The Dicemen

When one uses the term Templar, that often sparks certain images in the mind of a particular sort. Well armored knights of faith, belief, of iron discipline and fervor beyond that of a ordinary warrior or a soldier, believing their diety guides all their actions. An absolute confidence. However as you learn of the various faiths of the Ascended and the arms and organizational divides within those faiths, such perceptions become simply a misguided falsehood, a stereotype of sorts that seems entirely miscalculated. The Dicemen are generally a well dressed bunch, often dressing in appropriate finery for the culture and region they hail from, though all wear a simply sash with their simple heraldry, the Shielded Boxcars, upon it. Unlike the common story-book and tall tale beliefs of what a Templar is, the Dicemen generally are lightly armored, if they are armored at all, and use firearms, explosives and generally smaller melee implements, preferring rapier or short blade to polearms or great weapon. They practice the skills of the silver tongue and of shadowy backroom linguistics and negotiation.

The Dicemen are the Templar arm of The Faithful Gamblers, those whom follow the faith of Varis Tomain, the halfman good of luck, coin, trade and ettiquete. They are a unique order as far as Templar orders go, and have an equally unique specialty. Their unique skill set and practices, as well as the way they train, make them uniquely qualified and skillful at rooting out Void Worshippers and cults attempting to hide in plain sight within large settlements. The Dicemen are often also unique among other religion's templar orders, as well as wtihin their own faith in general as they very often will aide and work with governing bodies, such as providing protective escort for tax collectors, as one prime example. They do this as a matter of faith, a strictly voluntary arrangement, allowing no money to exchange hands, a rarity indeed, all whilst any temples of Varis Tomain and any of those of the cloth or steel pays their taxes in full, and the Dicemen are no exception.
Religious, Holy Order

Character flag image: Lucky Dice by Keon Croucher, using Inkarnate


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