Storm Grenade

One of the more complex explosive concoctions, requiring some rare ingredients indeed, unleashes an explosion like no other.

This explosion is like watching a lightning storm occur up close, as bolts of powerful electrical energy lash forth in every concievable direction.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Craft DC: 19, Tier II; 24, Tier III; 29

Range: 90 feet

Duration: Instant

Basic Effects: 30 foot blast radius, sends out four massive bolts of electricity, into targets of your choice inside that radius. Each bolt must target a different creature, if not enough creatures are available, then you may strike a target more than once. Each creature thus targeted must attempt an Reflex Save. If critically failed they take double damage and are thrown prone as well. If failed they take 1d12 lightning damage and are Stunned (1). If they are successful, they take half damage. Critical success takes no damage.

Rank II Effects: 40 foot blast radius, it now sends out 5 bolts of electricity. Each bolt deals 2d12 lightning damage.

Rank III Effects: 50 foot blast radius, it now sends out 6 bolds of eletricity. Each bolt deals 3d12 lightning damage.
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Raw materials & Components


  • 3 ounces Smokepowder

  • 1 ounce of Stormwing Tail Feathers (Rare)

  • 1 ounce of powdered Opal (Rare)


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