Shroud of Icy Mists

Simple, yet effective, a wonderful bit of defensive magick meant to obscure, but not fully hide, a magister and those around them.


Basic Effects: As you wield the energies of Uisce, guiding the currents of Sapphire Manna to the branches and paths you wish to utilize, you weave them together, allowing them to pool in the Aether until they manifest in the Material Realm as a sudden rising mist that seeps forth from the ground, engulfing the target area. This mist is magick in nature, seeming not to respond to the wind or be dispersed by it. Any creatures caught within it are against the Momentum to attack or in any other way target those outside of it. The same is true of those outside the mist attempting to target any creature within. Furthermore any creature you deem hostile within the mist upon casting, or any creature you deem hostile that ends their turns within it, must make a Toughness Defensive Test. If they fail, they are afflicted with the Slow (1) Condition and take 2d6 cold damage. If they succeed they are not afflicted with the condition but still take half damage.

Ice-Blooded: If a creature being effected by this spell-form is Reptilian or Amphibious, or has a natural vulnerability to Cold Damage, (a fire elemental for example) they take 2d10 cold damage instead.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase Radius by 10 feet, increase damage by 1d6 or 1d10 as appropriate.

Tier III Effects: Increase Radius by 10 feet. Inflicts Slow (2) Condition.


Ulster felt the chill surrounding him and the children, as he called out to his companions, moving the three kids along swiftly, herding them away as he held his ground before the large being of flame and ash. "I've found the source of the problem!!! Third floor, it seems one of the children may have magickal potential, and brought their imaginary friend to life! I could use some help up here!!" The mist surrounded him, filling up the room, and the elemental shrank back briefly, steam rising from its form, before lunging forward towards Ulster, narrowling missing him and smashing its flaming arm into the wall behind the magister. "Its a Fire Elemental, so move your asses if you please!"
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 19, Tier II: 24, Tier III: 29
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
150 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: 20 foot area radius centered on a point in range.


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