Soul Flare

A powerful spell-form one that is a strong weapon, one of the few offensive tools in a Diamond Magister's toolkit.


Basic Effects: Wielding Meanma in a rather uniquely offensive way, you manipulate the essence in such a fashion as to cause a sudden searing flash of brilliance, a blinding and searing white light in a burst. Targets within the area of effect must attempt a Sagacity Defensive Test. If failed, they take 6d6 radiant damage and are afflicted with the Blinded (1) condition. If successful, they take half damage and are not afflicted with the Blinded condition.

Voidbane: Any Voidling caught in the flare takes 6d10 radiant damage instead.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase the damage as appropriate by 2d6 or 2d10, and increase the condition to Blinded (2)

Tier III Effects: Increase the damage as appropriate by 2d6 or 2d10, and increase the condition to Blinded (3)


Jacob knew he and his companions were in deep trouble. Surrounded on all sides by the foul ratfolk, no way out. Hoping the fell beastmen wouldn't somehow understand, Jacob began to weave a spell, whilst warning his allies, "North, eyes away!" as he cast out a flare of brilliant and blinding white energy, searing and blinding all the fell creatures blocking the northern tunnel they'd stumbled into this ugly situation through. As the light pulsed, and the creatures fell back or just fell, Jacob was pleased to see his companions had understood, all of them averting their eyes for the brief crucial moment, and then, led by Bovik, they made a break for it, the dwarf axeman cleaving down two of the beasts that blindly were flailing about, somehow aware enough to realize what was happening and that their prey was attempting to escape.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 23, Tier II: 28, Tier III: 33
Related Discipline
Diamond Orderq
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 Actions
200 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: 20 foot radius centered on a point in range.


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