The Ascended Pantheon

The Pantheon of Valerick as we know it today is well established, each diety tied of the ancestral nations that are now reborn, nine nations for nine dieties. Each diety has their aspects, their sort of spheres of influence, where their power is believed to lie. The gods of the Ascended are seen much as a family, each taking certain responsibilities, watching over certain aspects of reality as it were. These aspects inform a lot about the faith as a whole, how its seen, whom may worship them, and even what sort of powers they may grant their most faithful, if one considers them for a moment. To truly understand the complexities of Divine Power, one must first understand at least a little about whom these Callings go out to, they must have some base understanding of the pantheon of Valerick. So shall we make proper introductions here.

Boran the Bloodhound: The Huntmaster's Faithful are the first diety and faith to cover, the faith formed under the champion of Raechin. Favored by hunters of all kinds and professions, as well as trackers, survivalists, and others of that ilk, Boran is seen as the keeper of balance. All things must die, and he is a sacred enforcer of that truth in myth and legend, and so to do his most faithful seek to keep that balance in his name. Death and Life, twin ideals, for you cannot have one without the other. Such is the Nature of reality, and the balance that must be well studied, that Knowledge well kept and passed on. These four aspects, these four ideals are the spheres of his influence as it were; Beasts, Death, Life, and Nature. It is well documented myth that after losing his wife, as Talia lost her husband, the pair of them became lovers, and it is believed they are to this day.

Cormaq Thunderhand: The Seekers of Progress are the next faith to cover, worshippers of the Divine Engineer, Cormaq Thunderhand, the faith formed under the Ascended Champion of the nation of Waston. Favored by scientists, researchers, engineers and inventors, the sorts of folks always at the cutting edges of our world, seeking to learn of the unknown, to understand things that seem to lack reason or explanation. Theirs is a unique faith, a strange one, one where the most blessed among them actively are seeking to remove mystery from the world and universe around them, a goal that would seem to suggest no more need for faith. This seeming contradiction is explained simply with the understanding that the universe, that Thunderhand himself, will never have a lack of new unexplainable things for those faithful to try and study, learn, understand and explain. He is after all an inventor and innovator. Creation, Destruction, Knowledge and Light are the sort of recognized spheres of influence that form his divine presence.

Deat-Kra: The Divine Peacemakers are the third of the faiths to cover, worshipping the Divine Judge, Deat-Kra, the faith formed under the Ascended Champion of the nation of Kang-Chorath. The followers of the Tantur god are quite hardline most commonly, they fall into line and are purveyors of law and order, ultimate believers of justice, loyalty and in general the idea of central authority wielding legal power. Lawyers, law enforcement officers, judges and justices these are the sorts of people whom are oft drawn to his faith. Community, Justice, Law, and Peace are his recognized spheres of influence that form his divine presence.

Feyheart: The Endless Explorers are the fourth of the faiths to cover, worshipping the Eternal Traveler, Feyheart, the faith formed under the Ascended Champion of the nation of Rohara. The followers of Feyheart are generally your travelling types, such as entertainers, wanna-be Exemplari, merchants and traders, explorers and archaeologists, those sorts of individuals. Entertainment, Travel, Trickery, and Twilight are his recognized spheres of influence that form his divine presence.

Captain Black Jeremiah: The Privateers of Faith are the fifth and perhaps oddest faith to cover here. Worshipping the High Captain, Black Jeremiah, the faith formed under the Ascended champion of the nation of Mora. The followers oft attracted to this faith are sailors, explorers, pirates/privateers and that ilk. His faith is most interesting for its connections to activities such as Piracy, adding an added layer of complication to such activities in some areas when it comes to proper criminalization. He is oft viewed as the sort of 'bastard step-child' of the Ascended, the one who perhaps least deserves inclusion, yet his role, presence and importance in the mythos of the End of the Sundering and the Ascension of the Champions cannot be denied. Sea, Tempest, Travel, and Wind are his recognized spheres of influence that form his divine presence.

Sir Kartheart: The Shields of Suranth, sixth on the list, are the worshippers of the Storm-Rider, Sir Kartheart, Ascended Champion of the nation of Suranth. The dwarf god's faith attracts soldiers, knights, adventurers, mercenaries, the sorts you might imagine may find themselves in more than their fair share of martial contests. Bravery, Battle, Protection and Tempest are his spheres of influence that are recognized to form his divine presence.

Talia: The Treestriders, seventh on the list, are the worshippers of the Lady of the Leaves, Talia, the Ascended Champion of the nation of Depenwood. She is a very unique part of this pantheon, due to the mythology and limited historical record confirming she was what we would know today as a Magister. As such it should be of little surprise she is a favored goddess of any Magister whom is of a religious bent at all. Beyond that however, she is a favorite among common folk, farmers, those with families. She is seen as the most parental and motherly of the gods. Healing, Love, Magick, and Nature are her recognized spheres of influence that form her divine presence.

Varis Tomain: The Faithful Gamblers are an oddity and are eighth on the list. Worshippers of the Eternal Gambler, Varis Tomain, the Ascended Champion of the nation of Susma. They are worshippers of the fate, luck, and yet embrace being skilled, embrace the need for training. The idea is the skilled don't always need to be lucky, but the lucky whom are skilled? Are the best of both worlds. They are aloof sorts for the most part, gentry and socialites, and this is another favorite god of mercenaries, travelers, adventurous types and soldiers. He is also the god most favored by more seedy types, like gamblers, theives and even assassins. Fate, Luck, Society and Trickery are the spheres of his influence that form his divine presence upon reality.

Vosana Falconhand: The Phoenix Riders are ninth on the list, and give a run for the money to those whom follow Boran or Sir Kartheart for the most militant faith. Worshippers of the Sky-Queen, Vosana Falconhand, Ascended Champion of Valewyr, this faith attracts those sorts most studious into the arts of war. Tacticians, generals, officers of all sorts, however also many Exemplari revere her as well. Sky, Strategy, Sun, and War are the spheres of her influence that are said to form her divine presence upon reality.


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