Spiritual Entrapment

A more simple solution, though also more limited in its applications than the more technically difficult Soul Jaunt, this spell-form is quite useful against Aethereal creatues, those creatures whom can hover between reality and dream, as it can bind them in place. It can even prevent planar travel by creatures capable of it, for a short time. In fact, it is the only known and proven method, should it work, to kill a Voidling, actually slay and destroy them, on the Material Realm. Though that task is far easier said than done.


Basic Effects: Weaving the manna of Spirit in a unique way, sort of counter to what it is meant to do, you create a unique almost shackling effect. Any creature, regardless of Aetheral, must attempt a Persona Defensive Test. If they fail, they take 4d6 radiant damage and for the duration they are plane locked, unable to leave the plane of existence the spell was woven upon. This forces Aetheral creatures to fully solidify, it stops planar escape or travel, and can even be used to slay a Voidling should they be locked here and then enough raw effort put into killing them. Creatures that succeed the defensive test can in still switch planes of existence with any spells or abilities, and only take half damage.

Voidbane: Voidling Creatures roll their defensive test against the Momentum against this spell-form, and take 4d10 radiant damage not 4d6.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase Radius to 20 feet

Tier III Effects: Increase Radius to 30 feet


Anders swore, his little halfmen legs moving as fast as they could to get himself to a point he could see where the noises were. As he rounded a bend down a hill, he saw it, his friends fighting for their lives against two shimmering barely visible serpentine like creatures with far to many arms. They were like ghosts, present yet not present, and his companions were struggling. Weaving magick as swiftly as he could, he focused, and willed the manacles into existence, as they lashed out through reality and into the realm of dreams, snapping onto the ankles of both fell fae, much to their shrieking disappointment, as they shimmered briefly, before fully soldifying, forcibly locked into the Material reality. "NOW!!" Anders yelled as loud as he could to his companions, "This spell won't hold them forever!!"
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 21, Tier II: 26, Tier III 31
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Maintained up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
200 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A 10 foot radius area centered on a point in range.


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