Spin the Coin, Roll the Die

Spin the coin, roll the die, if you aren't gambling are you even alive. We may not know the chips we play, but we lose them slowly every day. So best to bet them on life itself, and experience enough to match its wealth.

The Faith of Varis Tomain, the halfman god of coin, luck and trade, their doctrine is actually clear and concise. They see life as the greatest of games, and that even life itself is an ante to be used. Wealth and the hoarding of it is paramount to heresy to those of this faith, and this doctrine and the practices really line up with this. The faith itself, their churches are built in a unique style, housing many games of chance, organized casinos, gambling halls, and this is considered ultimately some of the highest forms of worship. The outside of such churches are open air markets, not run as a shop or the like, but anyone may come and set up on any day so long as they make a reasonable donation of coin, and the market is a place of open auction and barter, very much a open bazaar. The offering of coin is the ante, the market and bartering the game, as with all things.

Interestingly enough however, though for the common folk who would offer prayer and seek spiritual solstice under the faith of Tomain, those of his cloth or steel, Priest or Templar are inversely and expressly forbidden from taking part in games of chance within the halls of the church. Indeed they are also forbidden from doing so without being openly honest of their faith, and their own power. For the prayers of power that Tomain grants those of his followers so blessed often allow them to alter social perceptions, influence social behaviors, or indeed effect or nudge probability and odds. As such, it is taboo for anyone of the priest or the templar orders to take part in bets, games of chance with regular folk, and is also taboo to get involved in the auctioning markets within the premises of any house of worship

In spite of this, those of the faith, the priests and templars regularly take part in bets and games of chance between each other and that is not only heavily encouraged, but its its own important and unique set of practices and worship.

Cover image: Lucky Tokens by Keon Croucher was the input operator, using discord account drizzt1034, in Midjourney. I merely gave it prompting, it compiled the visual result.


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Aug 8, 2024 02:11 by Jeffrey Lebowski

Gambling as a means of faith and worship? I love how this subverts the normal idea of religious practice in the real world! Such a cool concept!