Silver Bite Grenade

Aye a bit of silver bite is always good to have. Its not necessarily exceedingly effective against any beastie or monster, but it'll work on all of them. Silver is funny that way.

One of the simplest explosives in the arsenal of a chemist, its a favorite of many whom dare travel to seek strange and exotic ingredients, whether that be rare ones they need for even base formulae, or more potent options (such as a wyvern's Fiare Gland, to replace Ghel in a blazing bomb for something more potent). This bomb is designed to be used universally, as silver has a uniquely interesting property when mixed with some holy water.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Craft DC: 14, Tier II; 19, Tier III; 24

Range: 60 feet

Duration: Instant

Basic Effects: Blast Radius 10 feet, Dangerous (1). Unleashes a simple explosion of blessed silver shrapnel. Any non animal, non-human, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling or tantur creatures take 2d10 piercing and slashing damage from the blast. This damage ignores any damage resistance or reductions. Any animals or any of the above listed humanoid races only take 2d6 piercing and slashing damage from the blast and do apply any applicable resistance or reductions. All effected targets make a Reflex Save, if successful they only take half damage. If critcally failed they take double damage, if critically successful they take no damage, and have to move to the nearest available space that is safe outside the blast radius.

Rank II Effects: Becomes Blast Radius 15 feet, damage becomes 4d10 and 4d6 respectively

Rank III Effects: Becomes Blast Radius 20 feet, damage becomes 6d10 and 6d6 respectively.
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Raw materials & Components


  • 2 ounces of Smokepowder

  • 1 ounces of Holy Water

  • 4 ounces of silver shards


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