Sky-Piercing Hakka

A wild and intimidating dance, meant to convey aggression and ferocity, but in particular, it seems to allow a manifestation of a skilled performer's ego in a fashion that is very direct to the name.


Perform TN: 17, Tier II; 22, Tier III; 27

Performance Time: 3 actions

Duration: Maintained, up to 1 minute.

Range: 100 feet

Target: A flying creature within range.

Base Effects: The target of your performance feels the weight of your fearlessness, and your challenge and belittlement of them through your dance, and this weight of your ego and personality manifests as a very real and tangible force pressing down upon them. They must roll a Power Defense Test. Should they fail, they take 2d6 psychic damage and forcibly are repositioned, dropped straight down at a rate of 5 feet/point of damage you deal. Should this cause them to strike the ground, they take the appropriate fall damage. Should they succeed, they take half damage and only fall half the distance, but will not be forced to strike the ground, able to keep at minimum five feet (1 space) of altitude. To gain any altitude for as long as you are maintaining this performance, they must succeed a Persona Defense Test to break free of the influence of your ego and personality. Every round after the initial round, they take an additional 2 points of psychic damage, though they no longer are forced to drop altitude.

Tier II: Initial damage increases to 3d6, per round damage increases to 4 points of psychic damage/round.

Tier III: Initial damage increases to 4d6, per round damage increases to 6 points of psychic damage/round.


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