Soul Ward

Diamond Magister, much like priests and templars, can do their own sort of last rite to send a soul along its way, protected from the ever-hunger of the Void, although they do not guide the soul to a new realm, they simply guide the soul into the stream of Meanma, back to its foundation, to raw spiritual energy, where it may one day coalesce to become a soul again in a newborn creature, one day. But if or when that day is, no one knows.


Basic Effects: Far less risky than a Soul Rescue, but needing to be done earlier, unless the practioneer of the Diamond Arts is very skilled. Weaving the manna of Meanma within the Aether to call out as a beacon, you draw the individual's soul to you, and if they are willing, you consign it, returning it to its natural state, breaking down its raw form and returning the energy of Spirit to the natural flows of Meanma within the Aether.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The target can have been deceased up to 8 months.

Tier III Effects: The target can have been deceased up to 1 year.


Hana drifted about the Aether, and though one could not properly cry in this realm of nothing but shapes and energy, she felt the desire keenly, and 'spoke' with a soft sob to the energy she knew was her sister's shape and form. "Annabella are you sure, I could bring you back, I could save you, or Maric could do last rites, could guide you to a safe realm, an eternity of peace and kindness amongst Feyhearts eternal roads. Are you so sure you wish this end?" she said, the sobbing coming through even though she could not cry here.

"Yes Hana, I am sure. Valerick is my home, I would never wish to leave it. I belong here, no where but here. I knew one day I would die, I've known for years, you know this. If not in battle, eventually the illness you controlled but couldn't remove....the cancer would have eventually taken me, despite all your efforts. Such is the way of systemic tumors. My death let you all live, and helped fell that Ocularis, and it will terrorize the peoples of the Naobi plains no more. I could ask for no better end. So please sister I love so dearly....please let me go. Never forget me, I will always be with you, in mind, in heart, in spirit....but it is my time, so please let me go."

Hana sniffed, trying to compose herself. "I love you two Annie" she whispered, using a name she hadn't used since they were children. "Forever and always. I will never forget you, I will always carry you with me." With a wave of her hand, Hana allowed the Soul Ward to do its work, feeling her sister's relief and release, before her essence was just....gone. As she awoke from the trance, Hana felt the real tears come then, streaming down her face, as she looked down at her sister's lifeless body.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 24, Tier II: 29, Tier III 34
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Instant, permanent
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Target: A corpse of a creature dead no longer than 4 months.


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