist (X) to Necrotic where 'X'=your Shaman Level.

These are the four Idols (Focus Paths/Subclasses) for the Shaman. Moving forward, the rest of the Shaman's baseline abilities by level.

Unstable Magick: Shamans are well aware of the risks of their magicks, specifically that they do not really have the training and talent to limit the manna flow when spell-weaving. As such over time the chaotic energies of unfiltered manna pools within them, altering the outcomes of their attempts to spell-cast over time. The dice represents how you keep score. A Shaman, after a Rest, is always at 0 Instability. Every time they roll the Spell-Stitch skill with the intent of manifesting a spell-form, including any of the feats that count themselves as spell-forms via their traits, and require a Spell-Stitch roll, they must roll their Unstable Magick dice and add that number to the Instability score. This number stays there until they Rest again, or until it is discharged. The Instability score increases the DC of any spell-form they are attempting to Spell-Stitch by that amount. Instability can be cleansed by discharging it. How this is done is by giving into the chaos, and declaring you are 'letting go.' Your next spell-form cannot fail to cast, you are only rolling to see if you critically succeed. However regardless of if you do critically succeed or not, you trigger a minor miscast, and when you roll on the minor miscast table, you add your instability to the 1d100 roll. Should you roll a Natural 1 on that Spell-Stitch roll, you actually roll on the Major Miscast table, but with no need to add anything, discharging your Instability. This removes all Instability from them. They are also always subject to Manna Fatigue (X) rules when it comes to their casting, however they may, as a single action, choose to 'Absorb Chaos' to revitalize themselves. Doing so involves rolling their Instability Dice a number of times equal to how many instances of this condition they are attempting to remove.

If your Instability is ever allowed to reach 100, you immediately trigger a major miscast roll automatically.

Ancestry and Background: At first level, like all characters you start with the benefits of your Ancestry and Background, including of course a 1st level Ancestry Feat.

Familiar: Shaman's normally keep a Familiar. This will be some sort of small entity, not fully a living creature, of a type seemingly fitting their subclass. A skeletal raven. A tiny vien sprite perhaps. A small horror that seems entirely subservient to the Shaman perhaps. Or simply some kind of enslaved small elemental entity. This creature provides them an additional spell focus, granting them +2 to Spell-Stitch and to any Occult or Arcana check they might need to roll. If you would ever trigger a Major Miscast roll, should you wish, as a reaction, you may force your familiar to absorb and take the magickal backlash, which will seemingly utterly destroy them. However they are merely dismissed for a week. 7 days after the apparent 'death', when the Shaman begins daily preparations, their Familiar shall return to them. Their familiar can help them in a variety of ways of course, tied to some feats they can acquire, as well as some other passive benefits dependent on the specific entity. Below are listed four examples, one for each;

  • Oblanost (Air Elemental): Grants Resist (X) to Lightning damage, where X is your Shaman Level, as well as provides you +10 feet movement speed, and as an action 1/day you can be imbued with cloud stride, gaining a fly speed equal to 1/2 your movement speed for 1 minute.

  • Buzzskull: Immunity to Frightened Condition, grants the Violent Excitement ability (+2 to initiative rolls if has witnessed or committed an act of violence.). Buzzskull can attack as well, they are dangerous.

  • Vein Sprite: Grants you Fast Healing 2, lets you cast Lesser Recovery 1/day (heals a target within 30 feet 2d8+1/Shaman level, 1 action.

  • Skeletal Raven: +2 Perception, Resist (X) to Poison Damage, where X equals your Shaman Level.

Shaman Feats: Starting at 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter the Shaman acquires a Shaman feat from what is listed below of appropriate level. Naturally as always you can select a feat of a lower level that you meet the requirements for if you so would prefer.

Physical Fitness: At 2nd level a Shaman becomes trained in Power and Reflex Saves.

General Feats: At 3rd level and every four levels thereafter a Shaman selects a General Feat they meet the requirements and pre-requisites for.

Paranoia Serves you Well: At 3rd level a Shaman becomes Expert in Perception.

Shamanistic Expertise: At 4th level a Shaman becomes Expert in their Profession (Class) DC.

Attribute Growth: At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter you gain four attribute points to spend as you deem fit, as well as your Wisdom naturally increases by 1 point. This Wisdom increase does not suffer from the attribute increase tax for going over 18 that the free points are subject to. When you wish to send an attribute over 18, each +1 actually costs 2 attribute points.

Practiced Spell-Stitcher: At 5th level, a Shaman becomes Expert in their Spells and Spell DC. Furthermore if they haven't already, their Spell-Stitch skill increases to Expert.

Unarmored Expertise: At 6th level a Shaman becomes Expert in Unarmored Defense.

Savage Will: At 7th level a Shaman becomes Master in Will Saves.

Corruption Hardened Body: At 8th level a Shaman becomes Master in Fortitude Saves.

Studied Mind: At 9th level a Shaman becomes Expert in Logic Saves.

Force of Personality: At 10th level a Shaman becomes Expert in Ego Saves.

Shamanic Mastery: At 11th level a Shaman becomes Master in their Profession DC.

Spell-Stitching Mastery: At 12th level a Shaman becomes Master in Spells and Spell DC, as well as achieving Master Proficiency in the Spell-Stitch skill if they haven't already. They also now attempt to cast any magicks at Tier II at base.

Hawk-Eyes: At 13th level a Shaman becomes Master in Perception.

Ancient Will: At 14th level a Shaman becomes Legendary in Will Saves.

Unnatural Hardiness: At 15th level a Shaman becomes Legendary in Fortitude Saves.

Masterful Mind: At 16th level a Shaman becomes Master in Logic Saves.

Masterful Ego: At 17th level a Shaman becomes Master in Ego Saves.

Lightning Reflexes: At 18th level a Shaman becomes Expert in Reflex Saves.

Idol's Favored: At 19th level a Shaman becomes Legendary in their Profession DC. Furthermore they are granted a unique boon based on their Idol type, listed here;

  • Elemental Chaos Avatar: This is the Apostate Boon. So long as they have 1 Instability, the Apostate has a 50% chance of being straight up immune to any and every instance of damage they would take of any of the eight elemental types. Each time they should take such damage, they roll a 1d100. 51 or more means they simply take no damage. This manifests as a sudden surge of manna and elemental force that is diametrically opposed to the type of damage they were going to take seeming to surge forth from around and within them.

  • Mark of the Void: This is the Cultist Boon. So long as they have 1 Instability, the Cultist is counted as part Voidling and is immune to all negative effects of exposure to the Void, creatures from the Void, and will not be targeted aggressively by those beasts of the same Void Realm as that which gifts them their dark powers, being seen as kindred and allies.

  • True Name Magick: This is the Fey-Touched Boon. Your Faei bloodline, the bit of the First Folk within you has truly thrummed to life and with the guidance (or misguidance if its one of the Faellen) you've recieved in dream states and meditation from your Idol, you have mastered the truest of arts. So long as you know the True Name, that passed from mother to child, of a creature and invoke it in any magicks you would attempt to utilize on that individual, they are far less able to resist you, rolling any saving throws with Misfortune (roll twice take the worst result). Furthermore, they are incapable of critically succeeding these saves, and if they regular fail, it counts as a critical failure.

  • What is Dead can never Die: This is the Necromancer Boon. You finally unlock the secrets of true eternity, that of the purest forms of unlife. You choose when to attempt this ritual finally, but you can now. You need a full day, and must roll a Spell-Stitch roll, DC 30. You automatically roll 2 minor miscasts, discharging all Instability (if you somehow had 100 Instability you instead roll a Major Miscast then a Minor.) This ritual takes 28 hours. Upon successful casting, you immediately 'die. But not really. In 1d4 days you will rise again as whichever of these three options you choose; High Vampire, Lich, or Plague Lord. You can never utilize this feature again, but you gain the ability to add extra creature traits to any undead you raise equal to 1/4 your Shaman level. You also have no limit on any of the advanced undead types that fall under your direct lineage and control tree.

Legendary Spell-Stitcher: At 20th level a Shaman becomes Legendary in Spells and Spell DC, as well as with the Spell-Stitch Skill if they had not yet achieved Legendary Proficiency. They also now attempt to cast any and all spell-forms at Tier III as a base.

Shaman Feats

Manna Surge

Feat 2

Traits: Shaman, Occult, Magick, Elemental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman

Whenever a Shaman with this feat successfully casts a spell (including any feat that involves a Spell-Stitch roll and gaining Instability), they gain Resist (X), where 'X' equals their Shaman level, to one of the elemental damage types at random until the start of their next turn, or until they cast again.

Unstable Stability

Feat 2

Traits: Unstable, Manna, Shaman, Occult, Fortune
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman

A Shaman with this feat has some luck within their madness. Whenever they would roll a Miscast, they roll twice and choose which result is the one that counts.


Feat 2

Traits: Shaman, Arcane, Occult, Unstable, Apostate
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Apostate Shaman

This feat is special in that it isn't just a level 2 feat. This feat is one of only three feats that is Apostate specific, the other two being at 10th level and 20th level, however this feat effects every even level outside those two. An Apostate whom takes this feat selects 1 spell-form, any spell-form, from one of the eight schools of magick. This selection is permanent. That spell is added to their list of known spells and they can Spell-Stitch it at Tier 1, just as they can Universal magicks that they know. At 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 18th level they select another spell-form from another school of magick, so that by the end they have 1 spell-form from each of the eight schools on their list.

Maddening Magick

Feat 2

Traits: Cultist, Shaman, Instability, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist

When a Cultist decides to discharge their Instability into a Spell-Form, the target(s) of said spell-form, besides all other effects of the spell itself, are subjected to a random condition (could be positive, could be negative). If its a numeric condition, one that can scale with a count in brackets, they suffer (1) for every 20 Instability the Shaman discharged, minimum (1).

Faerie Flames

Feat 2

Traits: Fey-Touched, Spell-form, Unstable, Shaman, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Fey-Touched Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 20/25/30

This is a Spell-Form Feat. At the cost of 1 action and triggering the Unstable Magick Dice (adding to their Instability counter), the Fey-Touched Shaman can attempt to cover a 20 foot diameter area within 200 feet of them with dancing flames that do not harm anyone, but will limn anyone in the area, even revealing invisible entities. These flames provide anyone else attempting to target those individuals with Fortune on things like attack rolls. This can be maintained for 1 minute, it counts as a Concentration Spell. Targets in the area do get a simple pass or fail Reflex Save against the effect.
Tier II: Radius increases to 30 feet
Tier III: Radius increases to 40 feet

Grave Touch

Feat 2

Traits: Undead, Necromancy, Shaman, Occult, Unstable, Spell-Form
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 17/22/27

This is a spell-form that takes one action to attempt to cast. As with all spell-forms, this does trigger a roll of Unstable Magick to increase your Instability unless you are discharging your Instability. The target of this touch spell is a corpse of a creature. You raise it as a simple Skeleton or Zombie. It uses the base creature's Strength and Dexterity. Its 'Constitution' for purposes is equal to your Wisdom. It has 1d8 hit points/ Shaman level you have. Its mental scores, all three of them are 6s. Outside this, it does not scale from this spell-form, they simply count as Trained with all saves, and all weapons and armor that the creature was in life. They cannot be higher than trained. The creature understands basic commands. They are basic undead creatures with no other real abilities save to move, attack and do basic object interactions. They have a movement speed equal to what they had in life-10 feet. Cannot use reactions. You have no cap on how many of these you may have at your command. When they hit 0 hit points they are immediately destroyed and cannot be brought back. They do not heal from healing, but do heal from Necrotic damage. They have Vulnerable (5) to Radiant damage. They also have all basic traits and features of the type they are (skeleton or zombie).
Tier II: They get 1d10 hit points instead of 1d8, and only take -5 feet movement penalty. Mental stats are 8s.
Tier III: They get 1d12 hit points instead of 1d8, no movement penalty, mental stats are 10s. They retain one basic ability they had in life. (For a humanoid character this would be something like Ambush damage or the Fury ability, something basic from their profession. For a creature/monster it will be some trait that isn't useless but is random. Maybe a breath weapon, maybe the pounce ability, maybe cold resist, or just a natural armor boost.) They can also finally use Reactions, and gain the Opportunity Attack ability.

Destabilizing Bolt

Feat 4

Traits: Shaman, Occult, Unstable, Reaction, Magick
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman

As a Reaction, a Shaman with at least 1 Instability can choose to burn off their Instability, having to roll a Minor Miscast, in reaction to another creature within 60 feet of them attempting to weave or stitch a spell (so anything but prayers). They reduce the Spell-Weave or Spell-Stitch skill roll of the caster by the amount of Instability they had, as well as applying the Minor Miscast roll to their target as well as themselves. Should this reduction in skill roll cause the target to roll a Minor Miscast because they failed to cast they do in fact roll a second Minor Miscast of their own.

Shriek from Beyond

Feat 4

Traits: Cultist, Shaman, Void, Occult, Unstable, Spell-Form
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist
Spell-Stitch DC: 21/26/31

This is a Spell-Form. At the cost of two actions and an additional roll (beyond their first one just for casting) of their Unstable Magick Dice, a Cultist can allow the gibbering voices from beyond to channel through them, emitting a shriek that pierces the very sanity of any whom hear it. Any creature within 60 feet must roll a Will Save. If they critically fail, they take double damage and become Frightened (2). If they fail they take 4d6 psychic damage and become Frightened (1). If they succeed they take half damage, if they critically succeed, they suffer no ill effects.
Tier II: Confused (1) or Confused (2) on critical failure to go with the Frightened. Damage goes up to 6d6.
Tier III: Now it inflicts Frightened (1) even on a Success. Also damage goes up to 8d6.

Animal Hypnotism

Feat 4

Traits: Spell-Form, Occult, Unstable, Fey-Touched, Shaman
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Fey-Touched Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 19/24/29

This is a Spell-Weave. At the cost of 1 action, the Fey-Touched Shaman can attempt to cast this on a creature within 100 feet that they can see, though that creature also must be able to see them. They trigger Unstable Magick an extra time with this spell, adding that roll to the DC for the target as well. The target must be a creature of the Animal, Animal Arcanium, Monstrosity or Saurus types with an Intelligence less than 4. The creature makes a Will Save. If critically failed, it falls entirely under you control for up to one minute, not getting to reattempt the save every round at the end of its turns unless it took damage that round. If it fails, it falls entirely under your control, but does just automatically reattempt the save at the end of its turn for every round. If it succeeds, the creature falls under your control for 1 round then brushes it off. If it critically succeeds, it is not at all affected and is immune to this effect for a full day.
Tier II: You may target up to two creatures in range at once.
Tier III: You may target up to three creatures in range at once.

Grave Touch Evolution; Ghouls

Feat 4

Traits: Spell-Form, Spell-Shape, Necromancy, Shaman, Unstable
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer Shaman with Grave Touch Feat.
Spell-Stitch DC: 19/24/29

This is a spell-form and is an evolution of Grave Touch. It works the exact same in terms of targeting and such, however it allows you to raise a more evolved basic undead, a base Ghoul. It will keep the creature it was in life's physical stats, but gain the base package of a ghoul's abilities and features. Like all your undead, they don't come back when they die, but they do somewhat scale, as with ordinary Grave Touch. You may only have a number of ghouls under your sway equal to your Shaman level at any given time.

Maddening Energy

Feat 6

Traits: Shaman, Unstable
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman with Maddening Magick Feat

So long as the Shaman has 1 Instability, they get to add a roll of their Instability Dice to Initiative whenever they have to roll it.

Horrors from Beyond

Feat 6

Traits: Cultist, Shaman, Unstable, Void, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist Shaman

At the cost of 2 actions, and requiring at least 5 Instability, which you discharge immediately, a Cultist can pierce the Void, calling forth a Horror, one of the admittedly lower forms of entity from the Void, and bond it to their service, temporarily removing the creature's own Unstable creature trait. However such bonds are inherently unstable, and as such, every round the Shaman must roll the Unstable Magick Dice and if they roll the highest number possible, the connection of control breaks, the Horror freed from the compelled service, and is quite upset. This is also true if the Shaman should lose consciousness or die. The summon, if not interrupted by any of the noted means above, will last 1 hour. A cultist can only have 1 such summon active at any given time.

Chaotic Lullaby

Feat 6

Traits: Fey-Touched, Shaman, Unstable, Madness, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Fey-Touched Shaman

By spending 2 actions and discharging your Instability, you trigger a Minor Miscast as you begin singing a dischordant, yet soothing melody. All creatures within 30 feet of you must attempt a Will Save against your Shaman DC. If they critically fail, they fall unconscious and take double damage. If they fail, they immediately fall asleep after taking 3d12 psychic damage. If they succeed, they do not fall asleep or fall unconscious but take full damage. If they critically succeed they take half damage. Every two shaman levels you gain beyond level 6 increases the damage of this power by 1d12.

Grave Touch Evolution, Ghasts

Feat 6

Traits:Spell-Form, Spell-Shape, Necromancy, Shaman, Unstable
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access:Necromancer with Grave Touch Evolution, Ghouls Feat

This is not a spell-form directly, what this does is allow you to Spell-Shape the Evolution for Ghouls by increasing the Spell-Stitch DC by 3. By doing so, if possible and the deceased person/creature was powerful enough of body in life, instead of a ghoul, you'll raise a ghast. Other than this change, it follows all the same rules.

Wild Surge I

Feat 8

Traits: Spell-Form, Chaos, Void, Occult, Shaman, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman

A Shaman can, though it is risky business, simply attempt to grab power at random and hope They do this by rolling a Spell-Stitch check, and if they have any Instability, they immediately also roll a minor miscast, but do NOT discharge their instability and do not yet suffer the miscast. They may choose any elemental spell-form to call upon that they rolled equal to or more than the Tier I Casting DC of. Alternatively, they may accept the Miscast roll, discharging their Instability now and adding it to the roll, triggering the Miscast effect. Doing so also means an elemental spell-form of Tier I will be cast at random. (Roll 1d8 to pick the family, then 1d20 to pick the spell, simply counting down the list.) regardless if the Spell-Stitch roll was high enough or not. This takes 2 actions.

Corruptive Presence

Feat 8

Traits: Cultist Shaman, Void, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist Shaman

So long as a Cultist with this feat has at least 1 Instability, they have a 20 foot corrupting emanation, counting as a Minor Corrupting Influence.

Grave Touch Evolution; Ghosts

Feat 8

Traits: Necromancy, Spell-Form, Spell-Shape, Occult, Unstable, Shaman
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer Shaman with Grave Touch feat
Spell-Stitch DC: 22/27/32

This evolution of your Grave Touch spell allows you to raise a unique type of basic undead, drawing forth the fallen spirit of the deceased and chaining them to your will. As with every other spell down this chain of spell-forms, the risen creature will more or less have the physical attribute scores it had in life, however beyond this one would need to reference the abilities and such. You may only have a rather small number of Ghosts bound to you at once, only able to control a number that does not exceed 1/4 of your shaman levels.

Madness Protects

Feat 10

Traits: Shaman, Occult, Unstable, Madness
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman with Maddening Magick Feat

So long as a Shaman with this feat has 1 Instability, they get to add their Wisdom Modifier to their AC.

Stable Spells

Feat 10

Traits: Shaman, Apostate, Occult, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Apostate with at least 2 Spell-Forms known.

At this point, most Apostates will have begun to get a rather impressive grip on their power. They can cast Elemental spell-forms at Tier I and avoid having to roll to cast successfully, merely gaining Instability, but with no risk of failing to cast. At 20th level this effect now reads Tier II instead of Tier I.

Terrors from Beyond

Feat 10

Traits: Cultist, Uncommon, Occult, Shaman, Unstable
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist Shaman with Horrors from Beyond feat

At the cost of 2 actions, and at least 10 Instability, which they discharge immediately, a Cultist can pierce the Void. So long as they had 10 or more Instability, instead of a single Horror, they may summon a Terror (a mid tier Voidling) or 2 Horrors, bonding the summoned entities to their service forcibly. However such bonds are Unstable by their very nature. Every round at the start of their turn the Shaman must roll their Unstable Magick Dice, and if they roll the highest number possible, the connection of control breaks, freeing the Voidling(s) from service, and these creatures will likely be viciously upset. This is also true if the Shaman should lose consciousness or die. The summon if not interrupted by any means listed above, will last 1 hour.

Fading Self

Feat 10

Traits: Fey-Touched Shaman, Occult, Spell-form, Unstable, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Fey-Touched Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 22/27/32

This is a spell-form and requires concentration. At the cost of 1 action, and naturally all the things tied to your magick being unstable, you fade from sight, becoming invisible. This can be maintained for up to 1 hour, but is broken if you take damage from any source, or attempt any hostile actions towards other creatures.
Tier II: You may target yourself and up to 2 other creatures within 20 feet of you
Tier III: You may target yourself and up to 4 other creatures within 20 feet of you.

Blessing of the Grave

Feat 10

Traits: Necrotic, Necromancer Shaman, Occult, Unstable, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer Shaman

A Necromancer with this feat, if they should fall to Dying (1) they simply do not begin dying, but become unconscious, though they will be inflicted with Wounded (1). At 15th level this even happens at Dying (2).

Wild Surge II

Feat 12

Traits: Spell-Form, Chaos, Void, Occult, Shaman, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: A Shaman with Wild Surge I Feat.

A Shaman can, though it is risky business, simply attempt to grab power at random and hope They do this by rolling a Spell-Stitch check, and if they have any Instability, they immediately also roll a minor miscast, but do NOT discharge their instability and do not yet suffer the miscast. They may choose any elemental spell-form to call upon that they rolled equal to or more than the Tier II Casting DC of. Alternatively, they may accept the Miscast roll, discharging their Instability now and adding it to the roll, triggering the Miscast effect. Doing so also means an elemental spell-form of Tier II will be cast at random. (Roll 1d8 to pick the family, then 1d20 to pick the spell, simply counting down the list.) regardless if the Spell-Stitch roll was high enough or not. This takes 2 actions

Gifts of Mutation

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Cultist, Unstable, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist Shaman

A Cultist with this feat, they have been....changed by their constant interactions with the Void. During their daily preparations they assign one physical mutation to themselves of their choice, their body simply being...altered every time they Rest.

Feywylde Visions

Feat 12

Traits: Uncommon, Fey-Touched Shaman, Unstable, Occult, Spell-form
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access:Fey-Touched Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 21/26/31

This is a spell-form. A Fey-Touched Shaman may cast this spell to recieve visions of the potential immediate future, looking forwards in regards to a plan of action up to 1 hour. This spell form takes but 2 actions to cast. This should be handled as a sort of question and answer spell about actions they character was considering taking, or following the consequences of actions. At Tier I, operating it this way would allow 3 questions.
Tier II: Now 4 questions.
Tier III: Now 5 questions.

Grave Touch Evolution; Plague Zombies

Feat 12

Traits: Spell-Form, Spell-Shape, Necromancy, Shaman, Unstable, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer with Grave Touch Feat

This is an evolution of the Grave Touch spell-form that increases its Casting DC by 3 and allows you to raise a more evolved basic undead, a base Plague Zombie. It will keep the creature it was in life's physical stats but gain the base package of a Plague Zombie's abilities and talents. You may only have a number of Plague Zombies under your sway equal to your Shaman level at any given time. This Evolution can only be applied to a Tier II or higher Grave Touch

Disrupting Presence

Feat 14

Traits: Shaman, Unstable, Occult, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman

So long as the Shaman has any instability, they reduce the Spell-Weaving and Spell-Stitch skill rolls of anyone within 30 feet of them by 1/2 of their Instability Score (minimum 1). This does not affect the Shaman.


Feat 14

Traits: Cultist, Mental, Unstable, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist

A cultist with this feat is immune to the Confused condition, for that's their secret, they are always unstable and unclear in their mental state. They also are incapable of being permanently affected by any mental disorder or mental mutation, they simply fade away after their next Rest. Furthermore they are also immune to the Frightened and Stupified conditions.

Shifting Selves

Feat 14

Traits: Fey-Touched, Shaman, Uncommon, Spell-Form, Unstable, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Fey-Touched Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 19/24/29

This is a concentration Spell-Form that can be held for up to 1 minute. It takes 2 actions to cast. Three more shimmering copies of yourself surround you, seeming to shift about and along with you, switching places back and forth. Any attack or spell targeting you that hits successfully needs to roll a 1d100. Anything below 76 hits a clone, which then destroys that clone. Once down to yourself and two clones it takes 60 or less, and when it is you and one clone it becomes 50 or less. Every time a clone is destroyed you must roll your Unstable Magick Dice and add the roll to your Instability.
Tier II: The clones can take two hits
Tier III: The clones can take three hits.

Grave Touch Evolution, Grave Burst

Feat 14

Traits: Uncommon, Necromancy, Spell-Form, Spell-Shape, Occult, Unstable, Shaman
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer with Grave Touch Feat and at least 2 Grave Touch Evolution Feats.

This effect can be stacked upon any Evolution feat from level 8 or lower. It can only be applied to a Grave Touch casting of Tier II or more. It increases the Casting DC of Grave Touch by 5. The spell, instead of single target, is now an Emanation burst out to a radius of 30 feet. The primary target rises as the type of undead chosen, but as a champion of that type, keeping up to 5 levels of the profession (or GM decided up to 5 EL worth of abilities if its a monster) that the creature had in life, and now has mental stat scores of all 10s (unless a spell caster, than for purposes of spell-casting they count that stat as 16). Any other corpse in the area of effect rises as the base type of undead you choose.

Wild Surge III

Feat 16

Traits: Spell-Form, Chaos, Void, Occult, Shaman, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman with Wild Surge II Feat

Their Wild Surge ability now targets Tier III spells instead

Nightmares from Beyond

Feat 16

Traits: Cultist, Shaman, Unstable, Void, Occult, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist Shaman with Terrors from Beyond Feat.

At the cost of 2 actions, and at least 15 Instability, which they discharge immediately, a Cultist can pierce the Void. So long as they had 15 or more Instability, and the Cultist knows the name of the beast they wish to call forth, they can summon forth a Nightmare from the Void (high tier Void entity). Alternatively they can summon two Terrors or 1d4+2 Horrors. Whatever they summon it is bound to their will and service. However such bonds are Unstable by their very nature. Every round at the start of their turn the Shaman must roll their Unstable Magick Dice, and if they roll the highest number possible, the connection of control breaks, freeing the Voidling(s) from service, and these creatures will likely be viciously upset. This is also true if the Shaman should lose consciousness or die. The summon if not interrupted by any means listed above, will last 1 hour.

Form Shift

Feat 16

Traits: Fey-touched, Rare, Spell-form, Occult, Unstable
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Fey-Touched Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 24/29/34

This is a concentration spell-form. It can be maintained for up to 7 hours, and takes 1 minute to cast. You can alter your form to look like any other similarly sized creature. Hair color, clothing, eye color, skine tone, makeup, gender, accessories, even species can all seem to change via this transformation, however you keep all your own abilities.
Tier II: You can alter your size by one category in either direction
Tier III: Lasts 14 hours.

Advanced Grave Touch Evolution, Vampyr

Feat 16

Traits: Spell-Form, Spell-Shape, Necromancy, Shaman, Unstable, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer with Grave Touch and at least two Evolution Feats from previous levels.

This evolution only works if casting Grave Touch at Tier III, and increases the Cast DC by 4. You may only have 2 such Advanced entities under your control and sway. If successful you raise the dead creature as a Vampyr, a spawn of Vampire, and it retains all attributes and abilities it had in life as well as applying the vampire template to it, but its existence is bonded unto you, it cannot resist you and still falls under your commands, though it can choose to interpret your commands, giving this sort of servant some personality. Your instructions can be as vague or specific as you like based on how much your willing to entrust to this intelligent servant.

Maddening Misdirection

Feat 18

Traits: Reaction, Unstable, Chaos, Shaman, Rare, Spell-Shape
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman whom must know the Counter-Weave Universal Spell, or any other spell-form that is meant to counter arcane magick

This is a Spell-Shape feat that increases the Cast DC of the spell its applied to by 5. Now instead of merely countering the spell-form the target was attempting to cast, instead the Shaman alters it, letting the chaos guide it. It targets one creature at random within 100 feet of the Shaman. If it is an AOE effect, the effect centers on that random creature. If it is a multi-target effect, the rest of the targets are either decided at random if appropraite or if it is a limited range aoe, then it effects every creature within range of the primary target.

Duplicate Self

Feat 18

Traits: Spell-form, Rare, Unstable, Fey-Touched, Shaman, Occult, Illusion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Fey-Touched Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 25/30/35

This is a concentration spell, and can be held for up to 7 hours. Takes 1 minute to cast. You create a duplicate of yourself, your consciousness sort of attached to both of them, but only able to fully inhabit one at once. You are aware enough to move and take basic actions (not cast spells, handle complex tasks like Difficult or higher skill checks, other than observing and basic motor functions), for whichever you are not the primary inhabitant of at the time. They can move up to 1 mile apart from one another over the course of the duration if you so wish. As a Reaction, you can choose to shift which one you are in primary control of, allowing you to escape danger back to your other self.Only the one you have primary control of has your natural hardiness, the other one fades as soon as it takes any sort of actual damage. You are aware enough of the secondary 'self' that if you have your reaction available to you, you could shift your consciousness to that secondary self, making it the primary, in response to it being threatened if you wish not to let it fade.
Tier II: The duplicate can actually take two hits before fading
Tier III: You make 2 duplicates not just one.

Advanced Grave Touch Evolution: Wraith

Feat 18

Traits: Spell-Form, Spell-Shape, Necromancy, Shaman, Unstable, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer with Grave Touch Feat and at least two Evolutions of 8th or lower.

This evolution only works if casting Grave Touch at Tier III, and increases the Cast DC by 4. You may only have 2 such Advanced entities under your control and sway. If successful you raise the dead creature as a Wraith of some kind. It gains all the appropraite benefits, and it retains all attributes and abilities it had in life as well as applying the wraith template to it, but its existence is bonded unto you, it cannot resist you and still falls under your commands, though it can choose to interpret your commands, giving this sort of servant some personality. Your instructions can be as vague or specific as you like based on how much your willing to entrust to this intelligent servant.

Shroud of Madness

Feat 20

Traits: Rare, Shaman, Chaos, Occult, Unstable
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Shaman

At this point, a Shaman is truly just embraced by the Void and the madness of the occult and arcane, and it protects them in its own dangerous way. The first time each round a Shaman would take damage, they reduce that damage by their level and add that to their Instability Score.

Miscast Mastery

Feat 20

Traits: Apostate, Chaos, Reaction, Occult, Unstable, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Apostate Shaman

As a Reaction any time they would trigger a Miscast, an Apostate can target a creature within 60 feet of them. That creature must attempt a Will Save versus the Shaman's Profession (Class) DC. If they critically fail, they suffer a major miscast automatically, the Instability just being discharged, the minor miscast being treated as 100. If they merely fail, they suffer the full event, the Shaman suffers nothing, all their Instability being added to the target's miscast roll. If they succeed, they split the Instability 50/50 and both roll a miscast. If they critically succeed, nothing happens, the shaman still rolls their miscast as normal.

Champion of Ruin

Feat 20

Traits: Cultist, Shaman, Unstable, Void, Occult, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Cultist Shaman with Nightmares from Beyond Feat

At the cost of 2 actions, and at least 20 Instability, which they discharge immediately, a Cultist can pierce the Void. So long as they had 20 or more Instability, and the Cultist knows the name of the beast they wish to call forth, they can summon forth a Champion of Ruin (One of the Avatar/champion Voidling entities.) from the Void. Alternatively they can summon 2 Nightmares, 1d4+2 Terrors or 1d8+4 Horrors. Whatever they summon it is bound to their will and service. However such bonds are Unstable by their very nature. Every round at the start of their turn the Shaman must roll their Unstable Magick Dice, and if they roll the highest number possible, the connection of control breaks, freeing the Voidling(s) from service, and these creatures will likely be viciously upset. This is also true if the Shaman should lose consciousness or die. The summon if not interrupted by any means listed above, will last 1 hour.

Living Fey Circle

Feat 20

Traits: Rare, Fey-Touched Shaman, Spell-Form, Occult, Unstable
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Fey-Touched Shaman
Spell-Stitch DC: 28/33/38

At this point a Fey-Touched Shaman is basically a living and walking Fae Circle, and has been gifted knowledge of at least some of the Fae Circles still in tact across Valerick. At the cost of three actions, they may teleport themselves and up to 2 willing creatures they can touch to any such circle.
Tier II: This now can also act as a limited Realm Stride, letting them go in and out of the Faewylde, what's left of it anyway, and the Void itself.
Tier III: Can take up to four willing people.

Death is Power

Feat 20

Traits: Undead, Necromancy, Rare, Cultist, Unstable, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Necromancer Shaman

Upon ascending to this level and acquiring this feat, a Necromancer begins their preparations for their ascension, their shedding of the mortal coil. This process requires them to have a week of downtime to commit to the rituals, however after they have that timeframe....they succeed. The character now chooses to be one of the three advanced and highly intelligent undead types of; a High Vampire, a Lich, or an Eternas Soul and gains all benefits of that template.

Cover image: Liesa Tomlinson by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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