Soul Rescue

The most dangerous and complex spell-form of the Diamond Order, and one to be practiced with great care.


Basic Effects: It is a well known fact to those of the Diamond Order that souls whom do not recieve the guidance of a Soul Ward or an appropriate Last Rites wander the Aether for a time, lost and easy prey for the Void, being slowly dragged to the realm of Nightmares. Within a year of a creature's death, its immortal soul, if not guided by any of the noted options, is lost forever, dragged into the Void, where it will eventually become another of the endless horrors, a foot soldier for the Nightmare Realm, twisted and tortured beyond recognition. This of course means that part of the sacred duty of the Diamond Order, much like those of a religious bent, is to insure this does not happen, given their specialization in the magick of Spirit. However they can also utilize a far more drastic option, if for whatever reason, they do not believe that someone should remain dead, and they have a relatively intact body. This spell-form is exceedingly risky, in that regardless of the casting roll (which should be rolled where only GM and the person controlling the character whom was dead can see, unless you are sure your magister player can seperate player and character knowledge well) it seems to work. The body will come back to life, and the individual will have the appropriate memories and skills.

The danger comes in that there is a chance the soul, when found, is already being fed on and has already been latched onto by an entity from the Void, and thus when the Diamond Magister attempts to return this soul to its body and return this individual to life, they may in fact cause a possession to occur without realizing it, as the entity hitches a ride, feeds on its victim's soul one last time, consuming it all, and gaining all its memories and knowledge and skills, able to effectively masquerade. It is a desperate spell to use, one used sparingly, ever so sparingly, because of the razor's edge the spell walks. Yet when it works, the individual is returned to life, the body healed and fully recovered. However it should be noted that this spell-form, even at its most complex and powerful, could only work on someone three times. Each time it is done to a soul, that soul loses some of its...unique form, and after three times, even the most potent practioneer of Diamond Magick could not track it down in the Aether, it would be nearly formless at that point.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The individual could have been brought back once previously.

Tier III Effects: The individual could have been brought back 2 times previously.


The experience of using this spell-form is exceedingly spiritual in its nature, and is rather unique and often private for those whom do, as if it worked, it likely is because of a strong emotional tie between the person and the magister.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 34, Tier II: 39, Tier III: 44
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Target: A dead creature that can not have been deceased for more than a year, or whom have not been sent on their way by a Soul Ward, or any of the appropriate Miracles from any of the Ascended, and one that has not been brought back before by this spell-form previously


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