The Divine Peacemakers

We are the Divine Peacemakers. It is our duty to keep the peace between those under all the Ascended, and to safeguard us all against the cults of the foul ruined gods that would attempt to grow under our noses. We are the ones who do the most unforgiving and least glamorous of tasks. Holding our fellow sapients to account before their peers. For the worst cancers grow within, but it is the duty of all to be aware, and to stand in opposition to such acts. Just as it is our duty to investigate such activities. For if we abandon the way of proper open legal and civil discourse, we are little better than the beasts we stand to oppose.

The opening page of the holy text The Divine Law


The Divine Peacemakers are split into many congregations, as with all the faiths, though they take these divisions more formally than most. Buerocracy and legislation are something of a common theme, after all. However within the faith itself, there are as always, two distinct and recognized branches. The more militant, side, and those dedicated to the cloth. They are as follows;

The Inquisitors:

The Templar order within the faith of Deat-Kra are simply known as the Inquisitors. They are the truest form of law, unbending, very strict and zealous in their divine mission. They are known to be relentless in the pursuit of evil and lawbreakers, and are generally viewed as rather extreme, feared yet respected. There is a sitting Lord Inquisitor within the faith's organizatonal structure, a Tantur in his 60s by the name of Viktor Bellows, whom is known to be an intimidating figure.

The Abjudicators:

This is the name given to the faith in the streets, a name given due to the...common event that a judge or justice happens to be a member of the church of Deat-Kra. Such does seem to be their way. It is far from uncommon for those of the cloth to practice law in some fashion. For though the Inquisitors would seem to suggest a level of extremism in their views, the Abjudicators are the check and balance to this fact. They are the enforcement of the ideals of Justice for all, and the Inquisitors will not act in their most extreme capacities without appropriate documentation and permission from the complex buerocratic system of the church's inner most cases. Supreme Justice Mari Deltona, a Tantur woman of some advanced age, sits as the head of the faith as it were, holding the title of Supreme Justice.

Public Agenda

The Divine Peacemakers, despite their reputation are in fact devoted to the ideals of Peace and Community. They see themselves as the necessary oversight to allow such ideals to grow and thrive. For what community, what society can function peacefully with out Law and without a system in place for those whom feel wronged by their neighbors, employers, fellow members of society, to seek Justice? None, naturally, for such is the way of things. Such is the nature of sapient beings, there will be conflicts, and there need to be systems in place to resolve those conflicts. However their mission goes far beyond such civil discourse and civil service. They are the guardians of those ideals, the watchers, the ones most specialized to seek truth and hunt corrupt and fell cults, those whom would harbor secret worship and offerings to the Ruined Gods. Able to detect not only the influence of such corruption, for in truth this would be useless by itself, as no sapient being is without some small amount of corruption, but also able to detect the strength, the sheer breadth and volume of it.


Temples to Deat-Kra, those specifically dedicated to him, are found most numerous in the nation of Kang-Chorath, the same place in which the most holy site stands, the Courts of Unity in the city of Haramir. This is their grand cathedral, the heart of their faith, the monument of the Ascended Champion of the Tantur. The faith of the Divine Judge may also be found to be dominate in cities and towns known for their strong legislative tendencies and rule of law. It is also common custom anywhere in Valerick for any courthouse to have at least a small shrine to the Divine Judge within its walls, a sort of flourish and idealization of the thought that all legal proceedings, large or small, are under his watchful gaze.

Tenets of Faith

Like most faiths, your own code may add unto this, as could the region, congregation, or arm of the church you are tied to. However, broadly, the faith of Deat-Kra has a list of tenets to be followed known as Vir Rela or simply translated, Holy Law, and they are as follows;

  1. Respect the Laws of the Land

  2. Oppose Unjust Legislation anywhere you find it.

  3. Everyone deserves their day in Court

  4. Anyone charged with a crime has a responsibility to testify for their own defense under Oath

  5. Always triple check your process and paperwork.

Justice for all, Immunity for none

Founding Date
0001 SuD
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Holy Abjudicators

Worship and Divinely Granted Powers

Honoring the Holy Law is paramount. Besides that, generally just be a paragon for Justice and Law, behave with honor, seek peace, and maintain order, these are the sorts of things smiled upon by Deat-Kra and the church. Within those, their most sacred trust is that of the Arts of Arcanis, and in particular, the Magisterium, and keeping attention and eyes turned to it, and to those practicing such arts, to insure they are following the laws and regulations as mandated.

Judicial Rites

These are the prayers that allow Priests, Templars and others of that ilk to wield the bits of Divine Power that Deat-Kra is so gracious to provide.

Cover image: Judgement's Gavel, Holy Symbol of Deat-Kra by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.
Character flag image: The Fundamentals of Law by Keon Croucher, I used Inkarnate


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