Storm of Lead

One shot but a storm of shot aye. Lets teach the bastards about real pirate tactics First Captain. They wanna fight on deck, lets teach em deck clearing tactics!

Storm of Lead


Basic Effect: Everyone within 100 feet of you gains the Deafened (1) Condition immediately. Your attack against the primary target is applied to all targets you choose, and anyone who would be struck takes the appropriate damage for the weapon in your hands. All targets you deem hostile within 100 feet of you must also attempt a Sagacity Defensive Test, if they fail, they become Frightened (1)

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Radius becomes 20 feet, Inflicts Frightened (2).

Tier III Effects: Radius becomes 30 feet, inflicts Frightened (3).


As you finish the brief war litany, priming the firearm you feel the gun vibrating with divine power, can smell the sulfur of burning powder, and feel the heat coming off the weapon. Leveling and aiming in one smooth motion, you pull the trigger, letting a thunderous storm of lead fly.
Material Components
A loaded Firearm or Engineering weapon in hand
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 13, Tier II: 18, Tier III: 23
Related Discipline
Prayer (Captain Black Jeremiah)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
Applied Restriction
Target: Target a creature in range you can see, and any other creatures you deem hostile within a 10 foot radius of them that you could see and have line of sight on

Range: Is equal to the firearm in your hands.


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