The Dealer

Within the hierarchy of the Dicemen, the templar order of the faithful of Varis Tomain, those whom come to a position of oversight and command within a localized chapter take on the title of 'Dealer'. This simple title is actual a reference to a position of command, a notation of their office within the order. Symbolically the switch from dice to a term used for cards plays a role in the nomenclature, signifying the importance of the office.

A Dealer will be in charge of a regional chapter of the Dicemen, generally in command of two to three dozen Dicemen and their Squires, as well as some general staff. Generally stationed at a major temple, in a large city, their command blankets across any temple within their area of command and any Dicemen assigned to the region. They often will bear a mark upon their left cheek or the side of their neck, a tattoo showing station. This tattoo will be of a playing card from a standard Gamba deck, depicting one of the 'face' cards of a particular suit.

A Dealer is responsible for recruitment, training, record-keeping for and organizing and alloting tasks and holy orders to those Dicemen under their umbrella of authority. They often will have political responsibilities within the region they oversee as well, acting as a sort of liason when required between the Dicemen and local authorities. A Dealer, unlike higher ranking offices within the Dicemen are still very much an in the field position, as they oft will need to travel from town to town and village to village for this very purpose.

The direct authority a Dealer possesses is limited, they are no military officer, however they do possess two powers in particular that are worthy of note for their broad applications of use, besides all their above responsibilities. First and foremost they hold sway over what is known as 'the power of the pot.' What this refers to is their power of the pen to send out holy orders, bounties effectively and their ability to make the executive decision, with little to no oversight, as to how much, if any physical rewards or promotions or otherwise are attached to any given order and task they pass down, such as hunting apostates, dangerous magickal beasts or monsters, or other holy tasks. Their second power is that of collection. This refers to their ability, in specific and limited circumstances, to order a crusade of sorts, a call to arms and muster attached to a specific location and task. They may only utilize this second power under a few specific circumstances, usually tied either to an active regional threat, such as a gnoll war pack or a crisis of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a Mannasurge Sandstorm, to search the area, help survivors and in the case of a Mannasurge Sandstorm that hit a settlement or busier roadways, to cleanse any of the mannasurge skeletons left behind, releasing those poor unfortunate souls to their eternal rest.


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Aug 20, 2024 22:47 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3