Tactician's Foresight

One must focus, observe all and think critically. View the battle space as its whole, and examine the parts with care. Only thusly can one have the foresight to act wisely.

Tactician's Litany


Basic Effects: You hone in on but one variable on the field of battle, deciding they are worthy of concern, and with the guidance of the Mistress of Tactics, push your way into their mindset, trying to think as they are. They must attempt a Persona Defensive Test. If they fail, you see exactly their current thought process, detailing their intended next path of action (next turn) at this moment in time, and they are none the wiser. You read it from emotions, surface feelings, and body language. If they succeed, they take 2d6 psychic damage from the effort, but do not allow you to the aid of their emotions or surface thoughts, meaning you are making an incomplete guess at best, and may be incorrect, having to live with that risk.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may target two creatures in range.

Tier III Effects: You may target three creatures in range.


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GM Note: For this think very much like any movie, for me Sherlock Holmes, the one with Robert Downey Jr, where the protagonist seems to have this uncanny ability to read and basically forsee the actions of others to what really is an impossible level of accuracy. This is the sort of intended feel of this prayer
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 20, Tier II: Tier II: 25, Tier III: 30
Related Discipline
Prayer (Vosana Falconhand)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 action
60 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A creature in range you can see.


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