
I swear my oath and my bond this day that no great harm will come to my protectorate unless I fail in my duties and life, for they are under my ward and my protection. Sir Kartheart hear my oath, and my plea. Make it so, insure my life force shields theirs through this day. I happily accept the risk for both as one, as is the proper way of a Shield. It is my honor.

Oath of Bonding


Basic Effects: So long as the target remains within the required distance of you, they recieve a boost to their AS equal to your Persona Boost. Any time they would take damage of any kind from any source whilst they are in the required range, you take 25% of that damage for them instead, of the exact same type, feeling as if delivered in the exact same fashion and place upon your person, though no cause is near you. Should you drop into unconsciousness from reaching 0 wounds, the Prayer ends, but is not a failure, and will not invoke Ire of the Gods. Should the target drop but you were within range to be absorbing some of the damage the whole time, once again, that will not constitute an Ire of the Gods roll as you did not abandon your prayer sworn oath. Conditions are still applied to the target, not shared or split or redirected at you.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You take 1/2 the damage for the target now.

Tier III Effects: You take 3/4 of the damage for the target now.


As you finish swearing your oath, it is an odd experience that you feel, this connecting of spirits and essences, but in a specific and shaped way. It is a one way valve, this you know. You will feel and suffer some of every hurt they do, all to protect them to the best of your ability should anything go wrong. You will risk life and limb in a very literal sense. As a devout Shield should for those less able than themselves.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 24, Tier II: 29, Tier III: 34
Related Discipline
Prayer (Sir Kartheart)
Effect Duration
1 full day
Effect Casting Time
3 actions
Touch, 200 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: 1 Willing creature

Special: The bond is between the essence of your person and their own, so it functions at great distance. However should you allow your charge to move beyond the 200 foot mark from you, you will not protect them, but the prayer is still active.

Special II: Should your target take damage not mitigated by you over the duration of this prayer, the prayer will end and you immediately roll an Ire of the Gods for breaking your oath.

Special III: You may only have 1 such bond active at once, and cannot call upon this prayer again whilst it is active.


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