Skyborne Map

To fly, to see, from up on high. A bird's eye view, like a map or tapestry, perfect for what I must do. I ask thee now, Feyheart of the road. Grant me such a vision, if I could only be so bold. Allow me for but a moment or three, to see as birds see, from the sky, high above I must be. Allow me to take in the majesty they see, so that I may familiarize myself with what lies around you see.

Oh to be a Bird, a hymn of sorts


Basic Effects: Over the course of the prayer, so long as you maintain it for the full hour and are not interrupted and do not end it early, you will create a well detailed map of the area. The map will lack names given to settlements or rivers or the like, but will depict those things, having them marked down, as well as any obvious hazards, such as a beastmen warband camped in the area as an example. If something forces you to lose your focus and end the prayer early, the map is just as detailed, however it is incomplete. However this looks will be up to you and your GM though the easiest and most recommended way is simply shave distance off the radius as appropriate.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Radius is now 15 miles.

Tier III Effects: Radius is now 20 miles.


As you finish praying, divine power flows through you, your eyes going pure white, even as you take up inkpen and parchment. You can still hear and smell things near your body, but your vision changes, eye sight seeming to fly high above, up into the sky like a bird, though you can still see the parchment and inkpen. You your vision circles slowly, lazily, like a bird on wing, giving you a fantastic view of the area around you, a beautiful tapestry, a top down view most cartographers only wish they could actually see to aid their works.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 24, Tier II: 29, Tier III: 34
Related Discipline
Prayer (Feyheart)
Effect Duration
1 hour, Maintained
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
10 mile radius
Applied Restriction
Target: Yourself, you enter a trance like state.


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