Spirit Jaunt

Though one should be careful with crossing that first layer of reality, we of the Diamond Order can do so, and such a spell-form and ability has its uses to be sure.


Basic Effects: Weaving a very interesting spellform, you allow yourself and any willing creatures you are affecting to stride between realms in a sense. You bleed over to the Aether, your essence there more than on the Material Realm, and this will result in many unique effects. Firstly, for the duration, any Aethereal creatures you or your allies attempt to interact with, attack or cast magick upon, are not subject to the percentage immunity chance. Secondly, you yourselves gain this as well, though when you move around you are both on the Material Realm and the Aether, you are constantly flickering between them physically, with your souls solidly on the Aether, piloting your material body via a tether, and thus you gain the normal 50/50 chance for anyone and anything attempting to touch, harm or directly alter or effect you on the Material Realm simply just failing. Thirdly, as you are within the Aether, the laws of physics as one knows them change. Power and Agility no longer matter, and instead you utilize Persona for anything that would use Power and Intellect for anything that would use Agility, as in the Aether, it is your quick thinking and force of presence that matters, not muscular strength or nimbleness. Finally you can also pass through solid objects no more than five feet thick

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may transverse through solid objects up to 10 feet thick, and you may affect one additional willing creature.

Tier III Effects: You may transverse through solid objects up to 20 feet thick and you may affect one additional willing creature.


Jacob touched his large friend Mikael, the brawler glancing down, and Jacob warned him swiftly "This will not be like what you are used to. You'll need to think fast and manifest yourself through force of will and presence, it'll all be mental, not physical." he warned.

Mikael snarled, the large tantur cracking his knuckles. "Fist-fighting isn't just about power or speed Jacob. You gotta out think your opposition, you gots to be sharper, smarter, more cunning. I can handle this, just get me to where I can hit this blasted thing!"

Jacob did not answer, but nor did he hesitate, weaving the spell to get them into the Aether, where the fell fae was dancing about, flitting in and out of the Material reality with its vicious short blade, Wolard barely fending the attacks off, for he could barely see where they were coming from. Mikael moved swiftly, more comfortably than Jacob expected him to be in the Aether given the large Tantur had never dreamwalked before, and closed the distance, not wasting any time bringing his fist crashing down on the fey, which stumbled back and then lunged forward, a shrill shriek coming from its essence and form. The fight was on now.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 23, Tier II: 28, Tier III: 33
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 hour
Effect Casting Time
3 actions
Applied Restriction
Targets: Yourself and up to one willing creature.


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