Templar-Pathinder 2e/Homebrew Hybrid thingy

The Templar is the overlay for the Champion when compared to PF2e. It should ideally be relatively easy to cross/overlay in either direction. However as always it likely would require a little bit of work in either direction as there will be some noticeable need for minimal to mild adjustment and changes whether going with PF2e or if bringing 2e into this homebrew mess of a structure.

The more militant side of faith, the Templar orders of Valerick are as numerous and varied as her nine religions. Templars by and large are holy warriors, crusaders of a sort, pushing forth the tenets and ideals of their diety and faith, however they also protect temples and churches, quest to slay monsters and reclaim lost relics and holy sites, and act as a sort of religious authority as well. Templars, all of them across every order share the basic same service beyond these however, they are to be the enforcement for the Magisterium, they are meant to hunt apostates, cultists and their ilk, and as such, all Templars of all nine faiths share some key basic training available to them, some basic abilities they can manifest to help weaken, stop or protect from arcane magick.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Constitution or Charisma. A Templar is the embodiment and conduit of their diety's faith. As such they generally are in amazing physical condition or speak with the power of their diety. A Priest is the knowledge and emotion of their diety, a Templar is the embodiment and conduit of their diety's raw presence and power.

Hit Point Progression: Templars begin play adding 4+Constitution Modifier to their racial starting wounds. Every level after their initial 1st level they add a further 1d10+Constitution Modifier to this total.

Initial Proficiencies

Templars start play with the following proficiencies
Perception: Templars start play Trained in Perception

Saving Throws: Templars start play Expert in Fortitude and Will Saves, and Trained in Reflex and Ego Saves.

Skills: Templars start play Trained in Religion and one other skill tied to their choice of Diety, as well as a number of skills equal to 2+Intelligence Modifier.

Attacks: All Templars are trained in the basics of melee combat, trained with Melee (Basic Hand Weapons), however their choice of Diety will influence which other weapon families they are trained in.

Defenses: All Templars begin play Trained with Light Armor and Unarmored Defense. Further armors if any are tied to their Diety of choice.

Class DC: Templars start Trained in their Profession (Class) DC.

Spell DC: Trained in the appropriate Prayers and Prayer DC for their Diety.

Profession Progression Table

Level Skill Progression Points Talents Gained Holy Strike Dice Divine Prayers Known
1 - Ancestry and Background, Blessed of the Steel, Diety Selection Package, Tenets, Fervor Pool, Divine Callings 1d4 1
2 1 Templar Feat, Skill Feat, Might of Mind and Body 1d4 1
3 1 Divine Ally, General Feat, Heightened Awareness 1d4 1
4 - Templar Feat, Skill Feat, War-Fighter's Expertise 1d4 1
5 1 Attribute Growth, Ancestry Feat, Armored Expertise 1d6 2
6 1 Templar Feat, Skill Feat, Holy Professional 1d6 2
7 - General Feat, Divine Expertise 1d6 2
8 1 Templar Feat, Skill Feat, Hyper-Vigilance 1d6 2
9 1 Ancestry Feat, Fighting Fit 1d8 3
10 - Attribute Growth, Templar Feat, Skill Feat, Lightning Reflexes 1d8 3
11 1 General Feat, Faith-Hardened Body 1d8 3
12 1 Templar Feat, Skill Feat, Divine Will 1d8 3
13 - Ancestry Feat, Divine Ego 1d10 4
14 1 Templar Feat, Skill Feat, War-Fighter's Mastery 1d10 4
15 1 Attribute Growth, General Feat, Armored Mastery 1d10 4
16 - Templar Feat, Skill Feat, Mastery of Mission 1d10 4
17 1 Ancestry Feat, Mastery of Scripture 1d12 5
18 1 Templar Feat, Skill Feat, Divine Awareness 1d12 5
19 - General Feat, Strength of Faith 1d12 5
20 1 Templar Feat, Skill Feat, Divine Body, Attribute Growth 1d12 5

Templar Basic Features and Abilities

Ancestry and Background: At first level, as with all characters, they gain the benefits of their Ancestry, Heritage, and Background, including their 1st level Ancestry Feat.

Blessed of the Steel: This merely references that the Templar gains further weapon families they are proficient with based on their choice of Diety

Diety Selection Package: At first level a Templar must select their Diety and this effects everything from their abilities they will have access to, to the tenets they will have to follow to keep their powers, to the prayers they can access.

Subclasses (Diety)

Wolfsguard (Boran the Bloodhound)

The Huntmaster's Faithful, the Wolfsguard are the entrusted protectors and warriors of the Pack, the hunters whom take sacred knowledge and apply it with Fervor and ferocity when it comes to hunting the mightiest of monsters, undead, and abberations, amongst even worse creatures. They are the ones tasked to fix any break in the cycle of life and death, generally by slaying monsters that would attempt to deny the natural cyclical structure of life and death.

Huntmaster's Prayers: The prayers that a Templar of Boran the Bloodhound can learn to Call upon are those of the Huntmaster's Prayers. They also automatically gain Tier 1 rank (Trained) in the Prayer (Boran the Bloodhound) skill immediately.

Skills: Wolfsguard start play Trained with one of the three following skills; Animal Care-Taking, Stealth, or Survival. In addition they are also trained in Nature.

Attacks: Wolfsguard start play trained with Melee (Brawling), Melee (Great Weapons), Ranged (Bows) and Ranged (Crossbows) weapon groups.

Defenses: Wolfsguard start play trained with Medium Armors

Divine Ally: Wolfsguard start with their Divine Ally at 1st level instead of a new ability. They get the Animal Companion feature much like a Hunter, and choose any animal they'd be familiar with (within limits of what the GM is willing to allow) and scales treating your Templar level like a Hunter level for scaling.

Divine Sense: Huntmaster: A Wolfsguard, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Animal, Animal Arcanium, Bestial, Celestial, Monstrosities, Restless Dead, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: The Hunter's Code is the broadly laid out foundation which governs a Wolfsguard's morals and behaviors.

The Devil Dogs

The Templar arm of the Seekers of Progress the faithful of Cormaq Thunderhand. The Templars of this faith see themselves as the innovators of war, at the forefront of technique and invention in regards to fighting against the beasts from beyond the Void. They are the discoverers of new and lost knowledge, seeing the protection of innovation and science, the keeping of knowledge as sacred. It is a goal worth dying for.

Rites of Progress: The prayers that those of the Seekers of Progress can call upon for Divine Power are known as the Rites of Progress. Also they gain Rank 1 (Trained) in the Prayer (Cormaq Thunderhand) skill automatically.

Attacks: A Devil Dog starts play Trained with Ranged (Chymech), Ranged (Engineering), Ranged (Explosives), Ranged (Firearms) and Ranged (Magnetech) weapon families.

Defenses: A Devil Dog starts Trained with Medium Armors.

Skills: A Devil Dog starts Trained in any 1 Craft skill of choice, as well as any one Drive skill of choice.

Rapid Repair: Those of the Devil Dogs are blessed by their faith, with knowledge and ability when it comes to tinkering and upkeep of the complex ranged weapons they generally know how to handle. By spending 1 point of their Fervor Pool and 1 action, they can automatically repair any Ranged weapon of the appropriate families available to them as profession skills, bringing it back to a functional state.

Divine Sense: Inventor: A Devil Dog, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Bestial, Celestial, Construct, Faellen Kindred, Restless Dead, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: The Engineer's Ethical Codex is the broad foundational code of conduct which guides and governs a Devil Dog.

The Inquisitors

The templar Order of the Divine Peacemakers whom follow the religious path of Deat-Kra, the Divine Judge. The Inquisitors are perhaps the primary example of why many fear Templars. They live up to their name in their hunt to enforce law and order and divine mandate. They are relentless, ever in the pursuit of justice.

Judicial Rites: The prayers that one can Call upon to access Divine Powers through their faith to Deat-Kra are known as the Judicial Rites. They also start play automatically with 1 rank (Trained) in Prayer (Deat-Kra).

Attacks: Inquisitors start trained with Melee (Polearms)

Defenses: Inquisitors start Trained with Medium and Heavy Armors.

Skills: Inquisitors start play with Investigate Trained, as well as Lore (Arcane) or Lore (Law)

Sniff out the Guilty Talent: At the cost of 1 Fervor point and an action, a templar of Deat-Kra can sort of read the surface emotions and thoughts of those around them, out to a thirty foot radius. Whilst far from a clear picture, they will get an idea, almost a psychic 'scent' if you will, as to whom may be feeling quite guilty about something. They cannot tell what that something is, but they will keenly be able to tell how strongly this emotion is effecting them, basically how 'powerful' that sense of guilt is.

Divine Sense: Judge: An Inquisitor, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Celestial, Draconid, Faellen Kindred, Restless Dead, Saurus, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: Holy Law is the foundational tenets and code of conduct that governs an Inquisitor.

Order of the Stars

The templar order of the Endless Explorers the faith whom follow Feyheart, the Eternal Traveller. Gentry heroes of the land is the best way to describe them, they well spoken, well traveled, and generally seeking to explore the unexplored, and lead society to spread to lands lost and found anew, or simply discovered brand new. They see themselves as the tip of society's metaphoraical spear, going where no others would.

A Traveler's Prayers: The scriptures and prayers that grant the followers of Feyheart access to the Divine Powers he offers are known as Traveler's Prayers. They also start play with rank 1 (Trained) in the Prayer (Feyheart) skill automatically.

Attacks: Start Trained in Melee (Fencing), Ranged (Firearms), and Ranged (Engineering) weapon families.

Defenses: Start Trained with Medium Armor

Skills: An Order of the Stars Templar begins play trained in Craft (Cartography) as well as Survival and Navigation (Terrestrial).

Highly Skilled: An Order of the Stars Templar starts play at level 1 with an extra 3 skills Trained of their choice. Furthermore they gain 1 skill rank to spend at every level, not just those a Templar normally would.

Divine Sense: Well Traveled: An Inquisitor, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Celestial, Elemental, Faellen Kindred, Restless Dead, Tane, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: The Traveler's Guidings is the code of conduct, the broad guiding principles that govern those of the Order of the Stars.

Brazen Buccaneer

The very to the point name for the 'Templar' order of the Privateers of Faith: a rather unique religious group whom worship Captain Black Jeremiah, the god of the Sea. Sailors, troublemakers, and just generally as much one of the name that you would expect, they do not match what most would picture as 'templars' not in the slightests. But looks can be decieiving and those whom fly under the the banner of the First Captain are as committed as any other templar you'd ever meet.

Writs of the Privateer: The prayers that a templar of Black Jeremiah can call upon are known as the Writs of a Privateer. They also start play with 1 rank (Trained) in Prayer (Captain Black Jeremiah) automatically.

Attacks: Start Trained with Melee (Fencing), Ranged (Explosives), Ranged (Firearms), and Ranged (Engineering) weapon families.

Defenses: Armor is a death sentence on the high seas and as such, these Templars stick to being unarmored or in light armor and have no further affinity for or training with armor.

Skills: Brazen Buccaneers begin play Trained in Drive (Sailing) and Navigation (Sea-Faring).

Highly Skilled: Much like their brethren whom follow Feyheart, those whom follow Captain Black Jeremiah do not start with an additional ability. Instead they choose three extra skills to start play Trained in. Furthermore they gain 1 skill rank to spend at every level, not just those a Templar normally would.

Divine Sense: Sailer's Sense: A Brazen Buccaneer, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Celestial, Draconids, Monstrosities, Restless Dead, Saurus, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: The Corsair's Conscience are the governing rules and guidelines of those of the Brazen Buccaneers.


The templar order of the Shields of Suranth these are better described as a war unit than a religious order in many cases, working in groups, fighting in a cavalry formation. They are generally seen as hardened warriors with a hard line attitude and with a temperment similar to a Nor'Westor.

War Chants: The prayers that the faithful of Sir Kartheart can call upon are known as War Chants. A Storm-Lancer also starts play with 1 rank (Trained) in the Prayer (Sir Kartheart) skill automatically.

Attacks: Trained with Melee (Cavalry), Melee (Any one of choice), and Ranged (Firearms).

Defenses: Trained with Medium Armor, Heavy Armor and Shields.

Skills: Start play Trained in Ride (Swine) and Craft (Blacksmith)

Divine Ally, Irontusk Mount: Much like the Wolfsguard, a Storm-Lancer starts play by gaining Divine Ally early, but theres is special. The creature will be an Iron-Tusk Boar that is their war mount.

Divine Sense: Holy Warrior: A Storm-Lancer, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Celestial, Joten, Greenskin, Monstrosities, Restless Dead, Tane, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: The Laknoth is the holy code, the guiding principles that govern the Storm-Lancers and all of Sir Kartheart's faithful.


The templar order of the Treestriders the followers of Talia, Lady of the Leaves. For a templar order they are far less militant than some, practicing more as a militia, as kind of a decentralized outfit. They are similar in what they believe in and seek to protect to those of the Wolfsguard, however they are less direct, and more concerned with the keeping the Aether in tact and in balance directly, and less with the more simple issue of the cycle of life and death.

Magicks of Faith: The divine powers offered by Talia can be called upon via prayers known as the Magick of Faiths. These Templars also start play with 1 rank (Trained) in the Prayer (Talia) skill automatically.

Attacks: Trained with Melee (Flexible), Ranged (Bows), Ranged (Crossbows), and Ranged (Slings)

Defenses: No extra armors or shields

Skills: Wylde-speakers start play Trained in Animal Care-Taking as well as one other of Lore (Nature), Lore (Occult), Stealth, or Survival.

Blessed by Magick: Templars of Talia have a unique benefit beyond other priests, able to call upon other acts of Divinity, due to their Goddess being the Goddess of magick. They may pick a one of the eight schools of magick, and add three spells from it to their list of Prayers, increasing the number they know at any level by 3. They keep all other mechanical information about the spells the same, but instead of rolling a Spell-Weaving skill, they simply use Prayer (Talia).

Divine Sense: Manna Blessed: A Wyldespeaker, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Animal Arcanium, Celestial, Draconid, Elemental, Plants, Restless Dead, Tanes, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: The Balance is the holy writs, the code of conduct for those whom worship Talia, including the Wyldespeakers.

The Dicemen

The Templar arm of the Faithful Gamblers the followers of Varis Tomain. They see themselves as the guides and warriors of fate and luck. They are questing heroes whom seek to be brave fools or bold heroes and care not which. Whimsical about danger, fearless and foolhardy.

A Gambler's Prayers: Offerings of Divine Power from Varis Tomain are Called upon via usage of the Gambler's Prayers. These templars also start play with 1 rank (Trained) in the Prayer (Varis Tomain) skill automatically.

Attacks: Trained with Melee (Fencing), Ranged (Explosives), and Ranged (Firearms).

Defenses: Trained with Medium Armor.

Skills: Dicemen start play Trained in Bribery as well as knowing two additional languages.

Luck of the House: The Dicemen start with this unique reaction. They may, as a reaction and by spending 1 Fervor, re-roll any D20 roll they wish, but are stuck with the new result.

Divine Sense: Gambler: A Diceman, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Bestial, Celestial, Faellen Kindred, Joten, Restless Dead, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: The Diceman's Demands The name a reference to this order's founding, this is the codex and code of conduct of the Eternal Gambler.


The templar order of the Phoenix Riders the followers of Vosana Falconhand, these templars are the only real equals to Sir Kartheart's Storm Lancers for their militant attitude and reputation.

Hymns Tacticia: Calling upon the Hymns Tacticia, the followers of Vosana Falconhand can access her gifts of Divine Power. The templar starts with 1 rank (Trained) in the Prayer (Vosana Falconhand) skill automatically.

Attacks: Trained with Melee (Cavalry), Melee (Flexible), Melee (Polearms), and Ranged (Bows).

Defenses: Trained in Medium and Heavy Armors.

Skills: Sky-Riders start play trained with Ride (Avian) and Animal Care-Taking Trained.

Divine Ally; Special Mount: A Sky-Rider also starts the game getting Divine Ally at 1st level instead of 3rd and this would be their special mount, a Pegasus. They also gain a unique skill grouping effect, treating Ride (Avian) as also Ride (Equine) specifically for the purpose of riding their Pegasus when it is on the ground instead of in flight.

Highly Skilled: A Sky-Rider begins play with 3 extra skills Trained.

Divine Sense: Strategist: A Sky-Rider, like all Templars, have a unique sort of sixth sense. By spending 1 action and 1 Fervor they can tap into this unique sense for 1 minute. They can detect the presence of any Celestial, Construct, Draconid, Faellen Kindred, Restless Dead, Tane, Voidling or Wyrid type creature within 30 feet/Templar level of them.

Tenets: War-Leader's Guide The holy code, the founding principles that all followers, including Sky-Riders, make the foundation of their behavior and moral guidance.

These are the nine holy orders the nine subclasses if you will, the nine Dieties, to choose from. Below we will finish outlining the rest of the Templar's base abilities and features before heading into profession feats.

Fervor Pool: This functions similarly to the Priest's Faith pool in many ways, though not completely the same. Much like Faith, Fervor does not recover until they take a Rest, they get them all back right before they start their next Daily Preparations. A Templar's Fervor Pool is calculated thusly; 1/Templar Level+Constitution Modifier+Charisma Modifier. Fervor is much more of an important ability to Templars, unlike Priests, whom arguably rely more on the Calling arts. Templars start with three abilities accessible to them tied to their Fervor which are as follows;

  • Fervored Strikes: So long as the Templar has at least 1 point left in their Fervor pool, they add their Charisma or Constitution Modifier (whichever they picked as their primary attribute) to all attack rolls.

  • Holy Strike: This is tied to their Holy Strike dice. A templar may, as a free action on a successful attack, declare a holy strike. They may spend an amount of Fervor, up to a maximum of 1/2 their level (minimum 1). If they do so, they add radiant damage to the number of points spent as dice (so if you spend 1 point, you roll 1 dice. If you spend 2 points, you roll 2 dice, etc.). They may only call upon 1 Holy Strike/round.

  • Defending Aura: The templar can spend 3 Fervor and 1 Action to trigger a special aura all about them that lasts 1 round/Templar level. This aura extends out 20 feet and grants all creatures the Templar sees as allies, along with the Templar themselves, a morale bonus to all Saving Throws equal to the Templar's (Constitution or Charisma) Modifier.

Divine Callings: Though they rely on it far less than Priests, Templars do gain access to the ability to tap into the Divine just like Priests, though they may have less mastery of it. The prayer list they have access to is dictated by their Diety. As such, they are also subject to the rules around Divine Burnout (X) whenever they invoke Ire of the Gods. However Templars can always, as a single action, spend any amount of Fervor, cleansing themselves of the Divine Burnout condition up to an amount equal to or less than the Fervor spent.

Templar Feats: Naturally depending which direction you are converting, since this is meant as a sort of homebrew overlay or base to be meshed (with some mild effort needed based on some noted differences) for PF2e, this is meant to also apply to Champion Feats, since the Templar and Champion are supposed to be the two that overlay in this circumstance. These are the profession feats. At 2nd level and every even level thereafter you get another one, and you can always take a lower level feat at any given level if for some reason you'd rather double back and double dip lower level abilities.

Skill Feats: Pathfinder 2e base rules have these more or less, naturally you can always try to come up with some for any skills that are within this supplement, as of right now none are within here.

Might of Mind and Body: At 2nd level a Templar becomes Trained in Logic and Power saves.

General Feats: At 3rd level and then every fourth level thereafter a Templar gains a General Feat.

Divine Ally: This feature is worthy of noting because they all will possess it, and if using Pathfinder 2e primarily, the Champion ability of the same name will be the right fit at 3rd level. However if using the homebrew primarily, overlaying 2e with the idea of Valerick's rules being the primary basis of the game being run, this feature is tied to the Diety and in two particular cases, will actually be shifted to 1st level (that of the Storm-Lancers and the Sky-Riders).

Heightened Awareness: At 3rd level a Templar's Perception increases to Expert

War-Fighter's Expertise: At 4th level a Templar becomes Expert in all weapon families they are Trained in.

Attribute Growth: Like all Professions, at 5th level and every five levels thereafter, they gain 4 attribute points to spend, as well as gaining 1 attribute point automatically in their Key Attribute. The four free points can be spent on anything, but to increase an attribute beyond 18 requires spending 2 points for every +1 you wish to give the attribute (so going from 18 to 19 costs two points.)

Armored Expertise: At 5th level a Templar gains Expert Proficiency with all Armors they were trained with, including Unarmored Defense.

Holy Professional: At 6th level a Templar becomes Expert in their Profession/Class DC.

Divine Expertise: At 7th level a Templar becomes Expert in their Prayers and Prayer DC (Spells and Spell DC). They also now naturally call upon Prayers they know at Tier II.

Hyper Vigilance: At 8th level a Templar becomes Master in Perception

Fighting Fit: At 9th level a Templar becomes Expert in Power Saves.

Lightning Reflexes: At 10th level a Templar becomes Expert in Reflex Saves.

Faith-Hardened Body: At 11th level a Templar becomes Master in Fortitude Saves.

Divine Will: At 12th level a Templar becomes Master in Will Saves.

Divine Ego: At 13th level a Templar becomes Expert in Ego Saves.

War Fighter's Mastery: At 14th level a Templar becomes Master Proficiency with all weapon families they were Expert Proficiency in.

Armored Mastery: At 15th level a Templar becomes Master Proficiency with all Armors they were Expert Proficiency wtih.

Mastery of Mission: At 16th level a Templar becomes Master Proficiency in their Profession/Class DC.

Mastery of Scripture: At 17th level a Templar becomes Master Proficiency in their Prayers and Prayer DC (Spell and Spell DC). They also now naturally call upon Prayers they know at Tier III.

Divine Awareness: At 18th level a Templar becomes Legendary with Perception

Strength of Faith: At 19th level a Templar becomes Legendary in their Profession/Class DC.

Divine Body: At 20th level a Templar becomes Legendary in Fortitude Saves.

Templar Feats

This far from a comprehensive list, and similarly to the Priest, this is especially true of the Templar, and once again designed to be the base or overlay with the Champion from Pathfinder 2e being its counterpart. Of course this is not meant to imply a lack of homebrew directly, merely the idea that further diversity is intended and perhaps even planned for. However let us move on and forward and see the various feats availale to Templars;

Cowing Presence

Feat 2

Traits: Templar, Fervor, Fortune, Religion, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar
Cost: 1 Fervor, 1 Free Action

Everyone all across Valerick has a healthy respect, and in some cases, fear, of Templars of any order. Their reputation in this regard comes in handy when dealing with people and interrogating witnesses, suspects or bystanders for information when necessary. A Templar may spend 1 Fervor as a free action whenever they are about to roll an Intuition, Intimidate, or Diplomacy check to grant themselves Fortune on the roll, meaning they roll twice and use the best result.

Fervored Visions

Feat 2

Traits: Fervor, Templar, Passive
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar

Upon selecting this feat, so long as the Templar is not surprised and has 1 Fervor in their Pool, they get to add their Charisma Modifier to their skill roll (regardless of which skill), when rolling for initiative.

Wild Form

Feat 2

Traits: Shape-Change, Divine, Fervor, Templar
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wolfsguard Templar
Cost: 3 Fervor, 1 Action

The Wolfsguard are a special breed, and part of their initiation into the holy order comes with a great gift and a mighty power. They are actually lycanthropes, but divinely inspired ones, in full control. The lunar cycle seems to have no real effect on them, or at least they are not beholden to it, nary forced to transform. By spending the listed time and Fervor, a Wolfsguard can change shape into their hybridized wolf-humanoid form, gaining a natural armor score equal to 1/2 their Templar level, +20 feet movement speed, and +2 to all physical attributes. However they cannot wield weapons and must rely on their bite and claw attacks, each dealing 1d6+Strength Modifier, though the claws are agile and capable of using Dexterity Modifier. Furthermore they gain access to the Intimidating Howl ability of wolves. This transformation cannot be sustained very long, only able to last 1 minute. If they drop to 0 HP in this form, they simply are forcibly shifted out of it, gaining Stunned (1) and Exhausted (1) but are at full HP of their humanoid form.

Blessed Armament

Feat 2

Traits: Devil Dog, Templar, Weapon, Enchantment, Fervor, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Devil Dog Templar
Cost: 1 Fervor, 1 Activity

During their daily preparations, a Devil Dog can imbue one of their weapons with the power of their fervor and belief. This weapon loses any and all instances of the Dangerous Quality and becomes a Blessed weapon, counting as a +1 magick weapon when in the hands of the Templar. The weapon they affect with this must be a mundane, non-magick, non-artifact weapon. At 8th level this ability costs 2 Fervor but the Weapon becomes affected by the Blessed and Burning Radiance enchantments, as well as becoming a +2 weapons. At 16th this costs 3 Fervor and the weapon becomes +3 with Blessed, Burning Radiance and Void-Bane enchantments.

Read Guilt

Feat 2

Traits: Inquisitor, Templar, Fervor, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Inquisitor Templar
Cost: 1 Fervor, 1 Action

Focusing in on someone whom they can sense guilt within through their Sniff out the Guilty ability, an Inquisitor can attempt to push their will and ego upon a target within 30 feet of them whom they know is carrying some amount of guilt, and basically forcibly read that emotion, pulling the surface thoughts and memories about it from the target. This is a hostile intrusion, the target feels and will fight back. They make an Ego Save against your Profession DC. If they critically fail, you recieve a very full surface understanding of the emotion, almost watching the events unfold as a bystander in their memories, acquiring the specifics of what occurred, and what the particular details are that are invoking these feelings of guilt. If they merely fail, you do not see the complete specifics, but you get a read on the type of event or actions the individual has these feelings and emotions for. If they succeed, you garner none of this, but they do take 1d4 Psychic damage/2 Templar levels you have. If they critically succeed, they take half damage instead.

Traveler's Authority

Feat 2

Traits: Fervor, Templar, Order of the Stars, Authority
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order of the Stars Templar
Cost: 1 Fervor/person

A Templar of the Order of the Stars, whenever arriving at an inn or waystation, as they enter to go and speak to the proprietor, they may spend 1 Fervor/person they wish to find lodgings for. So long as the inn or waystation has lodgings available, these lodgings will be free of charge, based upon religious authority.

Sea Legs

Feat 2

Traits: Templar, Brazen Buccaneer, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brazen Buccaneer Templar

Much like a Dockmaster, a Brazen Buccaneer is quite accustomed to the pitch and roll of a ship or boat. They suffer no movement penalties, need to make no saving throws, and require no adjustment time. They are immune to being Sickened or otherwise effected by the motion of a deck beneath their feet. However furthermore, for the cost of 2 Fervor, a Brazen Buccaneer can imbue this talent mystically through an aura they emanate out 10 feet/2 Templar levels they have, granting this boon to their allies for 1 minute. Activating this aura costs 1 action.

Storm-Born Knight

Feat 2

Traits: Storm-Lancer, Templar, Fervor, Skill
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Lancer Templar

Storm-Lancers are well trained and well drilled in the saddle. So long as they have 1 Fervor in their pool, they suffer no movement penalties or other negatives to rolls or checks involving Ride (Swine) in storms or bad weather.

Fervored Recovery

Feat 2

Traits: Fervor, Wyldespeaker, Templar, Healing
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wyldespeaker Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor, 1 action

A Wyldespeaker can act as a natural conduit, emanating an empowering energy, a natural boost from their very essence. This is an aura that once activated will last 1 minute, and grants any allies within 30 feet of you, as well as yourself, Fast Healing (X) where 'X'=1/2 your Templar level+Charisma Modifier.

All In

Feat 2

Traits: Templar, Diceman, Fortune, Fervor, Reaction
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Diceman Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor, Reaction

A Diceman is touched by fate and has the Fate-weaver's permission to wield and gift this power to others, in limited ways. As a reaction to any creature within 60 feet of you missing an attack roll, you may spend the appropriate Fervor and offer them an opportunity. All-In. They roll the attack again, adding your Key Attribute to the attack roll as well as any other modifiers. This is a mere pass or fail roll against the target's AC. If it hits, its a critical hit. If it misses, its a critical miss, and if appropriate (for a firearm with Dangerous quality for example) triggers any possible negative consequences. A Templar can target themselves with this ability.


Feat 2

Traits: Sky-Rider, Templar, Fire
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sky-Rider Templar

A Sky-Rider when using Holy Strike, can choose to make it Fire Damage instead of Radiant Damage.

Dispelling Strike

Feat 4

Traits: Uncommon, Templar, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor Points and Free Action

When a Templar with this feat is making a Holy Strike, they may spend the appropriate Fervor to make it a Dispelling Holy Strike. This attack lets out a burst with a 20 foot radius that immediately dispels all concentration or lingering arcane, primal or occult spell effects of Tier I are immediately dispelled. Tier 2 Effects are surpressed for a round, Tier 3 are unaffected. Magickal items of Tier I are also surpressed for 1 round, other than your own equipement.

Stay the Arcane

Feat 4

Traits: Reaction, Fervor, Templar, Divine, Prayer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor and Reaction

As a Reaction to a creature within 60 feet that you can see attempting a Spell-Stitch or Spell-Weaving skill roll with the intent to cast a spell, you may roll a Prayer Test as appropriate for your faith. If you roll critically higher than the target, you deal them double damage and they fail to cast the spell and trigger a Minor Miscast. If you merely beat them normally (by less than 10), they simply don't cast, the spell countered, and take 1 instances of your Holy Strike Dice as Radiant damage. If you roll lower normally, so merely failing to beat them, the spell functions as intended, but they still take the damage. If you fail to beat them critically (10 or more) they take no damage, and are entirely unaffected by your attempted interference.

Intimidating Howl

Feat 4

Traits: Wolfsguard Templar, Auditory, Fervor, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access:Wolfsguard Templar with Wild Form Feat
Cost: 1 Fervor, 2 Actions

Drawing in a deep breath in your new found hybrid lungs, you let out a monstrous terrifying howl. All creatures within 60 feet of you that are capable of hearing you must attempt a Will Save against your Profession (Class) DC. If they critically fail, they are afflicted with Frightened (2) and take double damage. If they merely fail, they are afflicted with Frightened (1) and take (1dX)/2 Templar Levels, the 'X' being tied to the size of your Holy Strike Dice (so the dice size increases as your Holy Strike Dice size increases.), psychic damage. If they succeed, they simply take half damage. If they critically succeed, they take no damage and are immune to this ability from you for 24 hours.

Furthermore, your Divine Ally gains a lesser version of this ability that can be utilized 2/day. Their howl or cry will fight the species they are of course, and they only have an effective range of 30 feet in all directions. Every four Templar levels you gain after 4th sees the number of times they can use this ability increased by 1.

Snap Shot

Feat 4

Traits: Devil Dog, Templar, Fervor, Attack, Reaction, Fortune
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Devil Dog Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor and Reaction

Devil Dogs with this feat gain a special reaction. Within 30 feet, so long as they are wielding a Ranged Weapon they are at least trained with, they threaten. Any Movement action that allows attacks of opportunity that move through such space, so long as the movement started in range of you, and is more than a Step, you may spend the appropriate Fervor and take your Reaction so long as it is available and make a ranged attack against that target at their full appropriate bonus.

Pointed Questions

Feat 4

Traits: Templar, Inquisitor, Auditory, Fervor, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Inquisitor Templar
Cost: 1 Fervor

An Inquisitor with this feat may, in a social scenario, attempt to utilize Intimidate, Bribery, Diplomacy or Deception in a unique way, imbuing the social aspect of what they are attempting to do with their Fervor and holy energy. By spending the noted Fervor before asking someone a question or some sort of inquiry (think attempting to 'buy' information for Bribery or in an Interrogation for Intimidate, trying to make friends and butter up someone for information for Diplomacy, or attempting verbal trickery or fencing to get someone to spill the beans with Deception.) you roll the skill check against their Profession (Class) DC. If you are critically successful, they will take double damage if they lie, with absolutely no knowledge as to what is happening to them. If you are successful, they will take 1d6 Piercing damage and 1d6 Psychic damage for every 4 Templar levels you possess if they lie or with-hold information from you and again will have knowledge as to why, but they will show the pain externally, unable to avoid it. If you fail, they still suffer half damage if they attempt to lie or with-hold information, though they still know not what is happening. If you critically fail, the target is not imbued at all by this effect and is in fact immune to it for a full day, however they still know not what you attempted to do.

Terrestrially Blessed

Feat 4

Traits: Order of the Stars, Fervor, Templar, Movement
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order of the Stars Templar

A Templar of the Order of the Stars with this feat, so long as they have 1 Fervor in their Fervor Pool, can traverse any natural terrain without it negatively impacting their movement speeds, though they are still subject to other hazards. They also are incapable of ever getting lost on land, regardless of the points left in their Fervor Pool. They may not be able to find their destination without succeeding a Navigation (Terrestrial) check, however they can always find their way back to wherever the last place they knew exactly their actual location.

Ocean Motion

Feat 4

Traits: Brazen Buccaneer, Templar, Movement
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brazen Buccaneer Templar

A Brazen Buccaneer with this feat has a natural swim speed equal to 1/2 their normal movement speed.


Feat 4

Traits: Storm-Lancer, Templar, Holy Strike
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Lancer Templar

A Storm-Lancer with this feat gains the unique ability to alter the bonus damage of their Holy Strike from Radiant to Lightning, Thunder or Cold. They must choose this whenever they declare they are invoking a Holy Strike.

Wyldespeaking Feat

Feat 4

Traits: Wyldespeaker, Templar, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wyldspeaker Templar
Cost: 3 Fervor

By expending the necessary Fervor, a Wyldespeaker can commune with nature itself in a way, seeming able to commune with the natural world and primordial forces, as well as wildlife and plant life, for 1 hour, able to speak with them as plain as they may speak to their companions.

Dumb Luck is Good Luck

Feat 4

Traits: Templar, Dicemen, Fortune
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Diceman Templar

Shared with the priests, Templars of the God of Luck and Fortune whom take this feat, the first time each day they roll a Natural 1, it becomes a 10.

Sky-Born Knight

Feat 4

Traits: Sky-Rider, Templar, Skill, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sky-Rider Templar

Sky-Riders are well trained and drilled in Avian mounted combat and travel, showing impressive skill and technique. So long as they have at least 1 Fervor in their Fervor Pool, they reduce the difficulties of things like wind speed by 1 stage when it comes to Ride checks they need to make when airborne on their mount.

Blessed Foresight

Feat 6

Traits: Fervor, Templar, Sensory, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar

A Templar with this feat, so long as they have at least 1 Fervor in their Fervor Pool, they are immune to the Surprised condition.

Packmate Synergy

Feat 6

Traits: Animal, Wolfsguard, Templar
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wolfsguard Templar

You and your animal companion count each other as 2 creature for the point of calculating the necessary threshold for out-numbering bonuses and benefits. Furthermore whenever either of you attack a creature that you can count as out-numbering with the help of each other, you both get to add a roll of your Holy Strike Dice to the damage, as your show of pack tactics pleases Boran the Bloodhound.

Right Tools for the Right Job

Feat 6

Traits: Divine, Templar, Devil Dog, Fervor, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Devil Dog Templar
Cost: 1-3 Fervor, 1 Daily Preparation activity.

This is a unique and interesting boon offered to the Templars of Cormaq Thunderhand. They may spend an activity during Daily Preparations praying over a backpack or toolbag of some kind, spending 1, 2, or 3 Fervor. This bag cannot be opened unless a tool/toolkit is being sought in that moment, the Templar must verbalize their need. It must be a mundane tool or basic toolkit. For a number of times that day (equal to the Fervor spent during preparations), they can do this and when they open that toolbag or backpack, the exact thing they verbalized will be present. It is a physical object, can be touched and used, however, no one other than the Templar can touch it, if someone tries it simply fades into radiant light and fades away. It does not last forever and if not used to complete the task it was summoned forth for within 1 hour it disappears. It also disappears the instant that task is successfully completed. If the task would take longer than an hour, so long as you are continuing to work on it, the object will not fade away.

Compelling Order

Feat 6

Traits: Inquisitor, Mental, Auditory, Fervor, Compulsion, Open, Attack
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Inquisitor Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor, 1 Action

Choosing 1 target within 30 feet of you that can hear and understand you, you utter a singular command/order, flooding your speech with the energy and zeal of your own inner divinity. The target makes an Ego Save against your Profession DC. If they critically fail, they spend their entire next turn only doing what you order them too. If they merely fail they must spend two of their three actions on their next turn doing what you ordered. If they are successful they still spend 1 of their three actions on their next turn doing what you ordered. If they critically succeed, they do not take to the order. Your command must be a singular command that does not involve them directly harming themselves. Something like 'drop your weapon', or kneel on the ground with your hands behind your head' or tell us where (insert object or person) is! something like that.

Fore-warned Traveler

Feat 6

Traits: Order of the Stars Templar, Foresight, Fervor, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order of the Stars Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor, 1 Activity

During daily preparations, a Templar with this feat can spend the appropriate Fervor and gain some foresight in regards to their coming travels. They meditate in prayer, dictating their intended route of travel, and are given glimpses of potential challenges and dangers natural or otherwise in that direction of travel. Natural predators in the region, any monsters that haunt or hunt this stretch of road, any highwaymen or bandit types, or any natural hazards like a road being blocked by a landslide or any other such natural terrain hazards they might come upon. These visions are not guarantees of dangers that will be encountered they are merely forewarnings of dangers that could potentially be encountered.


Feat 6

Traits: Brazen Buccaneer, Templar, Attack, Press, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brazen Buccaneer Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor, 1 Action

A Brazen Buccaneer with this feat is very familiar with the fundamental risks of smokepowder. Whenever they should trigger the Dangerous Quality of a firearm, engineering or explosive weapon, they may spend the appropriate Fervor and action, should they have one available. They roll an Athletics or Acrobatics roll (their choice) against a target within 30 feet of them's AC. This is treated as an attack with all Multiple Attack Penalty modifiers applying. Should they manage to overcome the target's AC, they pitch the weapon before it explodes, the target taking the damage instead. Should they miss, no one takes the damage, it just goes off mid travel. Should they critically miss, they still take half the damage, unable to pitch it away from themselves quite fast enough.

Thundering Charge

Feat 6

Traits: Storm-Lancer, Templar, Fervor, Attack, Open
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Lancer Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor and 2 actions, can only be used whilst mounted.

A Storm-Lancer with this Feat can utilize a special assault tactic. By paying the necessary Fervor and actions, a Storm-Lancer can make a Thundering Charge. They must move in a straight line, and may move up to double their mount's movement speed. Any creature they pass within 10 feet of must make a Fortitude Save against their Profession DC or take 1d8 Thunder Damage, which becomes 2d8 at 12th level and 3d8 at 18th. If they critically fail this save they are also knocked prone, as well as taking double damage. If they merely fail, they take normal damage. If they succeed they take half damage. If they critically succeed they take no damage.

The movement must end adjacent to a creature against whom you make a singular melee attack. Your boar mount may also make a Tusk Gore attack, neither of these attacks suffer the effects of the Multiple Attack Penalty, but this entire assault only counts as 1 attack for calculating Multiple Attack Penalty for any further attacks. You and your boar get to add each other's Strength Modifier to your attack and damage rolls as well as your own for these attacks. Furthermore so long as your melee attack hits, you inflict Stunned (1) on the target. If it critically hits, it inflicts Stunned (2). The Tusk attack inflicts persistent bleed equal to 1 roll of your Holy Strike Dice on a successful hit, two rolls on a critical hit.

Manna Veil

Feat 6

Traits: Wyldespeaker Templar, Magick, Divine, Fervor, Aura, Concentration
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wyldespeaker Templar
Cost: 3 Fervor, 1 Action

A Wyldespeaker with this Feat can spend the appropriate Fervor and actions to tap into their own gifted divinity, pushing it outwards, manifesting it as a protective veil or aura of sorts. This does act like a concentration spell/prayer, and lasts up to 1 minute. This aura exudes 20 feet in all directions from yourself. You and all your allies gain a morale boost equal to 1/2 your Templar level to any saving throws you need to make against any spells, supernatural effects, or primal, arcane or occult phenomena.

Sky-Queen's Charge:

Feat 6

Traits: Sky-Rider, Fire, Movement, Attack, Fervor, Templar, Divine, Open
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sky-Rider Templar
Cost: 5 Fervor, 2 Actions

A Sky-Rider with this feat whom is mounted on their Pegasi can spend the appropriate Fervor and actions to activate this ability. They charge forward up to 60 feet in a straight line, the charge needing to end adjacent to a creature that you attack. The attack can be a Holy Strike if you are willing to spend an extra action on this ability to activate that effect. At base however the attack you unleash gains +1/2 your Templar level to the attack roll, and gains the same boost, as well as a single roll of your Holy Strike Dice, as Fire damage to the attack. Furthermore you also leave a trail of Sunfire behind you, and any creature you pass within five feet of takes fire damage equal to a roll of your Holy Strike Dice+1/2 your Templar level. Creatures whom start their turn within 5 feet of this fire must make a Reflex Save against your Profession DC. If critically failed they take double damage and are afflicted with Ablaze (4) (Persistent Fire Damage for Pathfinder 2e, with the amount being 4). A regular failure takes 1 Holy Strike Dice+1/2 Templar Level fire damage and suffer Ablaze (2). Success suffers half damage and Ablaze (1). Critical Success takes no damage and suffers no Ablaze. The fire lasts rounds=1/2 your Templar level.

Intimidating Strike

Feat 8

Traits: Templar, Fervor, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar
Cost: 1 Fervor, Free Action

A Templar with this feat may spend the appropriate extra Fervor when declaring a Holy Strike. If they do so, if the attack hits, they also inflict the target with Frightened (1) with the Templar themselves being the cause of that fear. If they score a critical hit, they inflict Frightened (2).

Skull-Cracking Strike

Feat 8

Traits: Templar, Fervor, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar
Cost: 1 Fervor, Free Action

A Templar with this feat may spend the appropriate extra Fervor when declaring a Holy Strike. If they do so and the attack hits, they also inflict the target with Stunned (1). If they score a critical hit they inflict Stunned (2).

Studied Scriptures I

Feat 8

Traits: Templar, Divine, Prayer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar

A Templar with this feat selects one Prayer that they know upon selecting this feat, and forever more they never need to roll a Prayer skill check to Call upon it at Tier I, they may just spend the appropriate actions and do so.

Improved Dispelling Strike

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Templar, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar with Dispelling Strike Feat
Cost: 2 Fervor Points and Free Action

A Templar with this feat now immediately dispells Tier I and II concentration spell effects or magicks of the Arcane, Occult and Primal traditions. Further more they also surpress Tier III effects for a round, as well as surpressing up to Tier II magick items.

Hunter's Commune

Feat 10

Traits: Templar, Wolfsguard, Uncommon, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wolfsguard Templar

So long as a Wolfsguard has 1 Fervor in their Fervor Pool, they are counted as Expert in the appropriate Lore skill for any Recall Knowledge roll to be made in regards to any sort of creature or monster.

More Powder!

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Devil Dog, Templar, Fervor
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Devil Dog Templar

A Devil Dog with this feat, so long as they have 1 point in their Fervor Pool, any critical hits with Ranged (Firearms), Ranged (Explosives), Ranged (Engineering), Ranged (Magnetech) or Ranged (Chymech) family weapons that they are at least Expert Proficiency with roll all their damage dice an extra time on a Critical hit. This does not apply to Holy Strike damage dice however, merely base weapon damage dice and any enchantment damage dice on the weapon.

Arresting Strike

Feat 10

Traits: Non-Lethal, Divine, Fervor, Uncommon, Inquisitor, Templar
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Inquisitor Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor, Free Action

An Inquisitor with this feat, when declaring a Holy Strike may declare it is to be an Arresting Strike. All damage, even the Holy Strike Dice, is non-lethal, and they suffer no attack penalties for this. Furthermore, if the attack hits, the target is afflicted with Slow (1), and if the attack critically hits, the target is afflicted with Slow (2).

Atlas' Expertise

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Fervor, Order of the Stars, Templar
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order of the Stars Templar.

An Order of the Stars Templar with this feat, so long as they have at least 1 Fervor in their Fervor pool, treats any skill to be rolled for Recall Knowledge about settlements, geographical features or regions as if they are at least Expert proficiency even if they otherwise are not in the skill to be rolled.

An Orange a Day

Feat 10

Traits: Brazen Buccaneer, Medical, Uncommon, Fervor, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brazen Buccaneer Templar
Cost: 1 Fervor/Condition (1), 2 Actions

A Brazen Buccaneer with this feat can spend the appropriate Fervor and actions to cleanse themselves of nearly any condition, spending 1 Fervor for each instance of any given condition. This cannot cleanse Wounded conditions. This also does not work on Persistent Damage effects the same way, you need to spend 1 Fervor for each point of damage you are to be taking. If the Persistent Damage is a dice, you need to spend an amount of Fervor equal to the maximum value of that dice to remove it completely, otherwise you are simply adding a negative modifier to that roll instead (though this does not mean you can heal from persistent damage, the lowest you can make it is 0 on any given roll). Finally, Doomed conditions cost 3 Fervor each to remove, not just 1.

Eye of the Storm

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Storm-Lancer, Templar, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Lancer Templar

So long as the Storm-Lancer has 1 Fervor in their Fervor Pool, both they and their sacred mount have Resist ('X'), where 'X'=1/2 their Templar Level, to Lightning, Thunder and Cold damage. Furthermore, at 15th and 20th levels, the Storm-Lancer picks one of these Resistances to become equal to their Full Templar level.

Rhythm of the Wylde

Feat 10

Traits: Primal, Arcane, Nature, Magick, Uncommon, Templar, Wyldespeaker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wyldespeaker Templar

A Wyldespeaker with this Feat selects two additional Emerald Spell-Forms to add to their Prayers known list, and selects an additional one at 15th and 20th level. Furthermore their bond with their wild companion gains a supernatural quality. They can funnel touch spells and prayers through their beast companion from up to a distance of 60 feet away. This becomes 90 feet at 15th level and 120 feet at 20th level.

All or Nothing

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Dicemen, Templar, Fervor
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dicemen Templar

A Dicemen Templar with this feat, so long as they have 1 point in their Fervor Pool, should they score a critical hit on an attack, that attack does not count towards their Multiple Attack Penalty calculation. However if they critically miss, the attack counts twice.

Sun's Caress

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Divine, Fervor, Sky-Rider Templar
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sky-Rider Templar

A Sky-Rider Templar with this feat, so long as they have at least 1 Fervor in their Fervor pool, both they and their divine bonded pegasus mount have Resist (X), where 'X'=1/2 their Templar level, to Fire and Radiant damage. Furthermore they are immune to Ablaze (unable to gain Persistent Fire damage). At 15th level X becomes equal to full Templar level and at 20th level this effect no longer requires 1 Fervor in their Fervor pool and is permanent.

Fervored Meditation

Feat 12

Traits: Fervor, Divine, Uncommon, Templar, Activity
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar

A Templar with this feat, during a Regroup, may spend one of their two activities to spend up to 1/2 their Hit Dice, rolling them to recover Fervor. This recovery cannot allow them to exceed their Pool's maximum capacity.

Hybridized Form

Feat 12

Traits: Wolfsguard Templar, Animal, Fervor, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wyldespeaker with the Wild Form Feat

A Wolfsguard with at least 1 Fervor left in their pool whilst in their Wild Form can now call upon prayers, able to speak in this beastly form.

Silencing Strike

Feat 14

Traits: Rare, Templar, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar
Cost: 3 Fervor, Free Action

When making a Holy Strike, a Templar with this feat may spend the appropriate Fervor to make it a Silencing Strike. If the attack hits, the creature is inflicted with Silenced (2). If the attack scores a critical hit, the creature is afflicted with Silenced (4).

Blessing of Tooth and Talon

Feat 14

Traits: Rare, Animal, Wolfsguard Templar, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wolfsguard Templar
Cost: +1 Fervor to all costs

A Wolfsguard with this feat, their bonded animal companion can access their Fervor pool and Fervor abilities, though the drain is notably larger. This includes Holy Strike as well as all abilities that utilize Fervor, and all passives based on the Fervor Pool. Furthermore all natural attacks of the animal companion are now +2 Blessed weapons.

Machinist Manipulation

Feat 14

Traits: Rare, Devil Dog Templar, Fervor, Divine, Enchantment, Concentration
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Devil Dog Templar
Cost: 4 Fervor, 2 actions

Constructs are quite unique in their general immunity to magick of all kinds, divinely inspired or not, in many cases. However Cormaq Thunderhand heeds not such percieved immunities and through you has no intention of acknowledging them. A Devil Dog with this feat can touch a Construct type creature of any kind, spending the appropriate Fervor and actions to attempt to exert the will of their diety, over-riding the protocols and magicks deep within such a creature that define its basic functionality. This ability counts as a concentration effect, meaning the Devil Dog cannot use any Prayers that require concentration so long as they wish this to be active. The creature must attempt an Ego save against your Prayer DC. If it critically fails, it is utterly dominated for up to 1 hour (or however long you hold concentration, should you lose it before that). Should it merely regular fail, it is still utterly dominated, but its save gets rerolled as a secret check at the end of each turn it takes. Should it succeed, it is instead merely charmed, and as such you do not control it, but can dictate a brief one sentence mission statement to it that it will work towards achieving, so long as you don't put it in harms way. It gets to reattempt the save as a secret check at the end of its turns. Should it critically succeed it is unaffected. If it critically failed, even taking damage does not break the complusion. If it failed, taking damage only triggers another save attempt. If it succeeded, taking damage immediately ends the effect.

Extract Testimony

Feat 14

Traits: Inquistor, Rare, Templar, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Inquisitor with Read Guilt Feat
Cost: 2 Fervor, 1 Action

An Inquisitor with this feat can spend the appropriate actions and Fervor after using Sniff out the Guilty to target someone who's guilt they sensed that is within range (60 feet). They force their divine ego upon that target. The target must attempt an Ego Save against your Profession (Class) DC. If critically failed, the Inquisitor sees, in crystal clear clarity, the full extent of the memory of the event or actions that have caused this welled up feeling of guilt, and sees them in vivid detail. If they merely fail, the Templar merely sees the event itself not the full memory such as lead up or aftermath, just the raw moments of the act that has imbedded this guilt. If the target succeeds, they take 4d8 psychic damage and the Inquisitor sees nothing concrete, merely little fleeting snippets of the lead up and aftermath of the event. If they are critically successful, the Inquisitor sees nothing.

Traveler's Embrace

Feat 14

Traits: Rare, Order of the Stars Templar, Divine, Fervor, Aura
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order of the Stars Templar with Terrestrially Blessed Feat

The benefits of your Terrestrially Blessed Feat now always apply to you regardless of having any points of Fervor left. Furthermore, so long as you have at least 1 point of Fervor in your Fervor Pool, it is a 30 foot radius emanation that grants those benefits to all allies as well.

One with the Sea

Feat 14

Traits: Divine, Supernatural, Brazen Buccaneer, Fervor, Templar, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brazen Buccaneer

So long as a Brazen Buccaneer with this feat has 1 Fervor in their Fervor Pool, they can breathe underwater as if breathing air, and are even capable of talking underwater unhindered.

Storm Shroud; Blizzard

Feat 14

Traits: Rare, Cold, Storm-Lancer, Templar, Divine, Fervor, Aura
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Lancer Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor, 1 Action activation, Concentration

A Storm-Lancer with this feat may activate an ability known as Storm Shroud. This is their greatest Fervor power and has a variety of available forms to choose from, but the simplest is Blizzard. The temperature all around them within 15 foot radius plummets to freezing, the wind whipping and howling. Any creature within 15 feet of any Storm Shroud automatically is at a -2 to all melee attack rolls and -4 to all Ranged attack rolls, unless they are the Templar themselves. This does not stack should multiple Storm Shrouds overlap, but the next part can. Any creature the Templar deems as hostile that ends its turn within the shroud must attempt a Fortitude Save against the Templar's Profession DC. If they critically fail, they become afflicted with the Slow (2) condition and take double damage. If they normal fail, they suffer X Holy Dice cold damage, where 'X' is 1/2 the Templar's level, and are afflicted with Slow (1). If they succeed they take half damage and still suffer Slow (1), and if they critically succeed they merely suffer 'X' cold damage, where X is 1/2 the Templar's level, and are afflicted with no conditions.

Divine Redirection

Feat 14

Traits: Wyldespeaker Templar, Rare, Divine, Fervor, Reaction
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wyldespeaker Templar with Stay the Arcane Feat
Cost: An additional 2 Fervor for the normal reaction

Your Stay the Arcane now is much more potent, gifted to you by the goddess of magick herself. Instead of merely staying the arcane, should you critically succeed, you take full control of the spell-form and imbue it with divine energy, empowering it as if it was critically cast (increase the tier by 1) and choose new target area or targets for it. If you regular succeed you simply retarget the spell-form as is. If you regular fail, you retarget it, but it is also weakened by your prayers, treated as 1 Tier lower. If you critically fail, you simply flat counterspell the spell-form, with no additional effects or damage of any kind to anyone.

If you aren't Cheating you aren't Trying

Feat 14

Traits: Rare, Templar, Divine, Fervor, Diceman
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Diceman Templar
Cost: 5 Fervor

Gaining access to this boon much later than their priestly counterparts, a Diceman with this feat may spend the Fervor and 1 activity during their Daily Preparations to utilize this ability. they roll 1d20. That roll should be recorded. At any given point until they Rest again (so a Regroup doesn't get rid of this) as a response to any D20 roll they make, they can simply say "I'm going to cheat" and replace it with the recorded roll. They may spend 3 extra fervor to record two dice, and another 3 to record 3 dice, and so on, to a maximum number equal to 1/2 their Templar level.


Feat 14

Traits: Fire, Radiant, Divine, Fervor, Sky-Rider Templar, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access:Sky-Rider Templar
Cost: 'X' Fervor where 'X' is how many of your Holy Strike Dice you want the damage to be. 3 Actions

The Sky-Queen gifts her favored many powers, but perhaps none so directly devastating as this. This special ability allows the Sky-Rider to spend Fervor equal to the number of dice they wish to roll, and they can launch a beam of pure sunfire in a ten foot wide line out to a distance of 100 feet. All creatures within the line need to make a Reflex Save against the Sky-Rider's Profession DC. Critical Failure means they take double damage and are afflicted with Blinded (2) and Ablaze (X). If they merely fail, they are afflicted with Blinded (1) and Ablaze (X/2) as well as taking full damage based on how many Holy Strike Dice your rolling. A regular success is still afflicted with Ablaze (1) and takes half damage. Critical success merely takes X/2 damage. The damage is evenly split between Fire and Radiant.

Divine Understanding

Feat 16

Traits: Templar, Divine, Fervor, Uncommon, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar with the Blessed Foresight Feat
Cost: 2 Fervor Points

Templars with this feat gain a unique Fervor ability. At the cost listed, they declare a specific target that is a person, a unique location, or a uniquely named item, and may go into a trance that lasts for minutes equal to their Charisma or Constitution Modifier (whichever they picked as their primary attribute). They are granted a vision of sorts, able to see the target and the area the target is in as appropriate, though there is no guarantee they will recognize the area necessarily. They garner a basic verbal description of the area and events actively occurring at the time of the vision for the length of the trance. They may also ask two specific questions about the target and be granted a bit of divine knowledge and insight. (This last bit is purposely broad, your GM should help guide you as to what sort of parameters are available for you to learn and inquire, based on your diety.)

Studied Scriptures II

Feat 16

Traits: Templar, Divine, Prayer, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar with Studied Scriptures I Feat.

A Templar with this feat selects another Prayer they know, and forever more they never need to roll a Prayer check to call upon this divine Boon at Tier II, they need merely spend the appropriate actions.

Huntmaster's Dirge

Feat 16

Traits: Auditory, Fervor, Wolfsguard, Templar, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wolfsguard Templar
Cost: 2 Fervor, 2 Actions

Letting out a low howl, focusing on maintaining a specific pitch and tone across the whole sound, you allow this to flood the air around you, letting the will of the hunt flood forth from you. Any creature you deem as hostile within 60 feet that is capable of hearing you must attempt a Will Save against your Profession DC. If they critically fail, they are afflicted with Doomed (2), Frightened (2), and are marked to you and your allies, insuring any source dealing damage to them from yourself or your allies (packmates) deal 2 of your Holy Strike Dice as extra damage. This damage is the same type as the damage of the attack or spell. If they regular fail, they are afflicted with Doomed (1), Frightened (1), and only take 1 Holy Strike Dice as extra damage. If they succeed, they are merely Doomed (1) but no other effects. If they critically succeed they are unaffected.

Big Booms

Feat 16

Traits: Devil Dogs, Templar, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Devil Dog Templar

Devil Dog Templars with this feat roll an extra damage dice with all firearm, explosive and engineering weapons.

Chainup Strike

Feat 16

Traits: Inquisitor, Templar, Rare, Divine, Holy, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Inquisitor Templar
Cost: 2 additional Fervor when declaring a Holy Strike

This Feat allows an Inquisitor to declare a Holy Strike as a Chainup Strike. If the attack critically hits, the target falls Prone and is Paralyzed. If the attack merely hits, the target becomes Slow (3).

Eternal Wanderer

Feat 16

Traits: Order of the Stars, Templar, Rare, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order of the Stars Templar

An Order of the Stars Templar with this feat is immune to Paralysis or Entanglement/Immobilization.


Feat 16

Traits: Brazen Buccaneer, Templar, Movement, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brazen Buccaneer Templar with Ocean Motion Feat

Their Swim Speed now matches their movement speed.

Storm Shroud; Tempest

Feat 16

Traits: Storm-Lancer Templar, Rare, Divine, Fervor, Lightning, Aura
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Lancer Templar with Storm Shroud; Blizzard Feat
Cost: 2 Fervor, 1 action activation, Concentration

A Storm-Lancer with this feat gains a second option of Storm Shroud they may choose to activate, this one known as Tempest. Similarly the aura is a 15 foot emanation in all directions. This aura has a few unique effects. Firstly any and all creatures the Storm-Lancer considers allies, along with themselves, within the Aura are under the benefit of Hasten (1). Secondly, 1/round as a automatic free triggered action, triggered by the start of your turn, the aura will fire off a Lightning Bolt as a Spell Attack that doesn't count towards the Multiple Attack Penalty for you, at one target of your choice within 60 feet of you. This bolt of lightning if it hits, does 'X' damage dice, where X is 1/2 your Templar level and the damage dice size is your Holy Strike Dice. Furthermore any action with the Attack trait that you or any ally initiate within the aura's effect radius deals a bonus 'X' lightining damage where X=1/2 your Templar level+your Primary Attribute Modifier (Constitution or Charisma depending which you selected). Like all Storm Shroud options, this consumes your Concentration slot and can last up to 1 minute.

Gift of the Goddess

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Arcane, Primal, Divine, Wyldespeaker Templar, Prayer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wyldespeaker Templar

A Wyldespeaker with this feat selects a second school of arcane magick and adds three spell forms from it to their Prayer list.

Gifted Luck

Feat 16

Traits: Rare, Divine, Diceman Templar, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Diceman Templar with If you ain't Cheating, you ain't Trying Feat.
Cost: +1 Fervor/ally you wish to benefit

This feat is simple, yet very powerful. When activating If you ain't Cheating, you ain't Trying, a Diceman can pay 1 additional Fervor (and must pay that for EACH DIE ROLL) per ally they wish to effect to let their allies, as well as themselves store those d20 rolls and 'cheat' with them later.

Kiss of the Sun

Feat 16

Traits: Radiant, Fire, Sky-Rider Templar, Divine, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sky-Rider Templar

So long as you are outside and it is daytime, both you and your Pegasi mount have Fast Healing (X) where X=1/2 your Templar level.

Divine Champion

Feat 18

Traits: Templar, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar

So long as you have 1 Fervor in your Fervor Pool, all your attacks deal extra Radiant damage equal to 1 roll of your Holy Strike Dice.

Divine Bond

Feat 20

Traits: Rare, Templar, Fervor, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Templar

A Templar with this feat is someone truly blessed by their diety. 1/year should they die, they will awaken 1 minute later with hit points equal to the amount of Fervor they had left in their Fervor Pool before dying. Naturally should this number be 0, they will just die.

Huntmaster's Favored Wild Form

Feat 20

Traits: Animal, Wolfsguard Templar, Rare, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wolfsguard Templar with Wild Form Feat

A Wolfsguard with this feat has tapped into the true powers of their wild form, which is now a Huntmaster's Favored. They increase their damage dice with all natural attacks to 4d6, they are immune to poison, as well as the Paralyzed, Slow, Stun and Stupify conditions when in this form. Furthermore they gain Resist (X) where X is 1/2 their Templar level, to all damage of all types.

Magnum Opus

Feat 20

Traits: Rare, Devil Dog Templar, Divine, Item
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Devil Dog Templar

A Devil Dog whom selects this feat has created something truly masterful, a weapon all their own. This feat is an item creation feat and the player and GM will need to work this out together. They create an artifact level object, a unique weapon all their own that should have power, abilities, enchantments of an artifact. This is their magnum opus, their crowning achievement to please the god of invention, and pleased indeed is Cormaq Thunderhand. Beyond any normal powers it might have, it comes with two unique powers, gifted from the Divine Workshops. The first is Divine Piercing. This weapon ignores any and all Resist traits a creature might have, and still deals half damage to creatures with immunity to its damage type. Secondly, it has Bonded Recall. By spending 3 Fervor and three actions, the Templar can summon this weapon to hand from anywhere so long as they are on the same plane of existence as the object, meaning it cannot really be stolen or lost.

Judgement Strike

Feat 20

Traits: Divine, Inquisitor Templar, Fervor, Rare, Attack, Open
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Inquisitor Templar
Cost: 4 Fervor

An Inquisitor can only utilize this Holy Strike Augment on a target once, and that target must have been affected by Sniff out the Guilty. By spending the appropriate Fervor, you forgo all Holy Strike Damage, however the target when struck must make a Will Save. If they critically fail, then divine judgement is fully rended upon them here and now. A Voidling will be not banished, but wholly destroyed. A murderer/rapist would be immediately killed, executed for their crimes. Lesser criminals will be teleported, in chains, to the appropriate facility. Monsters/wildlife/extraplanar creatures will be killed/destroyed or appropriately restrained or even simply teleported far away to a more appropriate environment. If they merely fail, then immediate death is off the table. A Voidling will simply be banished. A murderer/rapist would simply be put to Dying (2) and fully in manacles and chains. Similarly teleportation would not occur, merely appropriate restraints. If they succeed, they take double Holy Strike damage. If they critically succeed, they still take full Holy Strike Damage.

Wanderer's Strides

Feat 20

Traits: Movement, Rare, Order of the Stars Templar, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Order of the Stars Templar

An Order of the Stars Templar who takes this feat doubles all their movement speeds permanently.

The Most Priceless of Treasures

Feat 20

Traits: Brazen Buccaneer Templar, Rare, Divine, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brazen Buccaneer
Cost: 10 Fervor

A Brazen Buccaneer with this feat can spend the appropriate Fervor and an hour making the corpse of someone ready. The person or creature can only have been dead for less than a week. They must bury them between the high and low tide markers on the coast of an ocean or sea. Once the tide rolls over the burial spot, so long as the creature has never been brought back to life by this means before, as the tide rolls out, they will awaken, uncovered, healed, and coughing forth sea water.

Fury of the Storm

Feat 20

Traits: Lightning, Thunder, Cold, Storm-Lancer Templar, Rare, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Storm-Lancer Templar with Both Storm Shroud Feats.

Whenever you activate a Storm-Shroud Feat, your bonded mount gains the benefits and becomes affected by the second one. Where these auras overlap, there are unique additional effects. All creatures you and your mount view as hostile within the area of effect are Deafened. Any hostile creature that enters (or is forced to enter by you moving closer) into that overlapping area takes 2d12 Thunder damage immediately and becomes Stunned (1). Furthermore ranged projectile attacks cannot hit anyone within the overlap of these two effects from the sheer power of the winds.

Blessed of the Aether

Feat 20

Traits: Divine, Rare, Wyldespeaker Templar, Elemental (all), Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wyldespeaker Templar

So long as you have 1 Fervor in your pool, you have Resist (X) where X=Templar level, to all eight elemental damage types. Even when your Fervor Pool is empty, these resist traits are still 1/2 your Templar Level.

Favored of the House

Feat 20

Traits: Rare, Fortune, Diceman Templar, Fervor
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Diceman Templar

So long as you have 1 Fervor in your Fervor Pool, you roll all d20s with the benefit of Fortune (roll twice take the best).


Feat 20

Traits: Fire, Death, Life, Rare, Sky-Rider Templar, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Sky-Rider Templar

1/year should you or your pegasi mount die, the bodies will immolate. These flames cannot be quenched or put out by any means short of direct divine intervention. 1 minute later, the previously dead pegasi (or you) will stride forth out of the flames, a little sooty and sweaty, but otherwise unharmed, as if you had never fallen.

Cover image: Fenna Novikoal, Storm-Lancer by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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